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'Oscar Robinson' washed ashore in Hardwicke Bay
Men working to refloat the ketch 'Oscar Robinson' which washed ashore in Hardwicke Bay, Yorke's Peninsula, South Australia, on 8 August 1920.

Partial view of SS 'Eurimbla'
Partial view of the SS 'Eurimbla' which was launched from Osborne shipyard near Port Adelaide in 1921 featuring the ship's funnel emitting dark steam.

Two men talking at the launch of the SS 'Eurimbla'
Two men talking at the launch of the SS 'Eurimbla'; the man on the right is identified by Searcy as Mr. Poole, builder and partner in the Poole and Steele shipyard at Osborne, near Port Adelaide.

Four men at the launching of the steamboat 'Eurimbla'
Four men photographed at the launching of the new ship 'Eurimbla' from the Poole & Steele shipyard at Osborne, near Port Adelaide; names not known.

Poole & Steele shipyard under construction at Osborne
Distant view of the Poole & Steele shipyard under construction at Osborne, near Port Adelaide, South Australia.

Poole & Steele shipyard under construction at Osborne
Distant view of Poole & Steele shipyard under construction at Osborne, near Port Adelaide, South Australia.

American sailing ships at Birkenhead
Sailing ships, identified as being American berthed at Birkenhead, Port Adelaide.

A new ship launched at Osborne, South Australia
A new ship at sea shortly after a successful launch from the shipyard at Osborne, near Port Adelaide, South Australia; name not known.

Five men photographed at Osborne shipyard, South Australia
Five businessmen photographed visiting the shipyard at Osborne, near Port Adelaide, South Australia; names not known.

Electric supply power house under construction at Osborne
Distant view of an electric supply power house under construction at Osborne, near Port Adelaide, South Australia.

Men of the South Australian Yacht Squadron
Five men of the South Australian Yacht Squadron; names not known, but one could be Arthur Rymill, Commander of the Squadron.

The SS 'Eurimbla'
The SS 'Eurimbla' recently built at Osborne shipyard, near Port Adelaide, South Australia.

Launching of the SS 'Eurimbla'
The SS 'Eurimbla' making smoke during its launching at Osborne shipyard near Port Adelaide, South Australia.

A sailor on guard at Outer Harbor, South Australia
A sailor on guard standing on a wharf at Outer Harbor in March 1924, possibly during the visit of the British Royal Navy.

Football game at Norwood
Close view of players in a football match between Norwood and Port Adelaide which is being played at Norwood.

Spectators at a football match
Close view of spectators enjoying a football match between Port Adelaide and Sturt; children, women, and men are all smiling as if a goal has just been scored.

Men talking at Osborne shipyard, South Australia
A group of men having an informal chat whilst visiting the shipyard at Osborne, near Port Adelaide, South Australia; the man third from the left is identified as Captain Lee, other names not known.

Three men at Osborne shipyard, South Australia
Three men having a smoke at Osborne shipyard, near Port Adelaide, South Australia; the man standing far left is identified as being Mr. A.H. Poole.

Druids Friendly Society processional float
A 'Druids' Friendly Society horse drawn float depicting the original Druids and present members wearing regalia nearby; a horse wears a sign saying 'Brunswick', possibly a reference to the Brunswick Hotel at Port Adelaide.

Equipment used to load coal into a waiting cargo ship
Equipment being used to load coal into a waiting cargo ship moored at a wharf, possibly at Port Adelaide.

A tide predictor invented by Captain Inglis, South Australia
A tide predictor invented by Captain Alexander Inglis, Harbourmaster at Port Adelaide. South Australia.

A passenger steam launch and a small yacht at sea near Birkenhead, South Australia
A passenger steam launch and a small yacht at sea off Birkenhead near Port Adelaide, South Australia.

Politician W.O. Archibald with two male companions
South Australian politician W.O. Archibald standing far left with two male companions, names unknown.

On board the 'Grassendale' sailing ship in rough seas
Close view of seamen on board the rolling deck of the sailing ship 'Grassendale' during its journey to Port Adelaide in stormy weather; seawater is washing over the deck near a seaman balancing by a small boat lashed to the ship.

On board the 'Grassendale' sailing ship during rough weather
Close view of a seaman holding on to a safety rope as seawater washes over the deck of the 'Grassendale' sailing ship during stormy weather at sea on its voyage to Port Adelaide, South Australia. [Additional information suggests that this ship is 'Imperator Alexander II' ex Grassendale, with the photo taken by the Master, Captain V.A. Henriksson.]

Two seamen on board the 'Grassendale' sailing ship during rough weather
On board the 'Grassendale' during rough weather at seas; a seaman is at the steering wheel and a companion holds on to the rails of the ship during a voyage to Port Adelaide, South Australia.

Rough seas pounding on to the deck of the 'Grassendale' sailing ship
Close view of rough seas flowing over the deck of the 'Grassendale' sailing ship with two seamen holding on to safety rope during a voyage to Port Adelaide, South Australia.

Ice breaking equipment on the bow of the 'Aurora', Antarctic expedition ship
Close view of the ice breaking equipment on the bow of the Australasian Antarctic Expedition ship 'Aurora'.

A husky dog chained up on board the 'Aurora'
A husky dog chained up on board the 1911-1914 Australasian Antarctic Expedition's ship 'Aurora' during the return of the party to South Australia.

Mail day at the Outer Harbor, Port Adelaide, South Australia.
Five views in one illustrating activities at Outer Harbor on a mail day: 1. Waterside workers handling crates of butter for the mail ship's voyage. 2. A porter with luggage. 3. The 'Orsova' mail steamer at sea. 4. Porters removing sacks of mail from the eastern States and New Zealand from a train. 5. Passengers en route to the mail steamer.