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The 'Garthsnaid' after being dismasted

The 'Garthsnaid' after being dismasted

The steel barque 'Garthsnaid', 1418 tons, after being dismasted [built as 'Inversnaid' which see for details 'Garthsnaid'. She was dismasted off Gabo Island, east coast of Australia, and was picked up and towed into Melbourne by SS 'Zealandic' in what were considered very creditable circumstances due to stress of wind and weather].

The 'Canna' under sail

The 'Canna' under sail

The iron barque 'Canna', 479 tons, under sail. [See Annie McDonald] [iron three mast barque, 479 tons. ON85112, 152.7 x 29.1 x 15.5. Built 1882 (2) W. Walker and Co. London. Owners as Canna = British and Mexican Shipping Co. Ltd. WC Jarvis and Sons, registered Liverpool. Built as the Annie McDonald for McDonald, Scales and Co. registered London and renamed Canna about 1901].

The 'Star of Persia' in the River Avon as the barque 'Edith'

The 'Star of Persia' in the River Avon as the barque 'Edith'

The iron barque 'Star of Persia', 1227 tons in the River Avon as the barque 'Edith' [iron ship (converted to barque upon sale and renaming in 1893) 1289 tons, ON60312, 227.0 x 35.0 x 22.2. Built 1868 (6) Harland and Wolff, Belfast. Owners: JP Cory and Co., registered Belfast. Sold 1893 to German owners and renamed 'Edith'].

The 'Aline' in the River Avon

The 'Aline' in the River Avon

The iron barque 'Aline', 718 tons, in the River Avon. [iron 3 m. barque, 739 t. ON72402, 185.9 x 30.2 x 18.8. Built 1875 (11) R. Steele and Co. Greenock. Jas. Grieve & others. reg. Greenock.]

The 'John Davie' dismasted off Teneriffe

The 'John Davie' dismasted off Teneriffe

The iron barque 'John Davie', 1062 tons, dismasted off Teneriffe.

The 'Condor' after being wrecked

The 'Condor' after being wrecked

The iron barque 'Condor', 1358 tons, after being wrecked. [ iron 3 mast barque, 1358 tons, ON91861, 228.8 x 37.2 x 21.5. Built 1885 (7) Oswald Mordaunt and Co. Southampton. Owners G. Petrie, registered London.]

The 'Benmore' in an unidentified harbour

The 'Benmore' in an unidentified harbour

The iron barque 'Benmore', 536 tons, in an unidentified harbour. [Iron 3 masted barque, 536 tons. ON52853, 166.3 x 28.1 x 17.3. Built 1868 (10) Iliff and Mounsey, Sunderland. Owners: RD Turcan registered Alloa. c.1870 Gourlay Bros. and Co. Registered Glasgow. c. 1890 sold to German owners and renamed 'Emma Bauer'. Sold c.1900 to Sweden and renamed 'Anders'. Vol. 62 no. 9.]

The 'Birkdale' under sail

The 'Birkdale' under sail

The steel barque 'Birkdale', 1483 tons, under sail. [steel barque 1483 tons. ON99401, 248.5 x 37.5 x 21.7. Built 1892 (5) CJ Bigger Londonderry. Owners P. Iredale and Porter, registered Liverpool. Sold 1897 Chadwick Wainbright and Co. later G. Ronald (of Callao) still retained British registry. Wrecked near Cape Horn, on Lobos Island in 1927.]

The 'Esmeralda' at Bristol

The 'Esmeralda' at Bristol

The iron barque 'Esmeralda', 730 tons, at Bristol [iron ship, later barque, 730 tons. ON54982, 188.4 x 31.1 x 19.0. Built 1866 (4) T Verson and Son, Liverpool. TH Ismay and Co and successors. (White Star Line), registered Liverpool, sold 1894 to Danish owners without change of name. Sold 1909 to Italian owners without change of name. Converted into a lightship in the River Plate in 1910 and in the 1950s still engaged in the same capacity].

The 'Moel Eilian' at anchor

The 'Moel Eilian' at anchor

The iron barque 'Moel Eilian', 1109 tons, at anchor [iron 3 mast barque, 1109 tons, ON77418. 221.5 x 35.0 x 21.2. Built 1877 (11) W Doxford and Sons, Sunderland. Owners: WE Jones, registered Carnarvon. c.1914 renamed 'Valkyrie'].

The 'Whitepine' under sail

The 'Whitepine' under sail

The iron barque 'Whitepine', 495 tons, under sail.

The 'Strathdon' under sail

The 'Strathdon' under sail

The steel barque 'Strathdon', 2093 tons, under sail [steel barque, 2093 tons, ON90126, 282.8 x 40.5 x 23.6. Built 1885 (5) Harland and Wolff, Belfast, as 'Queen's Island' for S Lawther, registered Belfast, sold to George Thompson and Co., 1890 and renamed 'Strathdon' registered Aberdeen. Sold and renamed 'Gers' and owned by AD Bordes and broken up in 1924. NB. There were two sailing ships of this name operated by the Aberdeen White Star Line, the earlier vessel was built in 1860 - do not confuse - note by Parsons. Under the name 'Strathdon' was well known in the Australian cargo trade].

The 'England's Glory' wrecked at the entrance to Bluff Harbour, NZ

The 'England's Glory' wrecked at the entrance to Bluff Harbour, NZ

The iron barque 'England's Glory', 787 tons, wrecked at the entrance to Bluff Harbour, NZ on November 7 [iron 3 mast barque (originally ship rig) 787 tons. ON60919. 183.3 x 31.2 x 19.7. Built 1869 (3) W Pile and Co. Sunderland. Owners Peter Smith (of Plymouth) registered London; later EHR Moon. Wrecked Nov 7, 1881 near the entrance to Bluff Harbour, New Zealand].

The 'England's Glory' wrecked at the entrance to Bluff Harbour, NZ

The 'England's Glory' wrecked at the entrance to Bluff Harbour, NZ

The iron barque 'England's Glory', 787 tons, wrecked at the entrance to Bluff Harbour, NZ on November 7 [iron 3 mast barque (originally ship rig) 787 tons. ON60919. 183.3 x 31.2 x 19.7. Built 1869 (3) W Pile and Co. Sunderland. Owners Peter Smith (of Plymouth) registered London; later EHR Moon. Wrecked Nov 7, 1881 near the entrance to Bluff Harbour, New Zealand].

The 'Rockhurst' under sail

The 'Rockhurst' under sail

The iron barque 'Rockhurst', 848 tons, under sail.

The 'River Lune' wrecked at Scilly Islands

The 'River Lune' wrecked at Scilly Islands

The iron barque 'River Lune', 1163 tons, wrecked at Scilly Islands [iron ship, 1172 tons, ON58952, 216.0 x 35.6 x 22.3. Built 1868 (11) Schlesinger, Davis and Co. Newcastle upon Tyne. Owners: John Hargrove, registered Liverpool. Wrecked at Scilly Isles].

The 'Edinburgh Castle' at anchor

The 'Edinburgh Castle' at anchor

The iron barque 'Edinburgh Castle', 627 tons, at anchor [iron 3 mast barque 627 gross tons. ON45971. 185.5 x 29.3 x 18.7. Built 1863 (5) JG Lawrie, Glasgow. Owners T Skinner and Co. registered Glasgow. Wrecked at Warrnambool Victoria January 15, 1888 when she struck while entering in charge of a pilot. Efforts to save the vessel proved useless. She was inward with a cargo of cement for the new breakwater].

The 'Auchmountain' in an unidentified harbour

The 'Auchmountain' in an unidentified harbour

The steel barque 'Auchmountain', 1460 tons, in an unidentified harbour. She was wrecked on her maiden voyage from Glasgow to Sydney. [steel barque, 1456 tons, built 1892 Russell and Co. Greenock. Owners JL Walker and Co.. Registered Greenock. Wrecked Sept. 3, 1892, Tail o'bank, at the commencement of her voyage from Glasgow towards Sydney and Newcastle, with a general cargo that included gunpowder.]

The 'Bargany' at Hobart

The 'Bargany' at Hobart

The iron barque 'Bargany', 1253 tons, at Hobart. [iron ship, 1295 tons. ON72371, 226.3 x 37.1 x 21.9. Built 1874 (10) A. McMillan and Sons, Dumbarton. Owners: J. Kerr and Co. registered Greenock. c. 1900 sold Norway without change of name and reduced to barque rig.]

The 'Oberon' at Hobart

The 'Oberon' at Hobart

The iron barque 'Oberon', 755 tons, at Hobart [iron 3 mast barque, 762 gross tons, 188.0 x 31.5 x 18.5. Built 1878 (2) Austin and Hunter, Sunderland. Owners: G Bolte, registered Elsfleth, Germany].

The 'Loch Rannoch' under sail

The 'Loch Rannoch' under sail

The iron barque 'Loch Rannoch', 1185 tons, under sail iron ship, 1243 tons. ON60354, 217.8 x 35.5 x 21.0. Built 1868 (8) J&G Thomson, Glasgow. Owners: Glasgow Shipping Co., (Aitken, Lilburn and Co., - Loch Line) registered Glasgow. Built as 'Clanranald ' for JP Kidston, registered Glasgow. Sold 1907 to Norwegians and later German owned. Broken up. In the Australian cargo trades until 1906-7].

The 'Howrah' anchored in an unidentified harbour

The 'Howrah' anchored in an unidentified harbour

The iron barque 'Howrah', 1098 tons, anchored in an unidentified harbour.

The 'Angerona' having her hull repainted

The 'Angerona' having her hull repainted

The iron ship 'Angerona', 1292 tons, having her hull repainted. [iron ship, 1292 tons. ON70894, 226.0 x 36.1 x 22.1. Built 1874 (11) Whitehaven Shipbuilding Co. Whitehaven: William Lowden, registered Liverpool, then Lowden Edgar and Co. c.1890 W. Lowden and Co., eventually became Norwegian owned without change of name and finally 'Hippen' and broken up under that name in 1924.]

The 'Walden Abbey' at anchor

The 'Walden Abbey' at anchor

The iron ship 'Walden Abbey', 1799 tons, at anchor [iron ship, 1799 tons, ON84187, 263.0 x 39.1 x 24.1. Built 1881 (11) WH Potter and Son, Liverpool. Owners: J Poole and Co., Liverpool. c.1900 Macvicar, Marshall and Co., registered Liverpool. c.1910 to Norwegian owners without change of name].

The 'William Law' at anchor

The 'William Law' at anchor

The steel ship 'William Law', 1774 tons, at anchor [steel 3 mast ship, 1774 tons, ON98674, 252.1 x 40.0 x 22.4. Built 1891 (10) Russell and Co. Greenock. Owners: William Law Shipping Co., registered Yarmouth, Nova Scotia. 1902 became 'Hilbre' under captain Oscar W. Smith, owned by Smith Brothers Shipping Ltd., registered Cardiff. c.1905 sold to Italian owners and renamed 'Buenos Ayres']. Sunk by the German raider Felix von Luckner in 1917.

The 'Dimsdale' at the Semaphore anchorage after wrecking the Wonga Shoal Lighthouse

The 'Dimsdale' at the Semaphore anchorage after wrecking the Wonga Shoal Lighthouse

The steel ship 'Dimsdale', 1887 tons, at the Semaphore anchorage after wrecking the Wonga Shoal Lighthouse [steel ship, 1887 tons. ON97834. 270.0 x 39.8 x 23.4. Built 1890 (12) CJ Bigger. Londonderry. Owners: C&G Jamieson, registered Liverpool, later Dimsdale Ship Co (Iredale and Porter) registered Liverpool, sold and renamed Kwango under Norwegian flag. Wrecked in Gulf of Saint Lawrence 1915. Famous as the vessel which'sank' the lighthouse off Semaphore in St. Vincent's Gulf in November 1912 (The Wonga Shoal Light)].

The 'Cuthona' at anchor

The 'Cuthona' at anchor

The iron ship 'Cuthona', 1752 tons, at anchor [iron 3 mast ship, 1752 tons. ON91209, 250.8 x 39.0 x 24.0. Built 1885 (3) Richardson, Duck and Co. Stockton. Owners JH Worthington and Co. registered Liverpool].

The 'Brilliant' and 'Thermopylae' in Sydney Harbour

The 'Brilliant' and 'Thermopylae' in Sydney Harbour

The iron ship 'Brilliant' (left), 1666 tons, and the composite ship 'Thermopylae' (right), 949 tons, in Sydney Harbour ['Thermopylae' = composite ship, 948 tons, ON60688, 212.0 x 36.0 x 21.0. Built 1868 (8) Walter Hood and Co. Aberdeen. Owners: George Thompson and Co. (Aberdeen White Star Line) registered Aberdeen. Sold to Portugese in 1896 and employed as a Naval Training ship. Built as a China Tea Clipper and then moved into the Australian trades where she became very famous and said to have been one of the fastest clippers in the trade].

The 'Ben Voirlich' with tug 'Resolute' alongside

The 'Ben Voirlich' with tug 'Resolute' alongside

The iron ship 'Ben Voirlich', 1540 tons, with tug 'Resolute' alongside. [Iron ship, later barque 1540 tons. ON68067, 255.6 x 37.1 x 21.8. Built 1873 (12) Barclay, Curle and Co. Glasgow. Owners: Watson Bros. registered Glasgow. Sold 1891 to German owners and ultimately converted to a barque rig, without change of name. In 1903 sold to Italian owners without change of name. Well known clipper in the Australian trade.]

The 'Horsa' stranded on the Cornish Coast

The 'Horsa' stranded on the Cornish Coast

The iron ship 'Horsa', 1128 tons, stranded on the Cornish Coast [iron ship, 1163 tons. ON28639. 220.0 x 34.2 x 21.7. Built 1860 (7) Scott and Co. Greenock. Owners: Rathbone Bros. registered Liverpool, later Star Navigation Co. registered Liverpool. Then 'Ship Horsa Co'. (G McAllester and sons) registered Liverpool. On a voyage from New Zealand to England with cereals she stranded 4 April 1893, Bread and Cheese Cove, St. Martins was towed off but foundered 20 miles south west of the Scilly Isles. Not regularly in any trades to Australia but visited both that country and New Zealand as charters found].