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The 'Drumburton' anchored in an unidentified port

The 'Drumburton' anchored in an unidentified port

The four masted iron ship 'Drumburton', 1891 tons, anchored in an unidentified port.

The 'Drumeltan' docked in an unidentified port

The 'Drumeltan' docked in an unidentified port

The four masted iron barque 'Drumeltan', 1908 tons, docked in an unidentified port [iron 4 mast barque 1908 tons. ON87920, 267.3 x 40.3 x 24.0. Built 1883 (11) Russell and Co. Greenock Owners Gillison and Chadwick registered Liverpool. Stranded April 25, 1894 at Tanega Sima, Japan and later refloated and repaired and became the property of Anglo-American Oil Co. c.1921 sold to Browne, Willis and Co and renamed Margaret Overman and enrolled at Punta Arenas, Costa Rica].

The 'Drumcliff' in an unidentified port

The 'Drumcliff' in an unidentified port

The four masted iron barque 'Drumcliff', 2525 tons, in an unidentified port [iron 4 mast ship, later 4 mast barque. 2525 tons, ON93713, 311.3 x 43.2 x 24.2. Built 1887 (1) Russell and Co. Greenock. Owners Gillison and Chadwick. Registered Liverpool. c.1900 became the German Omega and later the Peruvian vessel of the same name. When she foundered June 26, 1958 it was said she had been the last square rigged sailing ship actually in trade].

The 'Drumcraig' in an unidentified port

The 'Drumcraig' in an unidentified port

The four masted iron barque 'Drumcraig', 1979 tons, in an unidentified port [iron 4 mast barque, 1979 tons. ON91178, 280.4 x 41.1. x 23.5. Built 1885 (1) Barrow SB Co. Ltd. Barrow. Owners Gillison and Chadwick, registered Liverpool. Went missing in 1906 on a voyage from Astoria to Manila].

The 'Albyn' docked in an unidentified port

The 'Albyn' docked in an unidentified port

The four masted iron barque 'Albyn', 2154 tons, docked in an unidentified port. [I 4 mast bq. 2154t. ON87843, 284.0 x 40.3 x24.4, B.1883 (4) Oswald, Mordaunt & Co. Southampton, Owners: Sailing Ship Albyn Co. Ltd. (J. Houston and Co.) reg. Liverpool; subsequently, without change of name became Russian, Swedish and Finnish, being lost in 1921 under the Finnish flag when she went missing in 1921 whilst on a voyage from Norfolk Virginia toward Sweden.]

The 'Ellisland' anchored in an unidentified port

The 'Ellisland' anchored in an unidentified port

The four masted iron barque 'Ellisland', 2426 tons, anchored in an unidentified port [iron 4 mast barque, 2426 tons ON87984, 302.3 x 41.4 x 25.0. Built 1884 (4) Oswald, Mordaunt and Co. Southampton. Owners: J Houston and Co. Registered Liverpool].

The 'Marion Frazer' in an unidentified port

The 'Marion Frazer' in an unidentified port

The four masted steel barque 'Marion Frazer', 2396 tons, in an unidentified port [steel 4 mast barque, 2396 tons, ON99827. 295.0 x 43.0 x 24.1. Built 1892 (6) C Connell and Co. Glasgow. Owners: Rogers and Co., registered Glasgow. c. 1904 Mary Ballantyne Ship Co. Ltd. (W Lewis and Co.) registered Glasgow].

The 'Balmoral' moored in an unidentified port

The 'Balmoral' moored in an unidentified port

The four masted iron barque 'Balmoral', 2614 tons, moored in an unidentified port. [iron 4 mast barque, 2614 tons. ON99420. 301.8 x 41.9 x 24.6. Built 1892 (7) WH. Potter and Sons. Liverpool. Owners: Iron Sailing Ship Balmoral Co. (Macvicar, Marshall and Co.) registered Liverpool c.1910. G. Windram and Co. registered Liverpool. Reportedly sunk in 1916 when under the Italian flag.]

The 'Lathom' in an unidentified port

The 'Lathom' in an unidentified port

The four masted steel barque 'Lathom', 3082 tons, in an unidentified port [steel 4 mast barque, 3082 tons, ON99304. 324.0 x 46.0 x 25.2. Built 1891 (8) T Royden and Sons, Liverpool. Owners:Steel Sailing Ship Lathom Co. Macvicar, Marshall and Co. Registered Liverpool. Became 'Bertha' owned by DH Watjen and Co. Registered Bremen].

The 'Forteviot' docked in an unidentified port

The 'Forteviot' docked in an unidentified port

The four masted steel barque 'Forteviot', 3145 tons, docked in an unidentified port [steel 4 mast barque, 3145 tons, ON97884, 317.3 x 46.0 x 25.2. Built 1891 (8) WH Potter and Sons, Liverpool. Owners: Steel Sailing Ship Forteviot Ltd. (Macvicar, Marshall and Co.) registered Liverpool c.1911 renamed 'Werner Vinnen'. Captured at sea in September 1914 and condemned as a war prize and renamed 'Yawry'. Renamed 'Bellands' in 1916. Sold in 1922 to Norwegians and renamed 'Yavry (?) and broken up in 1925. This change is quoted by Lubbock however it is not shown in Lloyds] [steel auxiliary screw 5 mast schooner, 1859 gross, 1548 net tons. 261.5 x 44.4 x 19.2. Built 1922 Fred Krupp AG Kiel. Owners: FA Vinnen and Co., registered Bremen].

The 'Le Havre' in an unidentified port

The 'Le Havre' in an unidentified port

The wooden ship 'Le Havre' in an unidentified port. The ship was built in 1845.

A wooden brig docked in an unidentified port

A wooden brig docked in an unidentified port

A bluff-bowed, wall-sided wooden brig docked in an unidentified port.

An unidentified ship in an unidentified port

An unidentified ship in an unidentified port

An identified in an unidentified port [not a British topsail schooner as previously identified].

The 'Wild Duck' in dock at Port Chalmers

The 'Wild Duck' in dock at Port Chalmers

The wooden ship 'Wild Duck', 735 tons, in dock at Port Chalmers. The ship was built in 1859 with double topsails on foremast [wooden ship, 736 tons, ON27787, 154.5 x 31.5 x 21.0. Built 1859, Sunderland. Owners: Robinson Shaw and Co., registered London. Chartered to Shaw Savill and Co., and almost exclusively in the England-New Zealand trades from 1860 to 1873 and for many years in charge of Captain Bishop].

The 'Salamander' in an unidentified port

The 'Salamander' in an unidentified port

The wooden schooner 'Salamander', 115 tons, with topsails in an unidentified port. The ship was built in 1856 for the opium trade [wooden 2 mast schooner, 115 tons. Built 1856 Hall and Co. Aberdeen. Owners: Hall and Co., registered Aberdeen. Lloyds of 1859 says that this vessel was destined for a voyage to China. 'The Opium Clippers' by B Lubbock p.340/1 gives some information about her career].

The 'Soblomsten' moored in an unidentified port

The 'Soblomsten' moored in an unidentified port

The wooden barque 'Soblomsten', 319 tons, moored in an unidentified port. The photograph was taken in the 1870s when her masts had been reduced in height and double topsails provided. There is a Bentinck-boom to spead foot of foresail. The ship was built in 1807 [wooden 3 mast barque, 342 gross, 319 net tons. 99.4 x 28.4 x 16.7. Built 1807 Arendal. Owners in 1895 were Arent Larsen, registered Arendal, Norway].

The 'Strathnairn' docked in an unidentified port

The 'Strathnairn' docked in an unidentified port

The wooden barque 'Strathnairn', 698 tons, docked in an unidentified port.

The 'Gogoburn' in an unidentified port

The 'Gogoburn' in an unidentified port

The iron barque 'Gogoburn', 1098 tons, in an unidentified port. This is an example of a later, larger barque. ['Alfredo' registered in Montevideo, c. 1910. See 'Gogoburn'] [iron barque, 1098 tons. ON86722, 217.0 x 34.2 x 20.0. Built 1882 (11) Birrell, Stenhouse and Co. Dumbarton. Owners: M Carswell, registered Glasgow c.1910 became 'Alfredo' registered in Montevideo. Ref.5 (Vol 1) gives a description of heavy weather and the captain being washed overboard].

The 'Brownrigg' in an unidentified port

The 'Brownrigg' in an unidentified port

The four masted iron ship 'Brownrigg', 2279 tons, in an unidentified port. The large topgallant sails have been divided to make double topgallant sails--a rig which came to be widely adopted. Skysails are set on the fore and mainmasts. The spike bowsprit, which replaces the bowsprit and jib-boom is another innovation. [iron 4 mast ship, 2375 tons, ON87976, 301.1 x 42.0 x 24.3. Built 1884 (4) Russell and Co. Greenock. Owneers: John Houston, reg. Liverpool. Wrecked near Hull, c. 1888. Reputed to be a very fast sailing ship].

The 'Jerfalcon' docked at Port Chalmers

The 'Jerfalcon' docked at Port Chalmers

The iron barquentine 'Jerfalcon', 298 tons, docked at Port Chalmers.

The 'Lufra' anchored in an unidentified port

The 'Lufra' anchored in an unidentified port

The composite barque 'Lufra', 672 tons, anchored in an unidentified port. The ship was built in 1870 [iron ship, altered to barque c.1875. 705 tons. ON62437. 179.7 x 31.7 x 17.9. Built 1870 (1) A Hall and Co. Aberdeen. Owners: William Anderson and Co. registered Banff; by 1875 AG Webster and Co., registered Hobart; c.1877 Alex. McGregor, registered Hobart, and later AE Risby of Hobart. About the turn of the century sold to Scandinavia and drops from the register c.1909. Lubbock claims the vessel was built as a China Clipper but was too late for the trade. She spent most of her life in the England-Australia trade, and when enrolled at Hobart was a regular trader to England].

The 'Smart' in the Danish port, Marstal

The 'Smart' in the Danish port, Marstal

The Danish schooner 'Smart', 241 tons, in the Danish port of Marstal. This is an unusual looking schooner with a convex stem. Many such vessels were built in Denmark to serve as Baltic Traders [wooden 3 mast schooner, 241 tons, 119.4 x 26.9 x 12.0. Built 1901 Chr. Christensen, Kolding. Owners: RJ Albertsen, registered Marstal]. According to a researcher, "'Smart' sank on 11 November 1912, on a journey from Rabat to Lisbon in ballast. Rammed by Portuguese steam ship SS 'Elite' off Lisbon and sunk, near Cape Espichel, with the pilot on board. The steamship, which did not look out, rammed 'Smart' with great force, and 'Smart' got a significant leak. The crew ran aboard the SS 'Elite' while 'Smart' sank." Hundreds of this type of schooner were built in Denmark between 1880 and 1930. They were built for the triangle trading route between Denmark - Newfoundland - Mediterranean - Denmark. The trade stopped at the outbreak of World War II in 1939.

The 'Ignatz Breum' in an unidentified port

The 'Ignatz Breum' in an unidentified port

The Danish barquentine 'Ignatz Breum', 237 tons, in an unidentified port. The stunsail booms provide and unusual feature of this handsome little vessel [wooden 3 mast schooner, 237 tons, 114.3 x 22.9 x 11.3. Built 1884. JR Anderson, Svendborg, Owners: Ignatz Breum, registered Odense, Denmark].

The 'Hudson' moored in an unidentified port

The 'Hudson' moored in an unidentified port

The United States wooden ship 'Hudson', 1801 tons, moored in an unidentified port (but probably Greenwich, U.K.). This is an extremely lofty vessel with three fidded royal masts.

The 'Eugene Hale' docked in an unidentified port

The 'Eugene Hale' docked in an unidentified port

The United States wooden brigantine 'Eugene Hale', 443 tons, docked in an unidentified port. A lofty little vessel which could set a cloud of canvas [wooden brigantine, 443 tons. US ON 135360. 124.0 x 29.0 x 17.0. Built 1878. Rideout and Lord, Calais, Maine. Owners: S Harding, registered Calais, Maine].

The 'Crocodile' docked in an unidentified port

The 'Crocodile' docked in an unidentified port

The four masted steel barque 'Crocodile', 2555 tons, docked in an unidentified port. The ship is fitted with a midship section or 'Liverpool House' and a short whale back poop [steel 4 mast barque 2555 tons, ON99400 288.4 x 41.2 x 24.6 Built 1892 (5) Southampton Naval Works Co. Southampton Owners Peel MacAlistar and Son, registered Liverpool. c.1904 management passes to W Thomas, Son and Co, registered Liverpool. Sold to Norwegians in 1915.

The 'Pegasus' anchored in an unidentified port

The 'Pegasus' anchored in an unidentified port

The four masted steel barque 'Pegasus', 2631 tons, anchored in an unidentified port. The ship was fitted with a midship section of 'Liverpool House' and a flying horse figurehead [iron 4 mast ship (later 4 mast barque) 2631 tons, ON91147. 314.0 x 42.3 x 24.9. Built 1884 (7) WH Potter and Sons, Liverpool: owners WT Dixon and Sons, registered Liverpool, later CW Corsar. c.1910 to Norwegian owners. Wrecked on a voyage Sundsvall to Melbourne with timber August 27, 1912, Market Island, Gulf of Bothnia, towed off but condemned and broken up].

The 'Scottish Hero' docked in an unidentified port

The 'Scottish Hero' docked in an unidentified port

The iron barque 'Scottish Hero', 869 tons, docked in an unidentified port [also known as the 'Saturnus'. From information supplied: This ship made several voyages to Brisbane, Maryborough, Rocky, Mackay, Townsville and Cairns dropping passengers off along the way. It usually sailed out of Plymouth and London. The ship looks like it is up the Fitzroy River, Rockhampton, but it might also be the Mary River, Maryborough, Queensland. [iron barque, 911 tons, ON73670, 196.6 x 33.0 x 19.1. Built 1876 (5) W Doxford and Sons., Sunderland. Owners: McIllwraith, McEacharn and Co., registered London: c.1894 'Saturnus' sold German owners and renamed].

The 'Scottish Admiral' docked in an unidentified port

The 'Scottish Admiral' docked in an unidentified port

The iron barque 'Scottish Admiral', 939 tons, docked in an unidentified port [iron barque, 986 tons, ON77111, 217.8 x 32.8 x 18.1. Built 1878 (4) W Doxford and Sons, Sunderland. Owners: McIllwraith, McEacharn and Co., registered London. Sunk, following a collision, while laid up 10 February, 1894 in the River Medway].

The 'Scottish Prince' docked in an unidentified port

The 'Scottish Prince' docked in an unidentified port

The iron barque 'Scottish Prince', 895 tons, docked in an unidentified port [iron barque, 950 tons, ON79622, 210.2 x 32.6 x 18.0. Built 1878 (7) A Hall and Co., Aberdeen. Owners: McIllwraith, McEacharn and Co., registered London. Wrecked Stradbroke Island, entrance Moreton Bay, Queensland February 3, 1887].