Find • police • Results 691 to 720 of 1,474

Waterside Workers' Strike
[General description] The large crowd of the unionist watersiders lining the barricades around the Port Adelaide Police Station just before they entered the office adjoining these premises to register under the Transport Workers' Act. It was estimated that throughout the day about 1,460 unionists and 600 volunteers signed their names and received certificates. The photograph on the right is of the queue filing Into the bureau. (This description is from caption attached to this image in the 'Register', 2nd October, 1928) [On back of photograph] 'Reproduced in the 'Register', October 1st, 1928 / Waterside workers' strike, Port Adelaide / Waterside workers near Port Adelaide Police Station / October 1st, 1928'.

Adelaide Oval
Adelaide Oval during the Duke of York's visit in 1901. Their Royal Highnesses the Duke and Duchess of Cornwall and York (later King George and Queen Mary) visited Adelaide in 1901. This photograph shows the couple being greeted at the parade in their honour at the Adelaide Oval. Ranks of soldiers, band, mounted police can be seen at the ceremony. One of the mounted police has just been thrown from his horse. See also B 45558/15.

Destitute Asylum, Adelaide
[General description] Ivy hung walls of a stone building with Dutch gables and slate roof is seen on the left. The Mounted Police barracks are on the right. [On back of photograph] 'Portion of the old Destitute Asylum / photographed in 1932 / The buildings in the background to the right form part of the old Mounted Police Barracks / For plan and notes see A419 / The building on the left is marked 2 on the plan in A419'.

Exhibition Building
[General description] Amidst bunting, pomp and ceremony a large crowd is in attendance for the laying of the foundation stone for the Exhibition building. It was designed by architects Withall and Wells, to house the Exhibition in celebration of Queen Victoria's Jubilee in 1887. The stone does not appear to be placed in the foundations proper as the basements are already completed. Dignitaries are standing on a dais where the ceremony is taking place and the actual stone can be seen in the centre of the view. In the foreground uniformed police, mounted and on foot are in attendance and there is a uniformed guard (police or military) wearing white helmets. A sign in front of the construction site reads "No admittance except on business". [On back of photograph] 'Laying foundation stone, Jubilee Exhibition'.

Road outside the Northern Bakeries premises
Police woman with police car parked across the road near the premises of the Northern Bakeries Pty Ltd, Carlton Parade, Port Augusta, Saturday 21 March 1987 during a fire. The fire damaged a storage shed, its contents and a trailer and caused $15,000 damage.

Broken Hill : Municipal buildings
Municipal buildings, Broken Hill. Buildings from left - Courthouse (only part can be seen), Technical College, Police Station, Town Hall and Post Office. The red-brick Post Office, at the corner of Argent and Chloride Street, is one of the oldest buildings in Broken Hill being built in 1892. It was designed by James Barnet, with its massive turret capped by a decorative mansard roof and enveloped by a footpath verandah and corner balcony. It was opened in April 1892 but did not have a clock until 1909. Next door is the town's architectural highlight, the extraordinarily ornate Town Hall which was opened by Sir Henry Parks in 1891 for local government and other special events. By 1973 the City Council were going to knock the building down but due to local pressure it was decided to restore it. The restored Town Hall was opened on 13 March 1976; its front facade section only has been retained. Next to it is the modest Police station built in 1890. Next door is the Federation-style Technical College built in 1901 with its large, arched windows and ornamented entrance. Built to meet the needs of the mining industry it now also houses a museum. Part of the Courthouse built in 1889 can be seen on the left of the photograph. It was designed by James Barnet. In the grounds is a sculptured bronze war memorial made by noted artist Charles Webb. A steam tram with passengers milling around can be seen in the front of the photograph.

Photographs of stone buildings in Burra
Glass plate negatives collected by architectural historian, David Saunders, Professor of Architecture at the University of Adelaide. The photographs of stone buildings in and around Burra were taken by an unidentified photographer.

Cecil Hollamby of Klemzig takes a photograph of five-year-old Jessica of Crafers, for her identikid card. The Identikid identification card idea, being sponsored by the Adelaide Lions Club and police, was operating at the Children's Hospital Fair at Elder Park last week. It features a recent photograph and details of height, weight and colouring of children, so that if they happened to go missing the parents can instantly give police a recent photograph and accurate details. 12th November 1986.

Jared Haring 4, of Glenelg tries on a police hat for size at a police display at Sefton Plaza Shopping Centre. Senior Constable John Adam looks on. 18th April 1990.

SA Police accident investigation officer Bob Howie presents Emanuel Tanti with a SA Police Department certificate of appreciation for his help in the investigation of a fatal accident. 20th July 1988.

Views of Victor Harbor
A collection of images of Victor Harbor.

Views of Mount Barker
A collection of images of Mount Barker.

Views of Willunga
A collection of images of Willunga.

Buildings & places : P
A selection of photographs relating to Buildings & places. See 'contents' for details of individual images.

Photograph album of South Australian and other scenes
Photographic album of unknown provenance of South Australian views and other places. Some have been given captions by the creators. A selection of these has been digitised and available online. See 'Contents' for details.

South Australian views: album
Album titled 'South Australian views', with some photographs attributable to the photographer Captain Samuel White Sweet. Views include street scenes in Adelaide, the Botanic Gardens, Victoria Square, Mitcham, Glen Osmond, Morialta, Waterfall Gully, Clarendon, Eden Hills, Glenelg, Port Elliot, Naracoorte Caves, Mount Gambier and Lakes, Melrose, Broken Hill mines and River Murray. See 'more information tab' for further details of individual photographs. A small collection of loose photographs was found in the back of this album. To see details of these, go to B 72112/1-35.

Reconstruction of capture of Ah Kim, 1875
Capture of Ah Kim, 10.20 pm on 11 May 1875 [reconstruction].

Rocking horse 'Dobbin'
Ex-serviceman Mr Cliff Monaghan puts the finishing touches to the job of restoring the rocking horse called Dobbin. The horse was one which gave youngsters much delight during holidays spent at the Junior red Cross Home, Glenelg. The horse required a new mane and tail which was supply by a mounted constable from the Police Barracks. It was genuine police greys' hair. Photograph from an article in the Advertiser 30th August 1963.

River Murray at Blanchetown
Customs officer, J.M. Woolley (on left, from Eden Hall, Kent) and police officer, J.R. Ewens (of Chichester, Sussex) in a rowing boat on the Murray River at Blanchetown. The buildings visible on the far bank are (from left): hotel, Post Office, Teasdaler Cottage, Mr Woolley's cottage, school (on horizon above Woolley's), Mrs Potter's house and surrounds of the Police Station on the far right.

Crowds waving to the Queen
Crowds on North Terrace waving to the Queen and Prince Philip as they go past. Police on police greys preceed the royal couple.

Building in Eudunda
A large rectangular building with a large front door and windows, located in Eudunda in South Australia. The building may be the Institute building. A smaller building behind it suggests it could also possibly be a court house or police station. A researcher suggests that this is the original Eudunda Police Station, with jail cells at the back, situated on Gunn Street between the original Post Office (seen to the left of the photo, south) and National Bank to the north (unseen). Another researcher has suggested that this building still stands and is at 34 Gunn Street, Eudunda.

'St Roch' wooden schooner
'St Roch' wooden schooner 111 tons. Royal Canadian Mounted Police Schooner in the ice [wooden schooner ON103564, 111 gross, 110 net tons. 107.9 x 22.8 x 7.9. Built 1894 JB Morin, Pierreville, PQ. Caption says owned by Royal Canadian Mounted Police, but at one time privately owned and registered in Montreal]

Collection of photograph negatives
A collection of negatives associated with Olive Talbot's photographs. A selection of 44 has been digitised. These include sailing, boating and shipping in Streaky Bay, together with some homes, buildings, family and hay farming. Additional negatives mostly relate to photographs already digitised within other series in PRG 1555. Negatives are not available for retrieval.

Crowds greeting the Queen
Crowds waving to the Queen. The car in which the queen is travelling follows police on police greys.

Adelaide Festival of Arts opening pageant
King William Street and the opening parade of the Adelaide Festival of Arts in March, 1966. Floats in the Parade were photographed at the corner of South Terrace and King William Street.

Oliver's Diary Book Launch, Wellington
Wally Budd, retired Chief Inspector of Police dressed in a police uniform of the 1850s for the launch of Margaret Ragless's book, Oliver's Diary, at the Wellington courthouse. To see a selection of photographs in this collection, search on Archival number PRG 1631/98.

Pride March Adelaide
The front of Pride March Adelaide prior to setting off from Light Square to move south on Morphett Street, Adelaide. Marshalls are Helen Bock (left) and Margie Fischer.

Cooper - Heath wedding
Wedding of Shirley Jean, eldest daughter of Walter Ross Cooper, of 2 Clisby Street, Walkerville North, and the late Gwendoline Alberta Ruth nee Bennett, to Roland Frank, eldest son of R.F. Heath, of Wallasey, England, solemnised at Pirie Street Methodist Church, on Saturday 8 October 1955 at 5.30 pm.

Cooper - Heath wedding
Wedding of Shirley Jean, eldest daughter of Walter Ross Cooper, of 2 Clisby Street, Walkerville North, and the late Gwendoline Alberta Ruth nee Bennett, to Roland Frank, eldest son of R.F. Heath, of Wallasey, England, solemnised at Pirie Street Methodist Church, on Saturday 8 October 1955 at 5.30 pm.

Cooper - Heath wedding
Wedding of Shirley Jean, eldest daughter of Walter Ross Cooper, of 2 Clisby Street, Walkerville North, and the late Gwendoline Alberta Ruth nee Bennett, to Roland Frank, eldest son of R.F. Heath, of Wallasey, England, solemnised at Pirie Street Methodist Church, on Saturday 8 October 1955 at 5.30 pm.