Find • police • Results 661 to 690 of 1,474

Sir Day Bosanquet attending an awards ceremony
Sir Day Bosanquet, Governor of South Australia and the head of the police and fire services sitting with the recipients of the King's Police Medal; the medals were awarded to firemen and water police in a ceremony at Government House, Adelaide, South Australia as a result of a fire on the sailing vessel the 'South Africa'.

Photographs of, and collected by, the Grant family. Included are images of the English, Scottish and Australian Bank ('E.S.& A. Bank') and staff, sporting teams, family portraits, recreation activities, and town scenes. Additional photographs include school photographs, sporting teams and Kapuna Police Station. A list of the photographs is also located at the Library Reference Desk.

Reminiscences of the early days of the colony
Reminiscences of the early days of the colony of South Australia written by James McLean, ca.1840, of the Mounted Police Force and Sherriff's Officer of the Supreme Court, Adelaide. Also includes part transcript and biographical note which may be requested through the reference desk.

Photograph albums belonging to Hermann and Hilda Heinrich
Records comprise photographs taken from three photograph albums belonging to Hermann and Hilda Heinrich. Captions found on the photographs have been noted in quotation marks. Some captions have been provided by Ilona Oppenheim. Photographs show activities in and around Hermannsburg Mission, people of the Mission, Alice Springs, Darwin, Henbury Station, Gosse Ranges, Palm Valley and other places in Central Australia.

Old hand dug miner's dugout behind the lock-up, Coober Pedy
View of an old hand dug miner's dugout located behind the lock-up at Coober Pedy. The photographer comments on the old police lock-up, "In January 2013 I ventured into the South Australian desert to experience what it was like to live in such a hostile environment during an Australian summer. My fist stop was Coober Pedy, which is a frontier-mining town with a lot of hidden secrets. The old police lock-up was Coober Pedy's first above ground building consisting of four tin walls and a tin roof. I can't believe that anyone could have possibly existed here during the heat of summer, which regularly reaches 40 to 48 degrees. It is uncertain if the lock-up ever held criminals but it has been used as a temporary camping place, a bedroom, a morgue, and an isolation cell for a mental patient. Behind the lock-up is a dugout which at some stage was used as the residence for the local police officers.

Adelaide 'Black Lives Matter' protest, Tarntanyangga
Crowd gathered at Tarntanyangga (Victoria Square) for the Black Lives Matter rally and protest, held on 6 June 2020, and estimated to be attended by over 6000 people. Protestors are holding signs with messages including, 'No Fracking', 'Black Lives Matter', and 'This is a Police State'. The protest titled, 'Solidarity with Minneapolis', was in response to the killing of George Floyd in Minneapolis, Minnesota. The South Australian Police Commissioner gave protestors an exemption from COVID-19 lockdown restrictions, and masks were not handed out in response to advice from SA Health. The protest was also to demonstrate against issues with police violence, racism, and Aboriginal deaths in custody in. Speakers included Natasha Wanganeen, Jack Buckskin, Gabriel Akon (DyspOra), Aunty Yvonne Agius, and Aunty Joan Lemont. Organisers included Adelaide Campaign Against Racism and Fascism.

Adelaide 'Black Lives Matter' protest, Tarntanyangga
Protesters gathered at Tarntanyangga (Victoria Square) for the Black Lives Matter rally and protest, held on 6 June 2020, and estimated to be attended by over 6000 people. A protester is holding up a sign with the message, 'Silence is betrayal, no more police violence'. The protest titled, 'Solidarity with Minneapolis', was in response to the killing of George Floyd in Minneapolis, Minnesota. The South Australian Police Commissioner gave protestors an exemption from COVID-19 lockdown restrictions, and masks were not handed out in response to advice from SA Health. The protest was also to demonstrate against issues with police violence, racism, and Aboriginal deaths in custody in. Speakers included Natasha Wanganeen, Jack Buckskin, Gabriel Akon (DyspOra), Aunty Yvonne Agius, and Aunty Joan Lemont. Organisers included Adelaide Campaign Against Racism and Fascism.

Adelaide 'Black Lives Matter' protest, Tarntanyangga
Protesters gathered at Tarntanyangga (Victoria Square) for the Black Lives Matter rally and protest, held on 6 June 2020, and estimated to be attended by over 6000 people. Protestors are holding signs with messages including, 'Silence is Violence', 'If you ain't about Indigenous Lives Matter you ain't about Black Lives Matter', and 'No Justice No Peace F**k Racist Police'. The protest titled, 'Solidarity with Minneapolis', was in response to the killing of George Floyd in Minneapolis, Minnesota. The South Australian Police Commissioner gave protestors an exemption from COVID-19 lockdown restrictions, and masks were not handed out in response to advice from SA Health. The protest was also to demonstrate against issues with police violence, racism, and Aboriginal deaths in custody in. Speakers included Natasha Wanganeen, Jack Buckskin, Gabriel Akon (DyspOra), Aunty Yvonne Agius, and Aunty Joan Lemont. Organisers included Adelaide Campaign Against Racism and Fascism.

Series 001: Aerial views of city and other locations
Aerial photographs of the city of Adelaide and surrounding parklands, Broadview Oval and Old Noarlunga.

Series 030a: Supermarine Southampton II Flying Boats.
Photographs of Supermarine Southampton II Flying Boats, taken from another boat. These Flying Boats were part of the R.A.F. Far East Flight from Singapore to Australia. The photos were taken during their visit to Adelaide in June 1928. Torrens Island and the Quarantine Station can be seen in the background of some of the images.

Series 088: Aerial photographs of South Australian gaols
Aerial views of Adelaide Gaol, Yatala Labour Prison, Gladstone Gaol and one image of the Thebarton Police Barracks.

Government Residence and Police Station at Darwin. The gaol was established in 1883. Paul Heinrich Matthias Folsche became the Government Resident in 1870. On his arrival he and his five troopers built a police station. Later he was the Keeper of the Palmerston Gaol.

Aborigines, Cooper's Creek
Four Aboriginal people crossing Cooper's Creek by boat.

Gaol, Overland Corner
Old gaol - Overland Corner erected in 1869. A small police post was established at Overland Corner in the Riverland in 1855 because of the gold rush and more people passing through, including bushrangers and cattle thieves. The police station was built in the 1840's and closed in 1894.

Penong township
Penong, looking from the east along a dirt road, with three small children in the middle of the road. The building on the far left is the old Police Station, next to that is the old Institute Hall (built 1901), and then the Hotel. The Methodist Manse (not visible) is situated between the Police Station and the old Hall. On the right hand side (moving from the centre) is the general store. For a number of years prior to 1913, one of the businesses was a blacksmith and carpentry shop run by Carl Williams (for further information on this see 'The Chronicles of John Brown & John Lowe to 1984' by D. Brown et al). The picket fence on the far right is in front of the Methodist Church. [Information supplied by Hanna Law.]

Port Adelaide
Police Station at Port Adelaide probably taken in the 1870's. Port Adelaide, showing the corner of Commercial Road and St. Vincent St., Town Hall, Police Station, and Court House.

Captain Adelaide
Silk screen print of Don Dunstan by Nigel Murray-Harvey, 27/50. The subject is shown dressed in the style of Superman, with the piping shrike state emblem on his chest, his belt buckle with 'SA', and wearing a police headband which alludes to the Dunstan government's sacking of Police Commissioner Harold Salisbury in 1978 (from notes by the artist). Screen-print, signed and dated by artist.

Mr. Thomas Walker Bee
Mr. Thomas Walker Bee: Inspector of Public Houses and for short time Police Commissioner. In 1873 he was appointed an Inspector of Mounted Police

Kate Boadicea Cocks
Kate Boadicea Cocks, South Australia's first police woman was born at Moonta where her father was a miner and her mother was a school teacher. After being home tutored Kate returned to the Yorke Peninsula to teach, later becoming schoolmistress at the Girls Reformatory at Edwardstown. She later became South Australia's first woman police constable in 1915. Her responsbilities included female offences.

Boyle Travers Finniss
Boyle Travers Finniss was a soldier, surveyor and public servant. He became the first Premier of South Australia in 1856. He also held various government positions including Police Chief, Registrar General, Police Magistrate, Treasurer, Colonial Secretary and Auditor General. In retirement he wrote "The Constitutional History of South Australia" published in 1886

Andrew Francis Hunter
Andrew Francis Hunter served with the Cape mounted police in South Africa and then went to the Victorian police joining Alexander and James at Calagandoo Station. Later he took up Moorak Station. He was killed by a bull at Mount Gambier in 1854.

Brig. J.G. McKinna
Brig. J.G. McKinna D.S.O., M.V.O., E.D., F.A.I.M., A.M.A.I.M.M., Justice of the Peace. Deputy Commissioner of Police, 1956. Appointed Commissioner of Police, 1957-1972. For further information please refer to library staff.

Mrs Jane O'Halloran
Mrs Jane O'Halloran, nee Waring of Newry County Durham was the second wife of Thomas Shuldham O'Halloran. Thomas was the first Police Commissioner and first Police Magistrate of South Australia. The family sailed to South Australia and established Lizard Lodge Farm at his namesake O'Halloran Hill. Jane and Thomas had three sons Thomas, Henry and George and a daugher who married Mr F Wright.

Hedley John Rowney
Constable Hedley John Rowney, presented with Kings Police Medal for bravery at St. Peters on 18 November 1913, when he was shot at while effecting the arrest of felons. Presentation made by the Governor Lt. Col. Sir Henry Galway, at the mounted Police Barracks North Terrace.

Alexander Tolmer
[General description] Head and shoulders portrait in seven eighths view of Alexander Tolmer, colonial militiaman, and mounted policeman who was Inspector of Mounted Police from 1840. He was very successful in that role, spending much time in the bush pursuing bushrangers, cattle duffers and other miscreants and quelling trouble between whites and Aborigines. He was appointed Commissioner of Police from January 1852 during which time he established the gold escort from Victoria to South Australia. He was demoted to Superintendent in November 1853.

Trooper and Trackers in N.T.
Roper River, Northern Territory. Trackers Delta, Yurunditba, Koolmutchki with Trooper Johns. (Chinese storekeeper at Pine Creek made un-official uniforms for the Trackers.

King William street
King William Street, east side, March 31st 1933, right side of Police Court is 53 yards south of Angas Street and Lyons shop is 72 yards south of Angas Street. The Police Court caretaker's cottage was demolished in 1938. It stood next to Harry Lyon's land agent and decorators shop. For view of the new building see B 6607.

King William Street
King William Street, south east side, January 10th 1935, extreme right of buildings is 72 yards south of Angas Street and frontage of the new building is 19 yards. Additions to the Police Court and Police Commissioner's Office were erected in 1933-34. The new building is the three storey structure on the right. Compare with B 6300 and B 6305.

Angas Street
Angas Street, south side, November 2nd 1953, right side of galvanised iron building is 56 yards east of King William Street and frontage is 14.5 yards. The corner of the Police Court and Police Commissioner's Office, built in 1933-34, can be seen behind the established tree growing outside.

Angas Street
Angas Street, Police Department buildings - Tranport Office (brick building) on right, 21 December 1962. See B 14599. Several police vehicles are parked in the car park.