Congdon, Sandy, 1979, Photograph, B 72807
Police Organisational Services Staff, photographed by Sandy Congdon of Police Forensic Services, taken at the rear of Police Headquarters, Greenhill Road, Eastwood. On steps (from rear): Debbie Jacobs (Police Auxiliary), Jane Glazbrook (Police Auxiliary), Lyn Greening (Police Auxiliary), WPC Louise Schrama, Sgt. Peter Brook (left), Sgt. Harvey Dawes (right), S/C Tony Masson (centre), Sgt. Merv Porter (left), Sgt. Bob Allen (right). At front (L to R.): Superintendent Roly Heath, Max Spooner (Police Auxiliary, artist), Sgt. John Billing, S/C Geoff Menzel, Sgt. Bob Maggs, WPC Anne Hammond, Gabriel Moloney (Police Auxiliary), Sgt. Max Slee, S/C Tony Woodcock, Sgt. Colin Rich, Sgt. Merv. Wenham, Inspector John Beck, (absent: Liz Miller (Police Auxiliary)).