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Apprentices at Moonta Mines
Apprentices and other staff outside Moonta Mines Engineering Shop.

Shops at Moonta
Shops at Moonta : premises of Marshal & Herbert, butchers, and W. Chappell, bootmaker.

Carrier's Cart, Moonta
Horse drawn cart being the J. N. Ellery "Parcel express", carrier, thought to be at Moonta. Information from a researcher: 'In 1909, the West Picture Company, which in the previous year had opened Adelaide's first permanent picture theatre, expanded to rural areas of South Australia with weekly picture shows at Gawler, Balaklava, Kadina, Wallaroo, Port Pirie and Moonta. The Moonta picture show was scheduled to open in the Institute Hall on 29 October 1909. Unfortunately, the electric plant did not arrive from Sydney and the picture show opened the following week. (Wallaroo and Kadina where able to open on time as those towns had a local electricity supply.) I am confident that the photo was taken in the first week of November 1909 when the films were being delivered along with a 'petrol electric picture show set' (see page 41 of "Adelaide's Silent Nights" for a photo of one of these and compare it to the one on the back of the cart.) More importantly, I do not think the person on the cart is J.N. Ellery. I think it is T.J. West who is a significant figure in Australian cinema history. (See "Adelaide's Silent Nights" for a photo of T.J. West.)'.

The Moonta Mine shewing Elder's Shaft
Lithograph of the copper mine at Moonta showing Elder's shaft, in the middle towards the left and a double whim in the background. A note on the back by Mr O. Pryor reads: 'Elder's was the first shaft sunk on what is known as Elder's and Taylor's main lode at Moonta. The lode is about half a mile east of the spot where Patrick Ryan first discovered copper at Moonta in 1861. Elder's lode was found a few weeks later by prospectors. The horse whim in the centre of the picture is known as a "double whim" - it has two ropes, one hauling a kibble (bucket) up the shaft, the other letting a kibble down the shaft. A little to the left of the whim is a "whip", a device by means of which a horse is used to haul the kibble from shallow works.'

Soldiers' Memorial, Moonta
[General description] A man in bowling club uniform poses with a garden hose in front of the Soldier's War Memorial. This statue of a soldier with slouch hat and bayonet stands atop a marble plinth in a garden setting. The Bowling Club-house is seen in the background. [On back of photograph] 'Reproduced in the "Observer", Sep. 10, 1927 / Soldiers' Memorial and Bowling Club House, Moonta Memorial Park. / For facsimile of enlarged framed photo presented to the Moonta Bowling Club by Mr. W.J. Brinkworth (see personal par enclosed) / 1927 / Photo by Jas. Howe & Co., Moonta'.

Machine Shops, Moonta Mines
Machine Shops at the Mines, employed 300 hands at peak period. By 1875 Moonta was the second largest town in South Australia and the largest copper region in the British Empire. Moonta Mines area had a population of 5,000 residents.

Main road, Moonta
[General description] Main Road, Moonta, 1950. [On back of photograph] 'George Street, Moonta, looking west (Named after George W. Goyder, Surveyor General'

Hamley Mine, Moonta
Surface installations of the Hamley Mines, Moonta : from left boiler house, engine house and crusher house; weather-board structure in front of the crusher house contained a Warren & May Patent Jig for treating low grade veinstuff; in the foreground (below surface level) are buddles for treating fine slimes. This plant erected in the early 1870s was never modified to any great extent. Photo was about 1916. the Hamley mine adjoins the Moonta Mining Company's leases on the southern boundary; the lode was a continuation of Beddomes, one of the five main Moonta lodes.

Miner's cottage, Moonta Mines
[General description] Like all of the earliest miners cottages this single storey iron roofed dwelling was built from whatever materials were at hand. It is possibly wattle and daub construction with limestone chimneys. It is surrounded by a rough picket fence. [On back of photograph] 'Moonta Mines / Miners cottage / known as Peter Bowden's / Believed to be one of the earliest built on the Moonta mining leases / Situated a little south of the Wesleyan Methodist Church It was occupied for more than 80 years / Demolished following the death of Mary Bowden, last surviving member of the family / (Oswald Pryor 12-2-52)'

Police Station, Moonta
Moonta Police Station built 1865/66. Demolished January 1962. The Governement township of Moonta was surveyed in March 1863 on a grassy plain mid way between the mine shafts and the sea. By 1865 Moonta boasted a Church of England, Bible Christian Chapel, Baptist and Wesleyan Chapels, Police Station and cottages with inhabitants numbering 4,000

Moonta Masonic Temple
Moonta Masonic Temple - erected 1875.

Railway Station, Moonta
Arrival of special train for Back to Moonta celebration.

School staff, Moonta
Moonta Mines Public school staff.

Church interior, Moonta
Interior of a church at Moonta, believed to be the Anglican Church on Milne Terrace.

Fire Brigade, Moonta
Moonta Firemen with a horse drawn fire-engine in George Street.

Aboriginal Choir at Moonta
MOONTA: Aboriginal choir visiting Moonta grouped around their portable harmonium.

Miners and Boys, Moonta
Miners and boys at Ryan's engine house, Moonta Mines.

Unveiling Moonta Soldiers' Memorial
Unveiling of the Moonta Soldiers' Memorial in Memorial Park, Moonta on 28 November 1920. The ceremony was performed by Sammy Lunn MBE who can be seen standing on the platform.

Garage at Moonta
MOONTA: The premises of R.W. Lamming & Co. motor garage at Moonta, with cars parked outside.

Moonta Bay, Port Moonta
[General description] The Cliff House looks out over Moonta Bay. On the beach in the foreground there is a collection of shelter and changing sheds. [On back of photograph] 'Moonta Bay and Cliff House / 1932 / Reproduced in Chronicle for September 1st, 1932'.

Moonta Mines, Port Moonta
[Caption on photograph] Moonta Mines: Pumping station at Moonta Bay (1900-06). Built at Rossiter's Point, Mooonta Bay, 1901 for the purpose of pumping seawater 2.5 miles to the Mines in connection with the treating of tailings by the cementation process (Oswald Pryor 12-2-52)

Residence under construction at Moonta
MOONTA: Mr J.P. Ferguson's house under construction at Moonta.

Moonta Institute
[General description] The clock tower is glimpsed through the foliage of trees. [On back of photograph] 'Moonta / Clock tower of the Moonta Institute from Queen's Square'.

Moonta Railway Station
[General description] The Moonta Railway Station building, erected in 1909, is dominant in this view. On the right a man sits on a motorised kalamazoo or draisine whilst behind him a group of railway employees pose with a locomotive and its tender. [On back of photograph] 'Moonta Railway Station / Before 1927'.

Solomon's store, Moonta
[General description] Staff and customers are posed under the verandah in front of Solomon Cousins' store, where there appears to be a sale in progress. Further down the street other buildings can be seen including Chappell's Boot and Shoe Warehouse. [On back of photograph] 'Moonta in 1870 showing store of Solomon Cousins'.

[General description] George Street, the main street preferred by the shopkeepers. Prominent in this view is the Y.P. Farmer office which was home to the Yorke Peninsula Country Times printing press until 2004. The building on the extreme left is the Unity Picture Theatre. [On back of photograph] 'George Street / Moonta / 1932 / Reproduced in the Chronicle for September 1st, 1932'.

Aerial view of Moonta
Aerial view of Moonta showing the workings of the mine to the right and the jetty at Moonta Bay in the background.

Staff of Moonta Mines
Superintendent and staff of Moonta Mines. Back row: Cpt. Rapson; Mr Davies; Mr France; Cpt. Knowles; Cpt. Barkla; Cpt. Paynter; Mr Phillips; Mr Neales; Mr Jolly; Cpt. Bic.... Front row: Cpt. William Datson; Cpt. Osborne; Cpt. Deeble; Supt. Hancock; Mr Wyatt; Mr. Bennett; Cpt. Mitc... In 1864 Henry Richard Hancock (1836-1919) became superintendent of the Moonta Mining Company. In 1873 Hancock persuaded the directors to maintain constant production and employment by assuring a minimum wage for bad years

Moonta Mines
Elder's Engine House and hauling appliances., Moonta Mines about 1862-3. The first engine house erected at Moonta. Elder's shaft shown in this picture was the first shaft in which steam power was used for hauling

Church, Moonta
Primitive Methodist chapel, Moonta - erected c.1865. In 1874 a gallery was built on three sides which increased the seating accommodation to 800. At the same time an "orchestra" was built behind the pulpit. Weather-board structure, was a Social Hall. After Methodist Union in 1900 the chapel was used for Sunday School.