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Earl of Kintore : SUMMARY RECORD
Papers of Sir Algernon Hawkins Thomond Keith-Falconer, Ninth Earl of Kintore, Governor of South Australia, comprising a collection of illuminated addresses presented to him (see special list for further details), and a private letter and stamped envelope from Governor Kintore to William Anstruther-Thomson (1859-1938) of the Royal Horse Guards, London, dated 14 June 1891.

Kintore Avenue
Kintore Avenue looking south. A picket fence is in the centre of the photograph at the bottom of Kintore Avenue. The building on the corner of Gawler Place and North Terrace can be seen in the distance at the top of Kintore Avenue

Kintore Avenue
Kintore Avenue looking north. The Destitute Asylum and Institute facades can be seen on the eastern side of Kintore Avenue. Tall gums are growing on the western side of the avenue next to the grounds of Government House

Kintore Avenue
View of Kintore Avenue looking from the North Terrace end. The road is being worked on. The Destitute Asylum and Lying-In Home are visible in the distance. A researcher has suggested that the road works may be in preparation for Lady Kintore's tree-laying in 1890.

Lord Kintore
[General description] Portrait of Lord Kintore. He has short hair with a trimmed moustache and is wearing a heavily embroidered dress uniform and a sash. He was Governor of South Australia from April 1889 to April 1895, created GCMG in 1889. He was also a Freemason, serving as Grand Master of the Grand Lodge of South Australia during his appointment as Governor.

Lord Kintore
Lord Kintore.

Kintore Avenue
KIntore Avenue, August 21st 1958, looking north. View taken from Trades School, showing car park at end of street. The wall of Government House can be seen on the left of the photograph

Kintore Avenue
Kintore Avenue.

Trades School, Kintore Avenue
Trades School buildings, Kintore Avenue, prior to demolition, 22nd September 1982.

Trades School, Kintore Avenue
Trades School buildings, Kintore Avenue, prior to demolition.

Trades School, Kintore Avenue
Trades School buildings, Kintore Avenue, prior to demolition, 22nd September 1982.

Trades School, Kintore Avenue
Trades School buildings, Kintore Avenue, prior to demolition, 22nd September 1982.

Trades School, Kintore Avenue
Trades School buildings, Kintore Avenue, prior to demolition, 22nd September 1982.

Trades School, Kintore Avenue
Trades School buildings, Kintore Avenue, prior to demolition, 22nd September 1982.

Trades School, Kintore Avenue
Trades School buildings, Kintore Avenue, prior to demolition, 22nd September 1982.

Trades School, Kintore Avenue
Trades School buildings, Kintore Avenue, prior to demolition, 22nd September 1982.

Trades School, Kintore Avenue
Trades School buildings, Kintore Avenue, prior to demolition, 22nd September 1982.

Trades School, Kintore Avenue
Trades School buildings, Kintore Avenue, prior to demolition, 22nd September 1982.

Trades School, Kintore Avenue
Trades School buildings, Kintore Avenue, prior to demolition, 22nd September 1982.

Adelaide Book Society : Kintore
Members from 1873 - Lord Kintore.

The 'Countess of Kintore' moored in an unidentified port
The wooden ship 'Countess of Kintore', 738 tons, moored in an unidentified port [wooden ship, 737 tons, ON53251, 182.6 x 31.4 x 19.4. Built 1866 (3) Duthie. Aberdeen. Owners James Cook, Registered Aberdeen].

The 'Kintore' in dry dock
The wooden barque 'Kintore', 993 tons, in dry dock.

Lord Kintore sailing in a launch up the Adelaide River
Lord Kintore sailing in a launch up the Adelaide River, Northern Territory.

Roy Kintore Barratt
Studio portrait photograph of Private Roy Kintore Barratt in army uniform. He enlisted 7 January 1916 and last served in the 11th Field Ambulance

Visit of Queen Elizabeth, Kintore Avenue, Adelaide
Colour photographs taken during the visit to Adelaide by Queen Elizabeth II in 2002. The Queen met crowds along Kintore Avenue, outside the grounds of Government House. A selection (6) have been digitised and may be viewed online. See 'Contents' for details.

Playford Club Hotel, Pine Creek
[General description] Two buggies, each drawn by a pair of horses, stand in front of the hotel building, a low single storey structure built from corrugated iron and with a wide verandah. Governor Kintore is wearing a solar topee and poses by the buggy on the left. He arrived in Darwin on March 31st, 1891 on the steamer 'Chingtu' to begin his visit the Northern Territory. Here he is leaving for the long trip overland back to Adelaide, accompanied by Dr. E.C. Sterling. [On back of photograph] 'Playford Club Hotel / April 9, 1891 / Lord Kintore and Dr. E.C. Stirling leaving Pine Creek on an overland trip to Adelaide' (Another hand) 'Lord Kintore is standing by the left hand buggy and E.C. Stirling by the right. Signed E.S. Booth / 25/9/1967'.

Kintore Caves, Katherine
[General description] Alfred Giles (centre), explorer and pastoralist, poses with three other men at the mouth of the Kintore Caves, set into a rocky hillside surrounded by trees and scrub. See B 2021 for portrait taken at age of eighty. [On back of photograph] 'Kintore Caves, Katherine River / Near Springvale, Northern Territory / 1891 / Alfred Giles in centre'.

Public Library buildings on Kintore Avenue
Buildings on Kintore Avenue owned by the Public Library and entrance to Kintore Parking Station. Part of a series of photographs of the Library, Museum and Art Gallery buildings prior to the demolition of some to make way for a new library building. A plan accompanies these photographs to show direction of the views. Filed behind B 15623.

Honour rolls
Honour Rolls (covered wooden rolls housing framed certificates of inception, with doors, mostly folding, with inscriptions of names of Past Chief Rulers, originally intended to be hung on wall) for Victoria No. 1 (City of Adelaide) Female branch, Zion Tent No. 11 (Brighton), Lady Kintore Tent No. 20 (Moonta Mines) Female branch, Love and Unity Tent No. 18 (Moonta Mines), Princess Irene Tent No. 17 (Kapunda), Tent No. 54 True Blue & Lady Tennyson, Salem Tent No. 8 (Kapunda), Star of Hope Tent No. 8 (Juvenile: Kapunda), Southern Star Tent No. 5 (Adelaide), Hope of Prospect Tent No. 71 & Harbour of Refuge Tent (both Prospect), Go Ahead Tent No. 34 (Torrensville), Ark of Safety Tent No. 15 (Clare), True Blue Tent No. 54 (Goodwood) and two unknown groups. See series list attached to Summary Record, and also attached to this series, for full details of the rolls.

Buildings in Kintore Ave precinct prior to demolition for building of the Bastyan Wing
Exterior views of buildings in the vicinity of Kintore Ave and North Tce, demolished to make way for the new Bastyan Wing of the State Library of South Australia (opened in 1967).