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Family photograph album

Family photograph album

Photograph album of an unknown family featuring holiday photos in Victor Harbor and Port Noarlunga during the summer of 1922-1923, along with family photos including houses and pets. Also includes photographs of the Murray River, and the Red Cliffs Power Station located near Mildura in Victoria. Printed on front of album: "Morentine Album".

Frederick Estcourt Bucknall

Frederick Estcourt Bucknall

Frederick Estcourt Bucknall (from a painting in the Hindmarsh Town Hall). Builder of Estcourt House; Mayor of Hindmarsh; M.P.; Brewer; Publican; founder of S.A. Yacht Club (now Royal S.A. Yacht Squadron). His father was Commodore of the esteemed Royal Thames Yacht Club and shortly after arriving in South Australia his son, Frederick Estcourt Bucknall built a fleet of pleasure craft to be used on the newly created Torrens Dam. A flood ruined this enterprise so he built a boatshed on the Port River. Later he built the South Australian Club Hotel in Port Adelaide. Later still when he was a wealthy man he built Estcourt House on the seafront between Grange and Glanville. While in politics he was remembered for installing mandatory horse troughs outside licensed premises. He was also Mayor of Hindmarsh for three years

Pirie Street

Pirie Street

Aurora Hotel on the north east corner of Pirie Street and Hindmarsh Square, October 22nd 1938, Pirie Street frontage is 21 yards and Hindmarsh Square frontage is 28 yards. The photograph was taken on 22nd October, 1938 when the proprietor was Thelma Barnes and Jessie. The three storey building had various balconies and a balustraded parapet overlooking Hindmarsh Square.

Photograph album of South Australian and interstate scenes

Photograph album of South Australian and interstate scenes

Album of photographs of South Australian, New South Wales and Victorian scenes. A selection of the South Australian photographs, and one of SS 'Coramba', have been digitised. See 'Contents' in 'More info' for details. Do a NUMBER search on B 47622/1-148 to see them online.

Australasian Views album 1

Australasian Views album 1

1 of 2 ALBUMS: inscribed 'Australasian Views', comprising 165 early images of Adelaide, South Australia, and New Zealand. The photos of New Zealand (photos 147-165) are by Burton Brothers, Dunedin, and have not been digitised. Square brackets denote added information.

Views around South Australia : Australia Day parade 2011

Views around South Australia : Australia Day parade 2011

Various images of the Australia Day parade along North Terrace and the Australia Day concert and party in the parklands. See 'contents' for details of items.

Photographs relating to Messenger Press : miscellaneous places

Photographs relating to Messenger Press : miscellaneous places

Photographs relating to 'miscellaneous places', created by Messenger Press. The following have not been digitised: 38. Aerial photos of West Lakes waterfront, November 1987; 39-42. Netball Stadium, ETSA Park, Mile End.

Theatre designs created by JS Ostoja-Kotkowski

Theatre designs created by JS Ostoja-Kotkowski

The series consists of artworks, photographic material, correspondence, press clippings and a model of a set design relating to theatre productions where JS Ostoja-Kotkowski designed the sets and/or the costumes. They include plays, operas and ballets. The series is organised by production and see also references have been included where material is in more than one sequence. Chronology:. c1949-1953 Melbourne theatre (PRG919/26/3440-3462). 1956 The Prisoner (PRG 919/26/2252-2261); Swan Lake (PRG 919/26/3102). 1957 King Lear (PRG 919/26/1479-1480) Six characters in search of an author (PRG 919/26/3123-4); Three's Company (PRG 919/26/3466). 1958 Elixir d'Amor (PRG 919/26/888-9); Il Matrimono (PRG 919/26/1336); Waiting for Godot PRG 919/26/3784-3790); Pas Noir et Sentimentales (PRG 919/26/4103-4). 1959 Cavalliera Rusticana (PRG 919/26/289-302); The Two Widows (PRG 919/26/3488-3495). 1960 The Turn of the Screw (PRG 919/26/3470-3487); Faust (PRG 919/26/890-904); Orpheus (PRG 919/26/2057-2060, 2609-2731); Marriage of Figaro (PRG 919/26/905, 1560-1561, 2414-2417); Moon on a Rainbow Shawl (PRG 919/26/1562-1563A); School for Scandal (PRG 919/26/3098-3100); Teahouse of the August Moon (PRG 919/26/3155-3180). 1961 Don Carlos (PRG 919/26/392-410); Don Pasquale (PRG 919/26/411); Ham Funeral (PRG 919/26/918-928); The Entertainer (PRG 919/26/414-417); Lysistrata (PRG 919/26/1478); Music Recital (PRG 919/26/1564-1565); Opera Workshop (PRG 919/26/2418); Swamp Creatures (PRG 919/26/3103-3121. 1962 The Caretaker (PRG 919/26/141-158; The Cousin from Fiji (PRG 919/26/366-382, 3987; Gentleman's Island (PRG 919/26/917, 1364-6, 1383-5); Dinner Engagement (PRG 919/26/391); The Telephone (PRG 919/26/391, 3463-5, 4049); The Scarf (PRG 919/26/391, 3101, 3463-5, 4048); Prima Donna (PRG 919/26/1364-7, 2262); La Voix Humaine (PRG 919/26/1364-6, 1386-7); Iphigenia (PRG 919/26/1422-1458); JB (PRG 919/26/1459-1475, 4097-4101); Madam Butterfly (PRG 919/26/1481-2, 1557-9, 2400-2413, 3988). 1963 Il Seraglio (PRG 919/26/1337-1360); Oedipus Rex (PRG 919/26/1577). 1964 The Bartered Bride (PRG 919/26/50-90); Macbeth (PRG 919/26/1483-1555, 4116, 4187); The Tales of Hoffman (PRG 919/26/3125-53). 1965 The Balcony (PRG 919/26/1-49); The Flying Dutchman (PRG 919/26/909-916, 2348-56A); Riders of the Sea (PRG 919/26/2346-57); The Heavyweight (PRG 919/26/929-931, 1397, 2357); I Pagliacci (PRG 919/26/930-1, 1397-1421, 2061, 2357); The Representative (PRG 919/26/2327-44); The Royal Hunt of the Sun (PRG 919/26/2358). 1966 Intervarsity jazz convention (PRG 919/26/1363); Nabucco (PRG 919/26/1566-76, 2419-61, 4055-4096). 1968 Burke's Co (PRG 919/26/94-140); Cosi Fan Tutte (PRG 919/26/305-365); Death of a Salesman (PRG 919/26/383-90); The Recruiting Officer (PRG 919/26/2326); Intimate Opera Group - Chantedoiz, Missus (PRG 919/26/4188-4190). 1969 Orpheo/Orpheus and Euridice (PRG 919/26/1578-81, ON DISPLAY IN MORTLOCK WING 2462-2607); The Passion and Death of Our Lord Jesus Christ according to St Luke (PRG 919/26/1582-2056, 2732-3097); Rake's Progress (PRG 919/26/2263-2325). 1970 The Spanish Ravel (PRG 919/26/3122). 1971 The Unknown Soldier and his Wife (PRG 919/26/3496-3783). 1974 The Excursions of Mr Broucek (PRG 919/26/418-887); Idomineo (PRG 919/26/932-1335). 1975 Polish Theatre Zemsta (PRG 919/26/3872-3961). 1978 Polish Theatre Dwa Teatry (PRG 919/26/2232-4); Teatr Stary (PRG 919/26/3181-3248). 1980 Polish Theatre Teatr sw Franciszka (PRG 919/26/2235-40; 3249-75). 1982 Playboy of the Western World (PRG 919/26/2062-2127). 1985 Carouselle Theatre Co (PRG 919/26/159-288); Polish Theatre Przeprowadzka (PRG 919/26/2128-2226). 1988 Polish Theatre Ich Czworo (PRG 919/26/2241-51, 3376-3428). 1989 Polish Theatre Smierc na Gruszy (PRG 919/26/2227-2231, 3429-3439); Roztworowski (PRG 919/26/2359-2399). 1991 Polish Theatre Wesele PRG 919/26/3791-3871). nd The Trojan Women (PRG 919/26/3469); The Beast in View (PRG 919/26/91-93); Christmas Concert (PRG 919/26/303); The Interrupted Rehearsal (PRG 919/26/1361-1362); La Traviata (PRG 919/26/1477); The Magic Flute (PRG 919/26/1556); Tosca (PRG 919/26/3468); Richard II (PRG 919/26/2345); Toda-san (PRG 919/26/3467); Tango (PRG 919/26/3154.

South Australian scenes and activities 20

South Australian scenes and activities 20

Part of a collection of slides taken by amateur photographer Elva Heinemann of South Australian scenes and activities, featuring Coastal Towns (1960) and South Adelaide (1968). Images 1165-1179 taken in 1966, images 1180-1185 taken in 1969, images 1186-1230 taken in 1968. See 'contents' for details of individual images.

Aerial photographs of the city of Alexandrina: Goolwa South

Aerial photographs of the city of Alexandrina: Goolwa South

Aerial views of Goolwa South, in the city of Alexandrina, South Australia. See below for details.

Aerial photographs of the city of Alexandrina: Hayborough

Aerial photographs of the city of Alexandrina: Hayborough

Aerial views of the suburb of Hayborough, Victor Harbor, in the city of Alexandrina, South Australia. See below for details.

Series 021: Aerial views of Hallett Brickworks

Series 021: Aerial views of Hallett Brickworks

Aerial Photographs of Hallett Brickworks at Thebarton and Welland showing Grange Road, East Avenue, Thebarton Oval, Adam Street, industrial buildings at Hindmarsh, and market gardens. In BRG 397/2/21/2 and BRG 397/2/21/4 you can see, at the top of the photos, the gasometer that was at Maria Street, Thebarton.

Series 043: Assorted aerial views

Series 043: Assorted aerial views

Aerial views of industrial buildings comprising G.H. Michell and Sons Ltd at Hindmarsh, the Shell fuel storage facility and Motteram Biscuit factor near West Terrace, Adelaide, and the abattoirs at Pooraka.

Murray Mouth Barrages

Murray Mouth Barrages

Mundoo Barrage (Distant view Murray Mouth in background): In the foreground is the remains of an earlier barrage, which after being badly damaged, was turned into a bridge and causeway by local land owner. Between the barrage and the narrow neck of Mundoo Island is Varcoes Island. Looking south west towards the Murray Mouth. Mundoo Island on the left. Hindmarsh Island on the right and the barrage joins Mundoo Island and Hindmarsh Island.

Fred Basham

Fred Basham

Fred Basham and Sarah Basham on their Wedding day. Frederick Basham, born 20 June 1863, Hindmarsh Valley, son of Jonathan and Susan Basham, and Sarah Ann Gray, born 12 August 1864 at Hindmarsh Valley, daughter of Abel and Charlotte Gray were married on 5 December 1888 at the Bible Christian Manse, Middleton. [from information supplied].

William Henry Franklin

William Henry Franklin

William Henry Franklin of Hindmarsh Valley.

John McInnes

John McInnes

[General description] Head and upper body portrait of John McInnes. He is wearing a gown with lace collar and cuffs. Born in Scotland, John McInnes assisted in forming the S.A. Government Workers' Association in 1905 and served as secretary until 1911. He was President of the Trades and Labor Council, 1908; ALP Member of Parliament; Speaker of the Assembly; Mayor of Hindmarsh, 1933-1939. Buried at Hindmarsh Cemetery. [On back of photograph] 'J.McInnes'.

Henry Thomas Morris

Henry Thomas Morris

Henry Thomas Morris arrived in South Australia in December 1836 on board the ship "Buffalo" with his uncle Admiral, Sir John Hindmarsh. He was born at Gravesend in 1823. He established stations at Hindmarsh Valley, Encounter Bay, Reedy Creek near Mount Gambier. Later he was manager at Anlaby Station in the Barossa Valley for the Dutton family. At his last appearance at the 1907 Commenoration Day he praised the early pioneers for overcoming difficulties in the new colony. They were mostly sons of wealthy families and because the promised pre-purchased acres of land were not immediately ready for them they had to settle on the banks of the river at Glenelg in primitive huts built of reeds and pines

Dr. John Rankine

Dr. John Rankine

[General description] Head and shoulders portrait of pioneer Dr. John Rankine in an oval frame. The photograph was taken not long before his leaving South Australia to return to Scotland as his health was failing. He and his brothers arrived from Scotland in 1839 and founded the township of Strathalbyn in the 1840s. He bought up grazing land on Hindmarsh Island and built a large house there. He was a Member of Parliament from July 1854 to April 1857 for the seat of Hindmarsh.

George Milner Stephen

George Milner Stephen

[General description] In this upper body portrait a charismatic George Milner Stephen looks straight at the photographer. He sports a fashionable hair style and a large bow tie. He was Acting Governor of South Australia for a brief period between the departure of Governor Hindmarsh (July 1838) and the arrival of Governor Gawler (October 1838). [On back of photograph] 'George Milner Stephen / F.G.S. (London and Cornwall) / F. Natural History Society of Dresden / F.R.S. (Sydney) / Barrister-at-Law Middle Temple London / Acting Governor of South Australia 1838 / Copied from a deguerrotype made in 1841 in London / Presented by A.E. Hindmarsh Stephen'.

Ralph Wardle

Ralph Wardle

Ralph Wardle: Came to Australia with his parents Michael and Mary Wardle on "Sir Charles Forbes" in 1839. Parents settled at Hindmarsh Valley near Victor Harbor. Ralph married Eliza Abbott 1857 and they had 10 children. Ralph was a farmer all his life, firstly at Hindmarsh Valley, then Nairne, and later at Hawker.



This is a photograph of an exhibition of various pieces of (probably steam driven) machinery. The large engine in the foreground has a placard in front of it which reads as follows; 'This old beam engine is one of the first six engines of its type built by the celebrated Watts / It was brought out to South Australia by the late Mr. John Ridley and put under steam by him / It was the first engine under steam and the first to grind meal in South Australia / It is the oldest engine now under steam in the world / Presented for preservation to the South Australian Chamber of Manufactures inc. by Mr. Thomas Magarey' [On back of photograph] 'Engine used by John Ridley in his flour mill at Hindmarsh in 1840'. According to a researcher, this photo was taken at the S.A. Chamber of Manufactures 'Century Exhibition of Arts and Industries', held 15 March to 16 April 1900. (see Express & Telegraph, 15 March 1900, p. 2) The engine was also exhibited at their 1905 'South Australian Exhibition of Arts, Products and Industries', but by then Henderson & Co, Confectioners, exhibiting to the right of the engine, were no longer trading. Some of the statements on the sign in the photo are false. See LJ Jones, 'The beam-engine of Ridley's "Hindmarsh Mill": the fate of an historic artefact', South Australiana vol 19 no 1, March 1980.

Rundle Street, Adelaide

Rundle Street, Adelaide

Rundle Street, Adelaide, south side, showing the premises of Barlow & Sons, Coachbuilders. The photo was taken between 1872-1883 (see directories). For another view, see B 8045. According to a researcher, Thomas Barlow & Sons, coachbuilders, first established their business in 1855, in Hindmarsh Square, where they also ran one of the first Adelaide fire 'engines' on behalf of three insurance companies. They moved the business (and the fire appliance) to this site in Rundle Street East, opposite the Tavistock buildings, in Oct 1866. (A photo of the fire engine is in the State Library collection at B 7958.) The royal coat of arms displayed on the roof was a Royal Warrant, "By Appointment to H.R.H. the Duke of Edinburgh", granted in 1868 for the construction of a coach for Prince Alfred's visit to South Australia. The business moved back to the Hindmarsh Square site in April 1883 to a new, purpose-built coachworks, which was the largest in Adelaide at the time.

Rundle Street

Rundle Street

Rundle Street, south side showing the premises of Barlow and Sons Coachbuilders. A man in a top hat and overcoat is holding two horses in a laneway between the buildings while other men and children watch the proceedings. The building stands on the corner of Rundle Street and Union Street. According to a researcher, Thomas Barlow & Sons, coachbuilders, first established their business in 1855, in Hindmarsh Square - where they also ran one of the first Adelaide fire 'engines' on behalf of three insurance companies. They moved the business (and the fire appliance) to his site in Rundle Street East, opposite the Tavistock buildings, in OCtober 1866. The royal coat of arms displayed on the roof was a Royal Warrant - "By Appointment to H.R.H the Duke of Ediburgh" - granted in 1868 for the construction of a coach for Prince Alfred's visit to South Australia. The gentleman wearing a white apron (to the left of the horses) is possibly George Barlow, the oldest of the three brothers then operating the manufactory (see B 40279 for George Barlow and B 7958 for the fire engine). The business moved back to the Hindmarsh Square site in April 1883 to a new purpose-built coachworks, which was the largest in Adelaide at the time.

General Gordon Hotel, Grenfell Street

General Gordon Hotel, Grenfell Street

[General description] A hotel has existed on this site since 1856. It has been altered and renamed over the years but at the time this photograph was taken it is known as the General Gordon under Licensee C.A. Darwent. It is a two storey building with a corrugated iron roof and wide verandahs, decorated with iron lace. It still exists (2012) under the name of the Griffin's Head. [On back of photograph] 'Acre 99 / North east corner of Grenfell Street and Hindmarsh Square / General Gordon Hotel / March 14th 1928 / For photograph showing alterations effected in 1928 see B 5141 / Hotel measurements: Grenfell Street frontage: 19.5 yards / Hindmarsh Square frontage: 19.5 yards'.

Hotel Grenfell, Grenfell Street

Hotel Grenfell, Grenfell Street

Hotel Grenfell, formerly the General Gordon, north east corner of Grenfell Street and Hindmarsh Square. Grenfell Street frontage is 19.5 yards and Hindmarsh Square frontage is 19.5 yards. For a view of the hotel as it appeared before the alterations effected in 1928 see B 4776 and B 4810. The hotel has a commanding corner position and a wide upper balcony. Next door, to the north, is Burmeister's Printing Big House. To the east can be seen a shop selling paint and the premises of Clarkson. Several cars and a horse drawn carriage are parked outside Darwent's Hotel Grenfell.

Grenfell Street

Grenfell Street

South western corner of Grenfell Street and Hindmarsh Square, January 16th 1942, Grenfell Street frontage is 23 yards and Hindmarsh Square frontage is 26 yards.The building appears to house a tyre shop.

Pirie Street

Pirie Street

North eastern corner of Pirie Street and Hyde Street. To the right of the photograph the Hindmarsh Hotel can be seen on the corner of Hindmarsh Square.

Sheep grazing on 'Watulunga'

Sheep grazing on 'Watulunga'

FINNISS: Sheep grazing on 'Watulunga', a farming property situated on a rise above the Finniss river overlooking a lagoon. The owners were Alexander and Annie Gordon from 1896-1910. Alexander bought the first Shropshire sheep to be imported to South Australia. The flock was later sold to the Maidment family on Hindmarsh Island. Another researcher has added that the first Shropshire Sheep were imported into Australia by Charles Price of Hindmarsh Island, ca.1855.

Boats moored at Victor Harbor

Boats moored at Victor Harbor

VICTOR HARBOR: A view of boats moored near a bridge over the Hindmarsh River. Rose deluxe series P. 9315. Caption - "Hindmarsh River and bridge Victor Harbour S.A.".