Find • henley beach • Results 451 to 480 of 625

Construction, Henley Beach

Construction, Henley Beach

Approach road to the Bridge over the Torrens River sea-outlet.

Construction, Henley Beach

Construction, Henley Beach

Sand dunes and houses used in the construction of the Torrens River sea-outlet.

Flooding, Henley Beach

Flooding, Henley Beach

Sea-outlet for the Torrens River at time of flood.

Sea-outlet, Henley Beach

Sea-outlet, Henley Beach

Sea-outlet showing remains of coffer dam after flood.

Sea-outlet, Henley Beach

Sea-outlet, Henley Beach

Sea-outlet showing scouring of coffer dam during flood.

Swimming baths, Henley

Swimming baths, Henley

Salt water Swimming baths.

A launch with passengers leaving a jetty

A launch with passengers leaving a jetty

A launch packed with men leaving a jetty during the Henley to Grange swimming race event in South Australia.

Women swimmers diving from a jetty

Women swimmers diving from a jetty

Two women swimmers diving off a jetty into the sea during the Henley to Grange swimming race in South Australia.

Men diving from a jetty during a swimming race

Men diving from a jetty during a swimming race

Men diving from a jetty into the sea during the Henley to Grange swimming race in South Australia.

Norrie family at the beach

Norrie family at the beach

The Norrie family relaxing in the water at Henley Beach, Saturday 28 December 1946. Identified are Captain Farebrother, Guy, Sarah, Sir Willoughby Norrie and Lady Norrie with a RAAF dinghy.

Couple at the beach

Couple at the beach

A couple standing on a jetty, possibly at Henley Beach.

Man at the beach

Man at the beach

A man in a suit standing on a jetty with a cigarette, possibly at Henley Beach.

Surf life saving events

Surf life saving events

Photographs of surf life saving events held at Horseshoe Bay, Port Elliot, and Chiton Rocks, near Victor Harbor. Also includes photographs of the Toc H campsite at Victor Harbor and groups of children.

Records relating to the River Torrens

Records relating to the River Torrens

Correspondence, a collection of photographs and newspaper and magazine cuttings relating to the 1909 flood at Fulham, together with a 1981 newspaper cutting about a flood warning system for the Torrens River and other cuttings.

Series 120: Aerial photographs of Royal Adelaide Golf Club

Series 120: Aerial photographs of Royal Adelaide Golf Club

Aerial photographs of Royal Adelaide Golf Club at Seaton, including views of the Club House, the Adelaide to Henley Beach rail line, Trimmer Parade, Frederick Road, Tapleys Hill Road and Meakin Terrace.

Photographs relating to Messenger Press : other buildings

Photographs relating to Messenger Press : other buildings

Photographs relating to 'other buildings', created by Messenger Press.

Mellor family photographs

Mellor family photographs

Letter to Eliza Mellor and photographs (with negatives) of the Mellor family.

Aerial photographs of the city of Charles Sturt: Grange

Aerial photographs of the city of Charles Sturt: Grange

Aerial views of Grange, in the city of Charles Sturt, South Australia. See below for details.

Photographs of Adelaide scenes

Photographs of Adelaide scenes

Collection of black and white photographic prints, taken by an unknown photographer. They cover localities in the Adelaide Hills, Adelaide street scenes, events and activities. Details of items are listed below.

Photographs of W.A. Robjohns

The series comprises 15 albums housing 1,973 photographs, most of which were taken by photographer W.A. Robjohns ca.1920-1966. Album covers were numbered and labelled by Robjohns. The sequence is incomplete, however, as only volumes 1-9, 12-14, 15, 20 and 23 have been donated. Robjohns' brief descriptions of content on the covers and spines are incomplete. For further descriptions of place names and subjects contained in each album, SEE details below. The albums contain small black and white prints, mostly undated, with captions by W.R. Robjohns. Also sepia and postcard prints, and a few hand-tinted prints. A small number of images were taken by other photographers, several of whom have been identified by Robjohns. Images depict Adelaide suburbs, city scenes and country towns, with an emphasis on rural landscapes, parks and reserves, rivers, reservoirs, streets, houses, churches, businesses and shop fronts, and public celebrations and processions. Also included are images of the Robjohns family on picnics and holiday outings, and their homes, cars and pets. A number of photos were duplicated or enlarged by Robjohns and appear in more than one album.

Alec Holborn's photograph album

Alec Holborn's photograph album

Album of photographs mostly taken about 1926 by Alexander Harrold (Alec) Holborn. Includes views of Victor Harbor and buildings, Granite Island and environs, visit of the Prince of Wales to Adelaide in 1926, SA Amateur Swimming Association activities at Glenelg and on the Torrens, Adelaide and environs, and the Holborn family. Some pages have over-arching captions, including PAGE 10 (49-53) 'views on Hindmarsh River 1926';.

Photographs relating to Messenger Press : houses and miscellaneous

Photographs relating to Messenger Press : houses and miscellaneous

Photographs relating to 'houses and miscellaneous', created by Messenger Press.

Aerial photographs of the city of West Torrens : Fulham

Aerial photographs of the city of West Torrens : Fulham

Aerial views of Fulham in the city of West Torrens, South Australia, including views of Adelaide Airport, the Patawalonga Golf Club, River Torrens Linear Park Trail, with the ocean and Glenelg in the distance, Henley Beach High School, Henley Beach Primary School, Henley Grange Memorial Oval, St Michael's College, Henley Beach Jetty, and West Beach.

Album of photographs taken in Adelaide in 1973

Album of photographs taken in Adelaide in 1973

Album of photographs taken in January and February 1973 during a return visit to Adelaide by Barbara Hanrahan. They were used by the author as a visual memoir of her childhood for her first novel 'The scent of eucalyptus', published in London later that year by Chatto & Windus. See 'Contents' for details. Do a NUMBER search on PRG 961/30/4/1-133 to see digitised images of most of these online (3-4 not digitised). Photographic copies are also available for reference.

Photographs relating to Messenger Press : shops, pubs, clubs and restaurants

Photographs relating to Messenger Press : shops, pubs, clubs and restaurants

Photographs relating to 'shops, pubs, clus and restaurants', created by Messenger Press.

Aerial photographs of the city of Charles Sturt: Fulham Gardens

Aerial photographs of the city of Charles Sturt: Fulham Gardens

Aerial views of Fulham Gardens, in the city of Charles Sturt, South Australia. See below for details.

Railway Station

Railway Station

Henley Beach Station.

World War I badges

World War I badges

A collection of badges from various war fund raising organisations in Adelaide, South Australia.

Views of S.A., Victoria and overseas

Views of S.A., Victoria and overseas

Comprising an album of travel photographs taken during various journeys, including South Australia, Victoria and abroad in Chile (including aftermath of the earhquake), Egypt, South Africa and Sri Lanka (Ceylon). The album also includes some images of the photographer's home and garden in the Adelaide suburb of St Peters.



Family and personal photographs of George R. Harrison including three of his uncle, the bass-baritone singer Peter S. Dawson. Eleven photographs in the series were kept by G.R. Harrison in his personal pocket-book while serving with the 31st Battery, 8th Field Artillery Brigade and, with it, were returned to his family at Henley Beach following his death. Twenty four photographs have been copied from an album belonging to his mother Mrs V.F. Harrison. A selection of the photographs have been digitised.