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Premises of Saltmarsh's South Gawler Bakery
GAWLER: Saltmarsh's South Gawler Bakery with delivery vans, ranging from horse-drawn to motorised, parked outside. Standing by are Mr & Mrs Saltmarsh, Trevor Saltmarsh, Bert Sharp, Bill Holness, George McDonald, Shirley Saltmarsh and Laurie Dieckman. Mr & Mrs Saltmarsh have been identified by a researcher, as Aristides Bevis Colin Rutherford Saltmarsh (generally known as Colin Rutherford Saltmarsh) and Ivy Priscilla Carrie (nee Ellis) Saltmarsh.

Cars which were supplied by Aero Motors, Gawler
GAWLER: Cars which were supplied by Aero Motors, line Murray Street Gawler, during a visit by Sir Thomas Playford and other members of the State Government, July 1957. J.W. Mathews was the licensee of the Old Spot Hotel from 1954-1964.

New Seventh Day Adventist Church at Gawler
GAWLER: The new Seventh Day Adventist Church, 22nd Street Gawler South.

Gawler Child Care Centre
GAWLER: Gawler Child Care Centre, Scheibener Terrace.

People at the barrage on the South Para river at Gawler
GAWLER: People enjoying recreation time at the barrage on the South Para river. It was built in 1919 and blown up with explosives, 18 September 1933.

Two fishermen at Port Gawler
PORT GAWLER: Two fishermen looking east over Port Gawler.

Ruins of a school house near Port Gawler
PORT GAWLER: Ruins of a school house near Port Gawler, about 3 miles from Port Wakefield Road.

Members of the Phoenix Band, Gawler
GAWLER: Members of the Phoenix Band, Gawler, they are uniformed and photographed as a group, each carrying his musical instrument, in a paddock; a small boy holding a trumpet stands centre, front row.

Gawler and District Pipe Band
GAWLER: Gawler and District Pipe Band, January 1983. Pipers from left: Pipe Major Bob Campbell; Pipe Sergeant Ron Cairns; John Traill (President); Stephen Campbell; Ann Clark; Dave Chaplin; Judy Campbell. Practice chanters from left: Kirsty Walters; Heather Cairns; Alan Walters; Karen Campbell; Jacqueline Lynch, Danny Walters.

Institute Building and Town Hall, Gawler
GAWLER: Exterior view of the Institute Building and Town Hall, Murray Street, Gawler.

Gawler Church
GAWLER: Exterior view of a Gawler Church.

The Wenmouth Collection : Gawler
The Wheatsheaf Hotel, near Gawler.

'Para Para' at Gawler
View of 'Para Para', the mansion built by Walter Duffield at Gawler in 1851. Annotations on the back read 'Duffields - Gawler - where where Warnkins were living - when [dad] Hermann was courting Helena - a huge ballroom in the centre was where the little dances were held - Dad playing the accordeon behind mother's back as they were dancing'. [See the Conservation Management Plan for the Para Para Estate for background and history of the building.]

Church parade at Gawler
Army church parade outside St. Peter and St. Paul Roman Catholic church, Gawler.

Julia Gawler's Tents
Pencil on paper sketch of tents by Julia Gawler, featuring five smaller tents surrounding a large central tent. Tents were the typical dwelling at this time. The Gawler family lived like this until more permanent dwellings were arranged, dated 1838.

John McKinley memorial, Gawler
View of the John McKinley Memorial on Murray Street, Gawler. To see a selection of photographs in this collection, search on Archival number PRG 1631/104.

Gawler view
View of Gawler with the Old Mill in the background. To see a selection of photographs in this collection, search on Archival number PRG 1631/104.

Worker's cottage, Gawler
View of a worker's cottage in Gawler. To see a selection of photographs in this collection, search on Archival number PRG 1631/104.

Duke of Edinburgh receiving an address of welcome, Gawler
Photograph of a lithograph of the Duke of Edinburgh receiving an address of welcome, Gawler. The Gawler Post Office (with tower and clock) is shown on the right. Prince Alfred, Duke of Edinburgh visited South Australia in 1867 on his round the world voyage.

Gawler River Carnival Cricket Team
1937 Gawler River Carnival Cricket Team. Back row L-R: E. Evans, A. Abbot, J. Evans, M. Mudge, R. Masters, C. Jeffries, F. Pearson (Vice-Capt.). Front row L-R: C. Taylor, D. Mudge, H. Taylor (Captain), A. Taylor (Organiser), J. Gillespie, S. Wheller, F. Spry. The players's signatures are on the back.

Orleana Square plan
Orleana Square plan drawn and signed by George Warren in 1857 featuring St George's Church in the centre, and showing the location of the church well and school, in Gawler.

St George's Parish Hall
View of St George's Parish Hall on Orleana Square, Gawler, near where St George's Day School was located.

Orleana Square
View of Orleana Square, Gawler, where St George's Day School was located.

Farm near Gawler
View of a farm near Gawler. Sheds and barns are visible in the background, behind trees, along with corrugated iron water tanks, and a windmill on the right. Horses and farm workers are standing by a farm building on the left.

Criterion Hotel, Gawler
View of the Criterion Hotel, Gawler.

Decorated street scene on the occasion of the opening of the Gawler Town Hall, 20 November 1878. The grand opening caused much excitement in the town and the local shops were decorated for the occasion. This photograph shows an archway which had been created over Murray Street. The attached banners read "God Save the Queen" and "Welcome Sir Jervois". A crown made from light bulbs adorns the top of the banner and flags are flying on either side of the arch.

Decorated street for the opening of the Town Hall. Decorated street scene on the occasion of the opening of the Gawler Town Hall, 20 November 1878. The grand opening caused much excitement in the town and the local shops were decorated for the occasion. This photograph shows an archway which had been created over Murray Street. The attached banner reads "Advance Australia".

Decorated street for opening of Town Hall. Decorated street scene on the occasion of the opening of the Gawler Town Hall, 20 November 1878. The grand opening caused much excitement in the town and the local shops were decorated for the occasion. This photograph shows a bridge of garlands over Murray Street. The attached banner reads "A Loyal Greeting".

Hotel, Gawler
Commercial Hotel, Murray Street showing the newly built Town Hall to the left. Further down the street shop verandahs stretch out over the footpath.

Gawler Hospital was built and maintained by funds from the estate of benefactor Mr Thomas Hutchinson (1821-1901) in 1920. The foundation stone weas laid by the Governor Sir Day H Bosanquet in 1912.