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Aerial photographs of the town of Gawler: Gawler East
Aerial views of Gawler East, in the town of Gawler, South Australia. See below for details.

Aerial photographs of the town of Gawler: Gawler West
Aerial views of Gawler West, in the town of Gawler, South Australia. See below for details.

Views of Gawler and Sandy Creek
A collection of images of Sandy Creek and Gawler.

Aerial photographs of the town of Gawler: Evanston
Aerial views of Evanston, in the town of Gawler, South Australia. See below for details.

Farmhouse, Gawler
The Groth farm house near Gawler. [This would be the property of Jacob Henry Groth, married 23 March 1892, Presbyterian Manse, Gawler. His father Jacob Heinrich Groth was a farmer according to his naturalisation records. Wife of Jacob Henry was Mary Sars Christie Taylor, whom anecdotally within the family is thought to have died in an early vehicle accident in Gawler's main street. Information provided by Helen Birkett] Additional information supplied by a researcher: This is the Groth farm house near Gawler (Sandy Creek/Cockatoo Valley), of Jacob Heinrich and Maria Rosina Groth, who purchased this property circa 1853. Your description that the house was owned by his son at the time this photo was taken is incorrect, though he and his family did return to this vicinity in the 1920s after living at Teal Flat, Sandlewood and One Tree Hill. James Henry Groth's wife (nee Mary Sars Christie) was killed in a car accident in Jacob St Gawler March 10 1927 (The Register, Friday 11 March 1927 page 9). According to a researcher, this is the farming property of Jacob Heinrich and Maria Rosina Groth who owned this house and farming land from circa 1853 to 1880. The property was located in the Sandy Creek/Emilienthal district near Gawler. Their son, also named Jacob Heinrich (Henry) Groth married Mary Sars Christie Taylor but were never the owner of this property. The photograph is circa 1860.

Aerial photographs of the town of Gawler: Reid
Aerial views of Reid, in the town of Gawler, South Australia. See below for details.

Gawler Communications Bunker
Views of the Gawler Communications Bunker, which also doubled as an air-raid shelter / bomb shelter.

[General description] Wheat harvest is in progress at John Riggs' farm. Several four-horse teams are at work, harnessed to mechanical reaping machines. This is a black and white photograph of an coloured engraving by an unknown colonial artist. [On back of photograph] 'Prize farm of Mr. John Riggs, Gawler'.

St George School, Gawler
Photograph with handwritten caption 'St George Gawler, L. S. Burton school, 1884'.

Five firemen with a horse & cart vehicle and early fire-fighting equipment: Gawler's first Fire Brigade.

A parade passing the Gawler Institute
GAWLER: A Jubilee parade described as celebrating local government, photographed passing the Gawler Institute where Sir George Le Hunte, Governor of South Australia, watches from a balcony on 9 October 1907; a horse drawn wagon carrying passengers and a banner promoting the Loyal Gawler Lodge of Manchester Unity, Independent Order of Odd Fellows, leads the procession. At rear of parade is the banner of the United Ancient Order of Druids.

Premises of Essex House, Gawler
GAWLER: The premises of Essex House in Gawler photographed during its renovation and verandah extension; men who are possibly the builders and decorators stand outside with other men who could be the owner and staff.

Interior view of a grocer's shop in Gawler
GAWLER: Interior view of a grocer's shop in Gawler showing the shelves and cupboards packed with merchandise, and customers sitting at the counters as they are being served by assistants.

Red Cross Day parade at Gawler
GAWLER: An early model fire engine leading a parade of motor vehicles to celebrate Red Cross Day at Gawler in 1917; Sir Henry Galway, Governor of South Australia, and his party watch proceedings from the balcony of the Institute.

Premises of L. B. Steinke in Gawler
GAWLER: Cyclists lined up outside the premises of L. B. Steinke, Release Cycle and Motor Works, at Gawler.

Gawler Town, S.A.
[General description] Lithograph of 'Gawler Town, S.A. from the south', based on a drawing by James Shaw. Drawn upon stone & printed by Penman & Galbraith. It is a panoramic view showing the roads, buildings, fields and gardens of the township. A couple out walking wave to a man with his horse and cart. In the foreground a goat surveys the scene. [On back of photograph] 'Gawler from the south / 1866-67'. The Gawler Institute has an oil painting of this scene.

Memorial, Gawler
Monument erected to Mr. & Mrs. Richard Holland at Gawler Church of England cemetery. Richard Holland died in 1881 and Margaret Holland died in 1898. Richard's wish was to be buried under the staircase to the tower in his home but difficulties arose when the ground was not consecrated. Eventually his body was laid in the vault in a cedar coffin. As this was not airtight he was reburied in the Church of England cemetery at Gawler.

First locomotive in South Australia built at Gawler. The engine is decorated with palm wreaths and ribbons. Important dignitaries are riding on the engine while passengers are hanging onto the side of the train carriages. A banner above the engine says "Welcome to Gawler" . This photograph shows the scene from April 11, 1890.

[General description] This stone house was the residience of Thomas Fotheringham who was one of the founders of the Fotheringham Brothers Brewery at Gawler, later Kapunda. The house has a large basement and return verandah with decorative ironwork. A staircase leads from the front entrance to the lawn. Part of its large garden is seen in the foreground where the family dog is posing (near the bench). [On back of photograph] 'Gawler / Mr. Thomas Fotheringham's residence / 1872-86'.

First locomotive built in Gawler - in Gawler main street. Compare photograph with B 9778

Funeral procession in horsedrawn vehicles outside Charles George Rebbeck Undertakers Parlour. He also owned the furniture store, was elected as Councillor for East Ward in 1899-1900 and 1909, and was Mayor of Gawler in 1901-02 and 1910-1911

Tram Bridge, Gawler
View of a double decker, horse drawn tram crossing over a bridge. The location is identified as 'Tram Bridge, Gawler, S.A.'

Phoenix Band, Gawler
Phoenix Band members.

GAWLER: A fife band marching in a parade at Gawler.

Fire Brigade, Gawler
Fire Brigade members with their hand pump and horsedrawn wagon. A researcher has provided the following information: The first person from the left is John Frederick May, known to all as Fred, and was made the first Fire Warden of Gawler at the end of 1879. For further information see the book, 'History of Gawler, 1837-1908' by E.H. Coombe, pages 167, 397.

Church, Gawler
Group of Choir men and boys of the Church of the Transfiguration on a picnic.

Relaxing under a tree: l-r Mr. Daniel Burrowes, Mr. James T. Rowe (Chemist, Gawler), Rev. John Colville (Curate of Gawler), Mr Wainwright of Gawler.

James Martin foundry workers, Gawler
GAWLER: Employees photographed in the workshops at the James Martin foundry, Gawler.

Opening of the Bowling Green at Gawler
GAWLER: Festivities at the opening of the bowling green at Gawler, 12 February 1908.

Floods in Gawler
GAWLER: A car with a motorcycle and side car travelling along Whitlaw Terrace in Gawler during floods in 1917; the premises of James Martin foundry on Walker Place can be seen in the background.