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Staff at the Gawler Railway Station
GAWLER: A group of men, some wearing their uniforms as members of the railway staff, standing on the entrance steps to the railway station at Gawler, South Australia; names not known.

Gawler Park footbridge over the North Para River
GAWLER: Gawler Park footbridge over the North Para River, near Poldens Crossing. This was close to netball courts by Gawler Oval. It was washed away in 1913 and never replaced.

Chevrolet car outside the Old Spot Hotel, Gawler
GAWLER: A 1926 Chevrolet car stands outside the Old Spot Hotel, Murray Street, Gawler.

Employees of May Brothers Foundry, Gawler
GAWLER: Employees of May Brothers Foundry, Gawler, in front of a large metal tank.

Employees of G. Marsh's Wheelwright and Blacksmith at Gawler
Employees of G. Marsh's wheelwright and blacksmith business, standing by a wagon outside their shop situated at the rear of Exchange Hotel, Murray Street, Gawler.

Gawler's first Seventh Day Adventist Church
GAWLER: Gawler's first Seventh Day Adventist Church, which was built in 1910 at 22nd Street Gawler South.

Methodist parsonage at Gawler
GAWLER: The Methodist parsonage, corner of Tod and Dundas Streets, Gawler. Now known as 'Tortola House'.

Premises of W. Hobart & Son at Gawler
GAWLER: A group of men with horse drawn wagons outside the premises of W. Hobart & Son, carriers, at the corner of Tod & Reid Streets, Gawler.

Members of the Gawler Mineralogical Society on a picnic
GAWLER: Members of Gawler Mineralogical Society on a picnic, possibly near Williamstown.

Murray Street Gawler
GAWLER: General view of early model cars in Murray Street Gawler.

An F251 train at Gawler Railway Station
GAWLER: An F251 steam train at Gawler Railway Station.

First locomotive manufactured in Gawler
A crowd of Gawler residents watches as the first locomotive produced in Gawler steams down the main street.

Murray Street, Gawler
View of Murray Street, Gawler, looking south. A large sign on a building advertises Sherwin Williams Paints. To see a selection of photographs in this collection, search on Archival number PRG 1638/12.

Gawler Golf Club clubhouse
Group of people in the Gawler Golf Club clubhouse. To see a selection of photographs in this collection, search on Archival number PRG 1638/10.

Procession in Gawler
View of a procession in Gawler. To see a selection of photographs in this collection, search on Archival number PRG 1638/10.

Murray Street, Gawler
View of Murray Street, Gawler, looking north. The surgery is in the centre right. To see a selection of photographs in this collection, search on Archival number PRG 1638/12.

James Martin Foundry, Gawler
View of the James Martin Foundry, Gawler. To see a selection of photographs in this collection, search on Archival number PRG 1631/104.

Intersection of Adelaide Road and Eighteenth Street, South Gawler
Four black and white aerial photographs of South Gawler.

Site of St. George's Day School
View of a plaque commemorating the site of St George's L.S. Burton School at Orleana Square, Gawler, which was in this location from 1848-1891. Leonard Samuel Burton was headmaster at the school from 1853.

Mill Inn, Gawler
View of the Mill Inn, Gawler.

Town Hall at Gawler which was built after much controversy in 1878. The foundation stone was laid by Mayor James Martin in 1878 shortly before he resigned from Council along with three others.

[General description] Panoramic view of Gawler showing township buildings amongst trees. In the foreground is a horse paddock with stables and sheds. [On back of photograph] 'Gawler taken from the spire of the Congregational Church / 1896--1898'.

Gawler Railway Station opened in 1857 and the original platform building was replaced in 1879. A horse drawn tram serviced Gawler's main street almost a kilometre away the photograph shows a two storey station building, several raliway lines and engine sheds.

Harvester made by May Bros. & Co. Ltd. of Gawler successfully handling an abandoned storm swept crop of "Kings Early" at Taylor Bros. Farm. The crop had been left for 5 months, March 1917.

Harvester made by May Bros. & Co. Ltd. of Gawler drawn by a horseteam.

Old Spot Hotel on right.

Nurse Greenslade's Cottage Hospital, Gawler
Edith Marian Greenslade established a private hospital in King Street, Gawler in 1905, advertising medical surgery and midwifery. She relocated her services to Pier Street, Glenelg in the late 1910s. She was the daughter of Marian Greenslade, nee Woodward-Cleaver, and George Greenslade of Urania and Maitland, South Australia.

Phoenix Band, Gawler. Front row (seated), sixth from the left is William Arthur Couche (21 October 1881-14 December 1954). (Information supplied by a researcher)
Phoenix Band members.

Church, Gawler
Deacons, Baptist Church : Back l-r G. Willcocks, G. Moore, A.F. Thomas, C. Rogasch, I.J. Farrow Front l-r J. Busbridge, Glastenbury, A.C. Follett, E. Moyes, E.W. Carey.

Church, Gawler
Deacons, Baptist Church : Back l-r Williams, Harry Bray, J.J. Farrow, George Willcocks, Percy Elliott Front l-r James Busbridge Anderson, Rev. Vigis, Rogasch, George Moore.