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Morphett Street, West Side

Morphett Street, West Side

[General description] This tiny cottage, hemmed in by industrial buildings and a high fence is about to be incorporated into the Fowler's Lion factory complex, part of which is seen on the right [On back of photograph] 'Acre 8 / Morphett Street, west side / 9 July 1937 / For alterations made in 1937 see B7377 / Site of cottage: Right side is 64 yards south of North Terrace / Frontage 7 yds'.

Trinity Church, North Terrace

Trinity Church, North Terrace

[General description] Trinity Church is partially obscured by a number of trees planted in front of the building. The foundation stone of the earliest part of this church was laid on 26th January 1838 by Governor John Hindmarsh. It was rebuilt in 1845, and significantly extended in 1888-9, the architectural style being Victorian Gothic. The tower was extended to its present height. See B 45148 for a photograph taken circa 1860. [On back of photograph] 'Acre 9 / Trinity Church, North Adelaide / Before 1927 / (Probably after 1890)'.

Luxmoore & Chapman

Luxmoore & Chapman

[General description] Premises of Luxmoore & Chapman on North Terrace West. The signage advertises Luxmoore and Chapman are wool brokers, and deal in skin, hide and tallow. Number 62 North Terrace is next door. Two men are sitting on the steps of Luxmoore and Chapman and a bicycle is parked outside. [On back of photograph] Acre 10. North Terrace West 1909-1914.Probably 1909. See B 7787/3. Right side of Luxmoore's premises is 100 yards east of Morphett Street. Frontage of Luxmoore's: 21 yards.

North Terrace West, Adelaide

North Terrace West, Adelaide

[General description] A row of terrace houses is partially obscured by Plane trees. A sign on the balcony of one of the houses announces "For sale by auction Wednesday 20th May", the agent being C.W. Bullock. On the right is the premises of the Cameron Shoe Company which appear to be in the early process of demolition which was completed in 1928. [On back of photograph] 'Acre 10 / North Terrace west / May 13, 1926. / Frontage of houses next to Cameron Shoe Company: 23 yards. Far side of the houses is 98 yards west of Victoria Street. These houses were demolished in 1926. For photos of building subsequently erected see B 4786.'

Premises of Metters Limited

Premises of Metters Limited

[General description] The design of the new three storey Metters building has an art deco influence. It has three large mullioned windows across the top two stories and plate glass shop windows on the ground floor. There is a long cantilever verandah.The Cameron Shoe Company on the right is in process of demolition. See B 2386 for a photograph of the building taken in 1924. [On back of photograph] 'Acre 10 / North Terrace, West / June 21,1928 / Metters' building erected in 1927. For view of houses formerly on the site see B 3435 / Site of Metters' premises: Left side is 98 and a half yards west of Victoria Street; frontage: 22 yards'.

Mrs Gleiber's Boarding House, North Terrace

Mrs Gleiber's Boarding House, North Terrace

Mrs Gleiber's New Zealand Boarding House operated at numbers 59, 61 and 62 North Terrace West from 1906 to 1914. Number 60, where a clothes line hangs on the balcony, was occupied by Mrs Parson's Boarding House at the time of the photograph. Residents of this two storey terrace pose for the camera in front of its doorways. A sign near one of the doors advertises 'First Class Hot Dinners'. [On back of photograph] ' Acre 10 / North Terrace West / 1909-12 / Right side of houses is 121 yards east of Morphett Street / Frontage of houses is 20 yards / *Probably 1909 / See B 7787/3.

North Terrace West

North Terrace West

[General description] This new four storey building, situated at the western end of North Terrace, is the premises of Eudunda Farmers Co-operative Society. [On back of photograph] 'Acre 10 / North Terrace West, South side / 8th February 1938 / This building was erected in 1937 / Compare with B 2495 / Right side of the 5 storey building is 74 yards east of Morphett Street / Frontage: 24 yards'.

North Terrace West

North Terrace West

[General description] Buildings on North Terrace west, including W. Gilbert Grain Merchant, G.A. Prevost and Company, and Hugh V. McKay Sunshine Harvester Works. A sign in McKay's window advertises the Sun Twin Stump Jump Disc Cultivator. [On back of phoptograph] Acre 11. North Terrace West. 1909-18. Probably 1909. See B 7787/3. Frontage of McKay's: 31 yards. Left side of McKay's is 62 yards west of Victoria Street.

North Terrace West

North Terrace West

[General description] W. Gilbert and Company Grain and Forage Merchants in North Terrace west. The signage advertises they sell seed wheat, pollard, baled hay, baled straw, manures, dry cut chaff, bran and oats, and are agents for implements and machinery. A sign above the entrance states W. Gilbert and Company Forage and Grain Merchants Mills- Gawler Railways and Wasleys. A woman pushing a pram and small child are talking to a dog in the entrance. [On back of photograph] Acres 11 & 12. North Terrace West 1909-12. Probably 1909. See B7787/3. Left side of Gilbert's is about 28 yards west of Victoria Street.

North Terrace West

North Terrace West

[General description] North Terrace with its tramlines and parked cars is in the foreground of this view of modern buildings which have replaced smaller industrial business premises. On the left is the Mirror Shirt and Pyjama Warehouse and there is a large advertisement for Cresco Fertilizers displayed on the side of the tallest building. [On back of photograph] 'Acres 11 and 12 / North Terrace west / 21st June 1928 / The nearest portion of the 6 storey building and the whole of the two storey building were erected in 1926/7. For a view of premises formerly on this site see B 3225 / For view of tall building prior to erection of new portion see B 2746 / Frontage of the new part of the 5 storey building: 5 and a half yards / Its near side is 33 and a half yards west of Victoria Street / Frontage of 2 storey building: 30 yards'.

W. Gilbert, Grain Merchants, North Terrace

W. Gilbert, Grain Merchants, North Terrace

Premises of W.Gilbert & Company Grain and Forage Merchants, North Terrace. Frontage: 22 and a half yards. Left side is 27 and a half yards west of Victoria Street. The boundary of acres 11 and 12 runs between the left side of Gilbert's and the adjoining foundry.

Victoria Street, Adelaide, east side

Victoria Street, Adelaide, east side

[General description] Industrial buildings in the city with a chimney silhouetted angainst the sky. [On back of photograph] 'Acres 12 and 51 / Victoria Street, east side / November 2, 1927. / Near side of one storey building is 35 yards south of North Tce. Near side of two storey building on right is 71 yards south of North Tce.' (Another hand) 'The one storey buildings were demolished in 1928. See B 5742.'

North Terrace, Adelaide

North Terrace, Adelaide

[General description] Staff members wearing their various work clothes pose for the photographer in front of Johnson's Pantheon Boot Factory, others appear at the windows of the building. Perhaps the man in the top hat is the owner. [On back of photograph] 'Acre 16 / North Terrace west, south side / The left side abuts Gresham Street / frontage: 16 yards'.

Gresham Street, Adelaide

Gresham Street, Adelaide

[General description] This building appears to be closed up with barred doors and windows on the ground floor. Upstairs window glass is broken. [On back of photograph] 'Acre 16 / Gresham Street, west side / 9 September 1960 / Left side of centre building is 78 yards north of Hindley Street / Total frontage of building (see B 14393 for contiuation) is 18 yards'

Gresham Street, Adelaide

Gresham Street, Adelaide

[General description] This is a continuation of the building seen in B 14392. [On back of photograph] 'Acre 16 / Gresham Street, west side / 9 September 1960 / For view of the rest of this building see B 14392]

King William Street, Adelaide

King William Street, Adelaide

[General description] The premises of the pastoral company Bagot, Shakes and Lewis Limited, established in 1860 by Edward Meade Bagot and later aquired by Goldsborough Mort in 1924. This building was designed by James MacGeorge for the Savings Bank in the late 1850s. [On back of photograph] 'Acre 17 / King William Street, east side / 1906 / Left side of Bagot, Shakes' premises is 58 yards south of North Terrace. Right side is 71 yards south of North Terrace.'

King William Street, Adelaide

King William Street, Adelaide

[General description] A lively street scene at the intersection of King William and Hindley Streets, looking north towards Government House where the flagstaff can be seen. Various characters of all walks of life go about their business. Men are unloading sacks from a dray whilst a smart carriage drives by. A woman with a goat cart can be seen on the right. Buildings are low one storey cottages. [On back of photograph] 'Acres 17, 46, 47 / King William Street, looking north / 1845 / Reproduction of a sketch by S.T. Gill in the Art Gallery of S.A. Not to be reproduced without permission of the latter.'

King William Street, Adelaide

King William Street, Adelaide

[General description] A few pedestrians cross King William Street where city buildings, parked cars and decorative tram poles and wires can be seen. The two buildings in the centre are the premises of Wheeler's Tailors and D.&J. Fowler. On the right is part of the Goldsborough Mort building. [On back of photograph] 'Acre 17 / King William Street, east side / December 18th 1927 / Left side of Wheeler's is 35 1/2 yards south of North Terrace / Frontage of Wheeler's and Fowler's: 17 yards' (Another hand) 'Cantilever verandah erected in front of Wheeler's in 1928'.

King William Street

King William Street

[General description] This view is dominated by the Bank of New South Wales building, constructed in the 1880s. The car on the right is a Talbot, first owned by Sir James Hay Gosse. 'Information supplied by Mr. George Brooks, Tranmere on 21st September, 1978 R.D.T.' [On back of photograph] 'Acre 17 / King William Street, east side / 28 July 1937 / Site of Bank of New South Wales: South eastern corner of King William Street and North Terrace / King William Street frontage of Bank and Orient Line buildings: 33.3 yards / North Terrace frontage of Bank: 23.3 yards (Another hand) 'Bank of N.S.W. / For new building erected on this site in 1940-41 see B 12323'.

North Terrace, Adelaide

North Terrace, Adelaide

[General description] This substantial two storey stone house features a mansard roof with a widow's walk. This is the new residence of Adelaide's well-known Doctor James Phillips, replacing an earlier thatched cottage on the site (See B 7469). [On back of photograph] 'Acre 17 / North Terrace east / 1872-86 / The right side of the house abuts Club House Lane and is 52.5 yards east of King William Street / Frontage is 18 yards'.

Stephens Place, Adelaide

Stephens Place, Adelaide

[General description] Two men with a wheelbarrow load of boxes pose in front of James Marshall & Company's Furniture Warehouse [On back of photograph] 'Acre 18 / Stephens Place, west side / 1895 / Extreme left is 71 yards south of North Terrace. Extreme right is 49 yards south of North Terrace.'

Stephens Place, West Side

Stephens Place, West Side

[General description] The Stephens Place warehouse of James Marshall & Company, drapers and importers. The firm was set up when James Marshall and William Taylor bought Hodgkiss' warehouse business in Rundle Street in 1881. Despite the setback of a fire in 1882, Marshall's recovered and expanded, eventually employing 800 people. [On back of photograph] Acre 18 / Stephens Place, west side / 1895 / Right side of two storey building in centre is 34 yards south of North Terrace. Left side of the same building is 49 yards south of North Terrace.'

Stephens Place

Stephens Place

[General Description] Western side of Stephens Place between Rundle Street and North Terrace. Marshalls Stores are situated in the buildings along this side of the street. Ladies are shopping and chatting outside on the footpath. [On back of photograph] Acres 18 & 45. Stephens Place. West side. Probably about 1909. See B 7787/6. Extreme left is 30 yards north of Rundle Street. Extreme right is 92 and a half yards north of Rundle Street.

Stephens Place

Stephens Place

[General description] West side of Stephens Place showing the premises of J. Marshall and Company Importers of General Furnishings, Drapers and Merchants. Two ladies are walking past the shop. [On back of photograph] Acre 18. Stephens Place, west side. Probably about 1911. Probably 1909. See B 7787/6. Left side of building is 49 yards south of North Terrace. Right side of building is 34 yards south of North Terrace.

North Terrace East, Adelaide

North Terrace East, Adelaide

[General description] Two North Terrace buildings are photographed from across North Terrace using the gardens as a foreground. Designed by architect F.H. (Frank) Counsell the Liberal Club Building (on the right) was completed in 1925. The Verco building designed by architect Eric H McMichael was completed without its originally planned seventh storey in 1912. [On back of photograph] 'Acre 18 / North Terrace East. / Liberal Club Building, with Verco Buildings next door east / May 16,1926 / Liberal Club building erected in 1925. For view of house formerly on the site see B 1062. Frontage of Liberal Club building : 18 yards. Its far side is 18 yards west of Stephens Place.'

Stephens Place, Adelaide

Stephens Place, Adelaide

[General description] A view looking south along Stephens Place showing city buildings, part of Marshall's store, soon to become Myer's. Cars are parked at the kerb. In the left foreground, part of the Queen Adelaide Club building can be seen. [On back of photograph] 'Acre 18 / Stephens Place. West side / Jan. 29, 1927 / 'The four storey building in the centre was completed in 1926. For view of structure formerly on this site see B 2264. Site of new building : near side is 37 yds. south of North Terrace. Frontage :14 yards.'

North Terrace East, Adelaide

North Terrace East, Adelaide

[General description] Three large Washingtonia palms stand in front of a building that is soon to be demolished. See B 5236 for a view of both Gonville and Caius Chambers (the neighbouring building), both of which are to be demolished to make way for Goldsborough's new building. [On back of photograph] 'Acre 18 / North Terrace east / May 31,1927 / Gonville Chambers (centre) / Gonville Chambers demolished in 1929. Compare with B 7092 / Site of Gonville Chambers: left side is 43 yards west of Stephens Place. Frontage: 19 yards.'

North Terrace, Adelaide

North Terrace, Adelaide

[General description] An interesting composition showing the Liberal Club and other North Terrace buildings beyond of a group of palm trees in the North Terrace gardens. A row of parked cars lines the road. [On back of photograph] 'Acre 18 / North Terrace looking east from a point a little east of Government House / 1927'.

North Terrace East, Adelaide

North Terrace East, Adelaide

[General description] The Liberal Club Building, taken from the opposite side of the road, with North Terrace gardens and parked cars in the foreground. Designed by architect Frank Counsell in the Beaux Arts style this seven storey building features a tier of spacious verandahs. It is one of Adelaide's early reinforced concrete buildings. Car no. 33482 was a Hupmobile, owned by Mrs. E. J. Haines, of Semaphore. [On back of photograph] 'Acre 18 / North Terrace East / Liberal Club Building / 1927. / Reproduced in the Chronicle 10.12.1927. / Erected in 1925. For view of house formerly on the site see B1062. / Frontage 18 yards. / Left side is 18 yards west of Stephens Place'.

Stephens Place, Adelaide

Stephens Place, Adelaide

[General description] City buildings and parked cars on Stephens Place. The new Verco Building is on the right. [On back of photograph] 'Acre 18 / Stephens Place / west side / 17 July 1928 / Extreme left is 72 yards south of North Terrace'.