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North Terrace, Adelaide

North Terrace, Adelaide

[General description] Workmen with wheelbarrows, ladders etc. are in process of renovations to a pair of stone two storey terrace houses. A paling fence has been installed at the front of the site for security. [On back of photograph] 'Acre 23 / North Terrace east / west corner of Elder Street / May 1st, 1928 / Compare with B 5124 / frontage of houses in process of alteration is 13.5 yards'.

Austin Street, Adelaide

Austin Street, Adelaide

[General description] A smart Coupe motor car is parked in front of this row of early Adelaide cottages which will soon be demolished. The tops of city buildings can be seen in the distance. [On back of photograph] 'Acre 23 / Austin Street, west side / 12 August 1930 / Verandah removed in 1930 / See B 7172 / Right side of cottage in centre is 25.5 yards south of North Terrace/Frontage: 16 yards / Demolished June 1939'.

Austin Street, Adelaide

Austin Street, Adelaide

[General description] This single fronted cottage with a vine covered pergola is surrounded by taller buildings. It is in a dilapidated state, and probably about to be demolished. [On back of photograph] 'Acre 23 / Austin Street, west side / 4 December 1959 / Right side of cottage is 42 yards south of North Terrace, frontage is 7 yards'

Austin Street Adelaide

Austin Street Adelaide

[General description] Austin Street off Pulteney Street in Adelaide. Two shuttered buildings stand side by side with the taller buildings in Rundle Street visible behind them. [On back of photograph] Acre 24 Austin Street, south side, Oct. 31,1925. Nearest cottage demolished in 1925. Compare with B 3946. Left side of nearest cottage is 33 and a half yards west of Pulteney Street. Far side of shuttered house is 48 yards west of Pulteney Street.

North Terrace

North Terrace

[General description] Kelvin Building on the eastern part of North Terrace west of Pulteney Street. The five storey building has columns and balustrades on the frontage. [On back of photograph] Acre 24. North Terrace East 1926. Kelvin Building. Erected in 1925. For view of houses formerly on this site see B 1550. Frontage of building is 24 yards. Left side is 30.5 yards west of Pulteney Street. Reproduced in Observer, Feb. 13, 1926.

Austin Street, Adelaide

Austin Street, Adelaide

[General description] This new two storey building dominates the laneway. Its facade, which features bay windows and fretwork balconies, later underwent alterations which can be seen at B 19350, taken in 1969. [On back of photograph] 'Acre 24 / Austin Street, south side / Jan. 29, 1927 / The two storey building was completed in 1926. For view of premises formerly on this site see B 3131. / Site of two storey building: Far side is 30 yards west of Pulteney Street. Frontage: 8.5 yards'.

Chalmers Church, North Terrace, Adelaide

Chalmers Church, North Terrace, Adelaide

[General description] Panoramic view across North Terrace to Chalmers Church, later renamed Scots Church, on the corner of North Terrace and Pulteney Street, Adelaide, viewed from a high point on the now demolished Exhibition Building. The premises of H.L. Vosz, renamed Clarkson Ltd. in 1915, and John Martins Department Store can be seen in the centre. [On back of photograph] 'Acres 24, 23, 22. / Adelaide, looking south west from the Exhibition Building. / c. 1911. Copy of the original made by Harringtons, 1936' (Another hand) 'For view of building with balcony roof painted half plain and half striped, (ie. the second building left of Austin Street), after alterations completed in 1947, see B 13005'.

Pulteney Street, Adelaide

Pulteney Street, Adelaide

[General description] Ruthven Mansions on Pulteney Street is under construction, surrounded by scaffolding of long wooden poles tethered together with rope. A man in a bowler hat poses for the photographer in front of the building and various tradesmen pose on the scaffolding and amongst the roof timbers, including one man perched atop the unfinished cupola. Piles of builder's sand and metal are heaped in front of the site. A sign reads 'Ruthven Mansions Residential Flats in course of erection for R.F. Ruthven Smith Esq. Architects Black and Fuller. Contractors A.R. Maddern and Son. Particulars, Rentals etc. Please apply Fenn and Hardy, Solicitors, 72 King William Street. [On back of photograph] 'Acres 24 and 39 / Pulteney Street, west side, north of Rundle Street / about 1911 / Left side of building is 42 yards north of Rundle St. / Frontage of new building : 27 yards.'

North Terrace, Adelaide

North Terrace, Adelaide

[General description] Designed by Eric Habershon McMichael Adelaide to provide offices for the Electric Supply Company, this six storey building is in the art deco style. [On back of photograph] 'Acre 24 / North Terrace East / Kelvin Building / 1928 / Far side is 30.5 yards west of Pulteney Street / Frontage: 24 yards'.

Chalmers Church, North Terrace

Chalmers Church, North Terrace

This sketch shows Chalmers Church, designed by Thomas English and Henry Brown, after the addition of its tower in 1858. In 1929 it became known as 'Scots Church' when the Flinders Street Presbyterian Church and Chalmers Church amalgamated under that name. There is a row of terrace houses next door. [On back of photograph] 'Acre 24 / 1851-59 / Chalmers Church and cottages in North Terrace East / Copied from a sketch in possession of F.T. Bruce ' Original about 10" x 8"'.

North Terrace, Adelaide

North Terrace, Adelaide

[General description] Scots Church is prominent in this view along North Terrace; Buildings, mostly residential line the left side of the road. [On back of photograph] 'Acres 24, 23 / North Terrace east looking west from a point opposite Pulteney Street / 1873-78'.

Terrace houses, east side of Pulteney Street near North Terrace

Terrace houses, east side of Pulteney Street near North Terrace

A row of five two storey terrace houses on the east side of the northern end of Pulteney Street, Adelaide. The terrace is about to make way for a new parking station. A large sign painted on the end of the building informs the public of its fate. [On back of photograph] 'Acre 25 / Pulteney Street, east side / Jan.13, 1927 / Two storey houses in course of demolition. Compare with B 5702 / Site of two storey houses: Near side is 33.5 yards south of North Terrace. Frontage: 33.5 yards.' See also B 2486 and PRG 631/2/446 for earlier views of the terrace.

North Terrace, Adelaide

North Terrace, Adelaide

North Terrace, Adelaide, on December 15th 1922. Marshall's Spring Grip Factory was built in 1922 and stands on the north west corner of the acre. For a view, taken in 1953, of the site on the right of Marshall's factory when used as a car park, see B 12682 and B 15046

North Terrace, Adelaide

North Terrace, Adelaide

[General description] The architects of this Masonic Temple were John Quinton Bruce and William H. Harral. The latter was a freemason who personally supervised much of the work on the building. The entrance of the building features four large ionic columns with a granite staircase. [On back of photograph] 'Acre 26 / North Terrace, east / Masonic Temple / 1927 / Near side is 67 yards west of Tavistock Street / Frontage: 44.5 yards. / Erected in 1927 on a vacant site. (Begun in 1924) / Reproduced in Chronicle, December 10, 1927.'

North Terrace, Adelaide

North Terrace, Adelaide

[General description] This view of the new Masonic Temple has been taken from the opposite side of North Terrace, the Temple being partially obscured by the young plane trees. In the foreground there is what appears to be a pile of scrap iron, a wooden trunk, a wheelbarrow and other equipment possibly belonging to a tradesman. See B 4322 for information and another view of the temple. [On back of photograph] 'Acre 26 / North Terrace East / May 20th, 1928 / The Masonic Temple / Erected in 1924-27 on a vacant site / Near side of Temple is 93.5 yards east of Pulteney Street / Frontage: 44.5 yards'.

North Terrace, Adelaide

North Terrace, Adelaide

[General description] This two storey white painted building at 251 North Terrace is operating as a parking station. See B 1171 for photograph of the building when it was a factory, taken in 1922. On the left is part of the Masonic Temple. [General description] [On back of photograph] 'Acre 26 / North Terrace, south side / 6 September 1963 / Right side of building is 71 yards / Frontage is 20 yards'

North Terrace, Adelaide

North Terrace, Adelaide

[On back of photograph] 'Acre 27 / North Terrace / Residence of John Bagot / Sep. 7, 1907 / Left side of house is 51 yards west of Tavistock Street. Right side of gate is 64 yards west of Tavistock Street.'[General description] Designed by William McMinn in 1881, this Italianate style two storey townhouse features a mansard roof with wrought iron cresting. The view was taken from the opposite side of North Terrace, with a wrought iron fence in the foreground.

North Terrace, Adelaide

North Terrace, Adelaide

[General description] Part of the foundations for the Reverend Paul Joseph's proposed City Temple, commenced in 1916, can be seen behind the tall fence surrounding the site. Due to failure of the project the site was left derelict for many years and was purchased by the Christian Scientists in 1939. It was not until 1954 that they were able to raise the funds to build a new, less expensive church on the site. [On back of photograph] 'Acre 27 / North Terrace east / on the west corner of Tavistock Street and North Terrace / December 16th, 1954 / View shows site and portion of brickwork of a proposed church which was to be known as the City Temple / The building was commenced in 1916 but did not progress further than shown in this photograph / See Arch. Newspaper cuttings, Vol 2, p. 275 / The site has a frontage of 27 1/2 yards on North Terrace and 30 yards on Tavistock Street'

Trams, Old and New in North Terrace, Adelaide

Trams, Old and New in North Terrace, Adelaide

General description] Two trams, standing side by side. One is the old horse drawn type, with its well turned out driver and matching pair of horses, the other is the new electric tram. North Terrace road and buildings form a backdrop. A researcher provides additional information: 'Two trams, crossing in North Terrace. One is drawn by two horses, the other is a new Type B "toastrack" electric tram no. 32. The boater-hatted conductor is hauling on the rope for the trolley pole, which may have jumped off its wire. The photo was taken during the period 1908-1914, when Adelaide's tram lines were being electrified and horse trams were being withdrawn progressively. [On back of photograph] 'Acre 28 / North Terrace, looking east from Frome Road / c. 1909'.

Trams old and new, North Terrace, Adelaide

Trams old and new, North Terrace, Adelaide

[General description] Two trams, standing side by side. One is the old horse drawn type, with its well turned out driver and matching pair of horses, the other is the new electric tram. North Terrace road and buildings form a backdrop. A researcher provides additional information: 'Two trams, crossing in North Terrace. One is drawn by two horses, the other is a new Type B "toastrack" electric tram no. 32. The boater-hatted conductor is hauling on the rope for the trolley pole, which may have jumped off its wire. The photo was taken during the period 1908-1914, when Adelaide's tram lines were being electrified and horse trams were being withdrawn progressively. [On back of photograph] 'Acre 28 / North Terrace, looking east from Frome Road / c. 1909'.

North Terrace, Adelaide

North Terrace, Adelaide

[General description] Ayers' House, showing the western wing with its bow window. This was the last major addition to the house and contains the ballroom. The mansion was known as Austral House for many years. [On back of photograph] 'Acres 29 and 30 / North Terrace east / 1928 / Sir Henry Ayers' house / The verandah on the right is 125 yards east of Tavistock Street / Frontage of house (including verandah) is 45.5 yards' (Another hand) 'Reproduced in 'Mail' for August 18, 1928'.

East Terrace

East Terrace

[General description] East Terrace Fruit and Vegetable Market shortly after the fire in 1926. The buckled roof and blackened buildings are visible. Four men are standing next to a parked car outside the market and two women and a child are walking by. [On back of photograph] Acre 31. East Terrace. Showing portion of the Market. Feb. 1, 1926. Taken a few weeks after the fire. Compare with B 4808. Left side of open space is 67 yards south of North Terrace. Far side of the building to the right of this space is 36 yards south of North Terrace.

East Terrace, Adelaide

East Terrace, Adelaide

[General description] This building resembles earlier Victorian terraces with wide verandahs and decorative wrought iron. The Art Deco styling of the parapets and the simpler style of iron lace show that they are new. The building on the left is either under construction or repair and is still covered with scaffolding. [On back of photograph] 'Acre 31 / East Terrace / May 20th 1928 / East End buildings were erected in 1926-7 on the site of premises destroyed by fire. See B 3279 / Site of new buildings: Near side is 37 yards south of North Terrace / Frontage is 30 yards'.

North Terrace, Adelaide

North Terrace, Adelaide

[General description] The end of this terrace of elegant two storey town houses, each with a bay window and balcony, abuts the Botanic Hotel. The hotel and townhouses, known as Botanic Chambers, were designed by Michael McMullen for owner Richard Vaughan and built by J. Barry in 1876-1877. [On back of photograph] 'Acre 31 / North Terrace east, south side / July 2nd 1937 / Site of two storey cottages: Left side is 15 yards west of West Terrace / Frontage: 54 yards'.

North Terrace

North Terrace

[General description] The Botanic Hotel, with its tiered balconies, sometimes described as a 'wedding cake' style. Adjoining it is the Botanic Chambers, a row of elegant two storey townhouses. See B 7084 for another view and a brief history of the buildings [On back of photograph] 'Acre 31 / North Terrace east, south side / June 9th 1937 / The Hotel Botanic is situated on the south western corner of North and East Terraces / The North Terrace frontage is 15 yards / The frontage of the adjoining cottages on right is 54 yards'.

North Terrace

North Terrace

[General description] This newly completed Botanic House complex is a fine example of the Victorian Terrace. The three storey portion of the building is a family temperance hotel and the terrace on the right was elegant housing 'with a fine view of the country'. It was designed by Michael McMullin and built by J.Barry for Richard Vaughan in 1876-77. Vaughan obtained a liquor licence in 1883. See B 7089 for a later view of the hotel with tiered verandahs. [On back of photograph] 'Acre 31 / North Terrace East / 1878-79 / The left side of Botanic House abuts East Terrace / The right side of the two storey buildings is 69 yards west of East Terrace'.

East Terrace, Adelaide

East Terrace, Adelaide

[General description] The Market Hotel abuts the market entrance on the left. It appears run down at this stage but is soon to be be renovated. Evidence that horse-drawn vehicles are still being used for the delivery of produce can be seen in the piles of dung on the road. [On back of photograph] 'Acres 31 and 32 / East Terrace / July 18,1927 / Compare with B 5035 / Left side of market entrance (on extreme left) is 47 yards north of Rundle Street. Near side of East End Market Hotel is 63 yards north of Rundle Street. Frontage: 13 yards.'

East Terrace, Adelaide

East Terrace, Adelaide

[General description] This is the recently renovated Joe Mathot's East End Market Hotel on East Terrace with a few parked cars at the kerb. The hotel has been on this site since 1868. It is a two storey building with wide verandahs on the ground floor and balcony which has iron lace decorating its railing. [On back of photograph] 'Acres 32 and 31 / East Terrace / East End Market Hotel / January 10th, 1929 / Taken after the completion in 1928 of alterations and additions / For photo. taken in 1927 see B 4237 / Site of hotel: Left side is 53.5 yards north of Rundle Street / Frontage: 22.5 yards'.

East Terrace, Adelaide

East Terrace, Adelaide

[General description] Entrance to Vaughan's Market, East Terrace, Rundle Street, Adelaide. Business names seen are Jones Draper, Smith, Hince, Lewis and Machin. This maket was established by Richard Vaughan in 1867. [On back of photograph] 'Cutting from Illustrated Adelaide Post, March 23, 1867 / Acre 32 / For description of Vaughan's Market, see A 892 / Presented by Mrs. J. Shepherdson'.

Rundle Street, Adelaide

Rundle Street, Adelaide

[General description] Parked cars and shops at east end of Rundle Street. [On back of photograph] 'Acre 33 / Rundle Street, north side / December 31st 1953 / Right side of the Green Shop is 70 yards west of East Terrace / Frontage of Turner's, Bank of Adelaide, Birks Chemist and Green Shop is 23 yards / Bank of Adelaide has a modernised front in the Art Deco style'