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Young Street Church, Adelaide

Young Street Church, Adelaide

Young Street Church, Adelaide: a view taken from Eliza Street 12th July 1922. It overlaps the acre 197 boundary by 2 or 3 yards but is mostly in acre 242. For a view of the church taken in 1956 see B 13725.

Ifould Street, Adelaide

Ifould Street, Adelaide

[General description] Parked cars (second on right is a Standard Vanguard) and a truck with the name 'Rofe & Co.' painted on its tray are in the foreground of this view of the rear of city buildings. See B 13175 which shows buildings later demolished in Pulteney Street' [On back of photograph] 'Acres 277 and 296 / Ifould Street, western end, 30th December 1954 / This view was taken before the road was made through to Pulteney Street in July of 1955 / Brick building and fence at end of street are apparrently on the eastern end of acres 277 and 276.'

Ifould Street, Adelaide

Ifould Street, Adelaide

[General description] This new brick factory style building is the continuation of the one in B 4205. The words 'Adelaide Service Limited Work Shop' appear on a sign above one of the doorways. [On back of photograph] 'Acre 281 (and about two yards of Acre 282) / Ifould Street. north side / June 15,1927 / Both of these buildings were erected in 1924 on the site of some cottages demolished immediately before. The demolition occurred before a photo. could be secured. / Site: Right side is 64 yards west of Daly Street. Frontage: 35 1/2 yards'.

Grote Street, Adelaide

Grote Street, Adelaide

[[General Description] Small bluestone cottage on the corner of Grote Street and Oakley Street on October 20th 1925. Heavily pruned twin trees, probably ficus, grow on the footpath. A man can be seen in the backyard loading bricks into a wheelborrow. [On back of photograph] Acre 327 and 326 Grote Street, south side. Corner of Oakley Street Oct. 20th, 1925. Compare with B 3309 (taken after conversion of cottage on the corner into a garage) Near side of the Sportsman's Hotel (on extreme right) is 43 yards west of Oakley Street.

Grote Street, Adelaide

Grote Street, Adelaide

[General description] This view features the premises of Coventry Motors, a cottage and the Sportsman's Hotel with utility poles and wires silhouetted against the sky. A pair of heavily pruned ficus trees stand at the roadside. Children are playing in front of the building and near two large crates. William N. White is the licensee of the Hotel at this time. [On back of photograph] 'Acres 327 & 326 / Grote Street. South side / Feb. 27, 1926 / Coventry Motors Ltd. premises converted from a cottage in 1925. Compare with B 3164. / Near side of Sportsman's Hotel (on extreme right) is 43 yards west of Oakley Street.'

Angas Street, Adelaide

Angas Street, Adelaide

[General description] A. Simpson & Sons' new factory, constructed from galvanised iron. It features a large expanse of multi-panelled windows. The photograph was probably taken in autumn as street trees in front of the building are losing their leaves. In 1910 Alfred M. Simpson's sons joined the business with Alfred M. as chairman, and Alfred Allen and his brother Frederick Neighbour as directors. [On back of photograph] 'Acres 370 & 369 / Angas Street, north side / April 18, 1926 / Simpson & Sons factory / Three storey portion was erected in 1925 on the site formerly occupied by a lower galvanised structure. / Near side of three storey part is 30 yards east of Princes Street. Far side is 32 yards west of Princes Street'.

Victoria Square, Adelaide

Victoria Square, Adelaide

[General description] This view of Victoria Square shows the recently commissioned electric trams, some horse traffic and a motor car (bottom right). The Square gardens are well planted with a variety of trees. The spire of St. Andrews Church on Wakefield Street can be seen in the distance. [On back of photograph] ' Acres 375, 338 / Victoria Square, looking north east from Gouger Street. / c. 1910'.

Peoplestores, Gouger Street, Adelaide

Peoplestores, Gouger Street, Adelaide

[General description] Peoplestores has had an upgrade, with a smart new facade in the art deco style featuring large plate glass windows, partially leaded and a wide cantilevered verandah. The Central Market is on the right. [On back of photograph] 'Acres 381 and 380 / Gouger Street, north side / 7 April 1939 / Peoplestores is altered in 1938 / Compare with B 7416 / The left side of Peoplestores abuts California Street / Frontage of Peoplestores is 44.5 yards'.

Gouger Street, Adelaide

Gouger Street, Adelaide

[General description] On the left of this view is the newly completed premises for Warrick's Motor Repair Specialists. Due to the growing popularity of the motor car businesses like this one were springing up all over Adelaide at this time. There are several cottages on the right, some fitted with bullnose verandahs. [On back of photograph] 'Acres 400 & 399 / Gouger Street, south side / June 27th, 1926 / Warrick's premises erected in 1926 on a site formerly occupied by a two storey house and shop which were demolished without the knowledge of the officers of the Archives. (Information from neighbours) Warrick's is on the west corner of Bartels Street. Frontage: 10 yards. Division between the two acres occurs between the two pairs of cottages on the right.' (Another hand) 'For view of cottage on right of Warrick's premises in 1958, see B 14036.'

Gouger Street, Adelaide

Gouger Street, Adelaide

[General description] This building was previously known as Lock Terrace and was a series of terrace houses. It has been upgraded with the addition of a new brick facade, a long cantilever verandah and a row of shopfronts at street level. Rowe's Sale Rooms occupies part of the ground floor. [On back of photograph] 'Acres 402 and 401 / Gouger Street, south side / May 3rd 1928 / For photograph of these buildings taken in 1926 before their conversion from dwellings see B 3773 / Site: Near side is 70 yards east of Brown Street / Frontage is 38 yards'.

SAFCOL Building and vehicle, Wright Street, Adelaide

SAFCOL Building and vehicle, Wright Street, Adelaide

[General description]SAFCOL Building and vehicle. This modernist buidling featuring face brick and glass was constructed for SAFCOL in 1953. [On back of photograph] 'Acres 454 and 455 / Wright Street, north side / 28th June 1963 / Left side abuts Coglin Street, Right side abuts Mill Street / Frontage of building is 36 yards'

SAFCOL Building, Wright Street, Adelaide

SAFCOL Building, Wright Street, Adelaide

[General description] SAFCOL building with Taxi cab in front. See B 14999 for a different view. [On back of photograph] 'Acres 454 and 455 / Wright Street, north side / 28th June 1963 / Frontage is 36 yards'

Halifax Street, Adelaide

Halifax Street, Adelaide

[General description] This new building is the premises for Reed & Walker Adelaide Ltd., Engine reconditioning. It advertises 'Genuine Repco Parts'. [On back of photograph] 'Acres 523 and 524 / Halifax Street, north side / December 15th 1960 / Frontage of building is 16 yards / This building was completed in 1957'

Halifax Street, Adelaide

Halifax Street, Adelaide

[General description] Scaffolding has been erected in front of a pair of single storey cottages which are undergoing alteration. Next door is a pair of two storey brick houses. [On back of photograph] 'Acres 566 & 565 / Halifax Street, south side / October 29th 1927 / Far side of one storey houses is 31 yards east of George Street. Frontage of one storey houses: 13 yards. Frontage of two story houses is 14.5 yards.' (Another hand) 'For view of cottage subsequent to its conversion see B 4764.'

Halifax Street, Adelaide

Halifax Street, Adelaide

[General description] This church, with its angled buttresses and crenulated tower was designed by architect R G Holwell and built in 1887 to replace the original church building which had been condemned by the City Surveyor. Its builder was congregation member William Rogers who has other fine Adelaide buildings to his credit. The walls are of sandstone rubble with red brick dressings and the roof is corrugated iron. [On back of photograph] 'Acres 581, 582 / St. John's Church, Halifax Street / c. 1906'.

Halifax Street

Halifax Street

[General description] The architect of this new St. John's Church church was R G Howell and the builder was William Rogers who also built the Exhibition Hall and Rymill House. The style is 19th Century Gothic, built from limestone rubble and featuring a bell tower and angled buttresses. Next door the Rectory is an impressive Victorian two storey house with verandahs facing the street. [On back of photograph] 'Acres 581 and 582 / St. Johns Church, Halifax Street and Rectory (on right) / 1888-89 / Opened 1877 / For measurements see B 2934'.

Gilbert Street, Adelaide

Gilbert Street, Adelaide

[General description] The Bell Inn, viewed from across the street, with a bicycle propped against the gutter in the foreground. Burford's factory chimney towers over the hotel building. This hotel opened in 1848 as the Shoemaker's Arms, from 1849-1958 became the Crown & Septre, then, from 1859- 1938 was known as the Bell Inn. From 1938 until the present time (2010) it has been known as the Gilbert Hotel. Jane Peterson was the licensee at the time of this photograph. [On back of photograph] 'Acres 611 and 610 / Gilbert Street, north side / Nov. 24, 1926. / The Bell Inn is on the east corner of Russell Street. Gilbert Street frontage of the hotel: 14 yards. A balcony was erected in 1927 (See B 4782) / Burford's tall chimney was demolished before 31-12-1926. It is situated 50.5 yards north of Gilbert Street and 43 yards east of Russell Street (part of acre 610)'.

Block of flats on South Terrace

Block of flats on South Terrace

[General description] This is the first of a series of views of a new modernist three storey block of flats with three sections. This one is the 'Parkholme'. See B 14412-B 11416 for views of the rest of the group. [On back of photograph] 'Acres 697 & 698 / South Terrace, north side / 22 December 1960'

Block of flats on South Terrace

Block of flats on South Terrace

[General description] This is another view of the building known as 'Parkholme', part of a new block of flats in the modernist style. For site plan with measurements see B 14411. See B 14411 and B 14413-B 14416 for the rest of the buildings. [On back of photograph] 'Acres 697 & 698 / South Terrace, north side / 22 December 1960'

Block of flats on South Terrace

Block of flats on South Terrace

[General description] This is a view of the building known as 'Parkview', part of a new block of flats in the modernist style. For site plan with measurements see B 14411. See B 14411, B 14412 and B 14414-B14416 for the rest of the buildings. [On back of photograph] 'Acres 697 & 698 / South Terrace, north side / 22 December 1960'

Block of flats on South Terrace

Block of flats on South Terrace

[General description] This is another view of the building known as 'Parkholme', part of a new block of flats in the modernist style. For site plan with measurements see B 14411. See B 14411 -B 14413 and B 14415 and-B 14416 for the rest of the buildings. [On back of photograph] 'Acres 697 & 698 / South Terrace, north side / 22 December 1960'

Block of flats on South Terrace

Block of flats on South Terrace

[General description] This is a view of the building known as 'Parklodge', part of a new block of flats in the modernist style. For site plan with measurements see B 14411. See B 14411- B 14414 and B 14416 for the rest of the buildings. [On back of photograph] 'Acres 697 & 698 / South Terrace, north side / 22 December 1960'

Block of flats on South Terrace

Block of flats on South Terrace

[General description] This is another view of the building known as 'Parklodge', part of a new block of flats in the modernist style. For site plan with measurements see B 14411. See B 14411- B 14415 for the rest of the buildings. [On back of photograph] 'Acres 697 & 698 / South Terrace, north side / 22 December 1960'

Avenue Road

Avenue Road

[General description] These two large stone houses, designed by architect Daniel Garlick and built in 1873 appear to be identical. They are two storey with basements. The wall and cast iron fences were constructed at the time. The Congregational church tower can be seen in the distance. [On back of photograph] 'Acres 701, 716 / Avenue Road, (Roberts Place) west side 1874-86 / Far side of the two storey house on the right is 63.5 yards north of Pennington Terrace'.

Palmer Place, North Adelaide

Palmer Place, North Adelaide

[General description] The walls of this large modern two storey house are cement rendered and the roof is tiled. [On back of photograph] 'Acre 741 / Palmer Place, north side / June 14, 1927. / This house was erected on a vacant site in 1925-26. / Site: Right side is 21.5 yards west of the N.W. corner of Acre 725. Frontage: 19 yards' (Another hand) 'B 13202 is another view.'

Palmer Place, North Adelaide

Palmer Place, North Adelaide

[Gemeral description] This large two storey house was built in the mid 1920s. Its design has a Spanish Mission influence. See B 4212 for another view taken soon after its completion. [On back of photograph] 'Acre 741 / Palmer Place, north side / April 4th 1955 / Right side is 21 1/2 yards west of the north west corner of acre 725 / Frontage of building is 19 yards.'

Strangways Terrace, North Adelaide

Strangways Terrace, North Adelaide

[General description] This large brick two storey house has a tiled roof. Its bay window and portico soften the plain square lines of the building. A portion of the house next door can be seen on the right, with Its name 'Aldersyde' hand-painted above its entrance. [On back of photograph] 'Acre 756 / Strangways Terrace, overlooking the Municipal Golf Links, Montefiore Hil / 14th July 1928 / This house and its grounds occupy the south west corner of the acre / Frontage of the property is 36 yards / The house was erected in 1926-7 / We ahave no photograph of the premises formerly on the site'.

Archer Street

Archer Street

Archer Street (numbers 71-79), south side, May 17th 1930, frontage of buildings is 34 yards. The extreme left of the photograph is 19.5 yards east of Boulton Street. Frontage of the compact centre group of buildings is 34 yards. The near side of the detached two storey house almost on extreme right forms the boundary between Acres 784 and 785. The photograph shows a row of five two storey semi detached town houses in Archer Street. This row of two storey terrace houses was built for Jane White in 1865-1866.

O'Connell Street

O'Connell Street

[General description] Looking towards Adelaide along an unsealed O'Connell Street with city businesses lining the street. On the left is Watson, Druggist which also seems to be the Post and Telegraph Office. [On back of photograph] 'Acres 786 and 787 / O'Connell Street, looking south from a point slightly north of Archer Street / 1875-78 / Presented by Mrs. H.Davenport'.

Molesworth Street, North Adelaide

Molesworth Street, North Adelaide

[General description] The roofs of buildings of St. Dominic's Priory College can be seen above a tall picket fence, with hedging. Founded by a group of Dominican Sisters in 1883, St. Dominic's was one of the earliest Catholic schools to be established in Adelaide. [On back of photograph] 'Acres 846 and 847 / Molesworth Street, south side / October 4, 1927 / St. Dominic's Priory / Near side of building next to the Chapel is 109 yards. west of Hill Street. Far side of building on right (the third in the series) is 156 yards west of Hill Street.'