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St. Helena Place

St. Helena Place

St. Helena Place, west side, November 17th 1958, left side of cottages is 34 1/3 yards north of Halifax Street and total frontage is 37 2/3 yards. The total width of Acre 524 is 72 yards. Cawthorne Pianos building can be seen in the distance along with the Destructor Refuse Incinerator chimney

Halifax Street, Adelaide

Halifax Street, Adelaide

[General description] This single storey building appears to have been two shops, now closed with windows whitewashed. A sign over the door says 'Punch Products' [On back of photograph] 'Acre 524 / Halifax Street, north side / December 15th 1960 / Left side of centre building is 11 yards east of St. Helena Place and frontage is 10 yards.

Halifax Street

Halifax Street

[General description] This single storey stone corner building is the premises of the Avalon ClothingCompany [On back of photograph] 'Acre 525 / Halifax Street, north side / October 5th 1954 / Left side of cottage abuts east side of Sydney Place / Frontage of cottage is 10 yards / Slight alterations were subsequently made to this building / Compare with B 13839 taken in January 1957'

Sydney Place, Adelaide

Sydney Place, Adelaide

[General description] This small symmetrical stone cottage is in process of demolition, the iron roofing having been removed. [On back of photograph] 'Acre 525 / Sydney Place, west side / October 27th 1960 / Left side of the building is 59 yards north of Halifax Street and frontage is 11 yards'

Halifax Street, Adelaide

Halifax Street, Adelaide

[General description] Cars are parked in the street in front of a two storey building with iron lace balcony panels. It has a neglected appearance and is being demolished. [On back of photograph] 'Acre 527 / Halifax Street, north side / March 13th 1958 / Left side of the two storey building is 36 1/4 yards east of Toms Court and frontage is 15.5 yards / For a view of building on this site in 1960 see B 14381'

Halifax Street, Adelaide

Halifax Street, Adelaide

[General description] This single storey building with large plate glass windows is the premises for Saunders & Gibbs Ltd.,'The Plumber's Centre'. It has been recently built on this site following demolition of previous building. [On back of photograph] 'Acre 527 / Halifax Street, north side / December 15th 1960 / Left side of building is 37 yards east of Toms Court and frontage is 17 yards / For view of building on this site in 1958 see B 14038'

King William Street

King William Street

[General description] Two storey terraced business premises on King William Street, each with wide verandahs complete with iron lace. On the left is Pearce's Model Meat Store, with its delivery van parked in front of the shop. Following on, left to right, are: J.B. Murphy, Bootmakers; S. Prout, Tailor and Costumier; A. Errington, Tobacconist and Hairdresser; then a milkbar selling Excelsior ice cream and Woodroofe's drinks. [On back of photograph] 'Acre 528 / King William Street, east side / January 27th 1928 / Near side of Pearce's is 59.5 yards north of Halifax Street / Frontage of Pearce's is 9.5 yards'.

King William Street, Adelaide

King William Street, Adelaide

[General description] Shops in King William Street in a two storey terrace. C&B Urbon Grocers, a Fish Cafe, Bartley's Hairdresser and Tobacconist and Brown & Son, Bakers are names of the shopkeepers. Tramlines are in the foregground. [On back of photograph] 'Acre 528 / King William Street, east side / October 5th 1954 / Right side of four centre shops is 29 yards north of Halifax Street / Frontage is 20 yards.

King William Street, Adelaide

King William Street, Adelaide

[General description] This imposing two storey stone terrace house has an iron lace balcony and cement quoins. It is in run down condition and is about to be remodelled. See B 13587 for the new modern building.[On back of photograph] 'Acre 529 / King William Street, west side / December 22nd 1954 / Left side of building in the centre is 48 1/4 yards north of Sturt Street and frontage is 10 yards.'

Sturt Street, Adelaide

Sturt Street, Adelaide

[General description] The Adelaide City Corportation Depot, mostly hidden behind its long corrugated iron fence, cuts across the centre of this view with sky above and road below. A solitary bicycle is propped at the kerb in the foreground. [On back of photograph] 'Acre 531 / Sturt Street, north side / Adelaide City Corporation Depot / June 27th 1930 / Near side is 31 yards east of Norman Street and frontage is 69.5 yards'.

Sturt Street, Adelaide

Sturt Street, Adelaide

[General description] These two cottages are soon to be replaced by a printing works. The corner one has a shingle roof [On back of photograph] 'Acre 534 / Sturt Street, north side / March 29th 1954 / Left side of white building abuts east side of Hobson's Place / Sturt Street frontage is 9 yards / Frontage of the cottage behind picket fence is approximately 7 yards / The white cottage and the adjoining cottage on right were later demolished / For building erected on site and completed in 1957,see B 13852'

St. Luke's Church, Adelaide

St. Luke's Church, Adelaide

St. Luke's Church from the street showing the front of the church with its belfry. It was consecrated on the 14 th of February, 1856. It is built from stone and its windows are from Adelaide's early stained glass makers. [On back of photograph] 'Acre 538 / St. Luke's Church, Whitmore Square / Before 1927'.

Sturt Street, Adelaide

Sturt Street, Adelaide

[General description] Cottages, the centre one is an Adelaide villa with twin arched windows and iron lace verandah. There are parked cars at the kerb. [On back of photograph] 'Acre 539 / Sturt Street, north side / November 22nd 1954 / Left side of centre house is 38 yards east of Frederick Place and frontage is 10 3/4 yards.'

Sturt Street, Adelaide

Sturt Street, Adelaide

[General description] Parked cars in front of a single storey double fronted bluestone cottage which has a verandah with iron lace embellishments. The roof is in poor condition. [On back of photograph] 'Acre 541 / Sturt Street, north side / 30th August 1963 / Left side of cottage is 11 yards east of Chatham Street and frontage is 13 yards'

West Terrace, Adelaide

West Terrace, Adelaide

[General description] This symmetrical stone cottage has a concave verandah and is set behind a stone and wrought iron fence. It is about to be demolished. See B 13720 for building erected on this site in 1955 [On back of photograph] 'Acre 544 / West Terrace south / October 5th 1954 / Right side of house is 35 1/4 yards north of Sturt Street and frontage is 12 yards'

West Terrace, Adelaide

West Terrace, Adelaide

[General description] This image has been superimposed onto another fainter one so it is hard to make out. The building is the premises for Clem Smith Motors used car dealer. [On back of photograph] 'Acre 544 / West Terrace / November 15th 1954 / Right side of building is 55.5 yards north of Sturt Street and frontage is 11.5 yards / Note: The building had been altered before a better print could be made / For view of this building after alterations made after November 15, 1954 see B 13142.'

West Terrace, Adelaide

West Terrace, Adelaide

[General description] The newly renovated premises of Clem Smith Motors at 152 West Terrace. The building has been altered and the car yard is now enclosed in by a cyclone wire fence. [On back of photograph] 'Acre 544 / West Terrace, January 1955 / Right side of building is 55.5 yards north of Sturt Street and frontage is 11.5 yards / For view of this building prior to alterations made at end of 1955 see B 13141'

Sultram Place, Adelaide

Sultram Place, Adelaide

[General description] This is an old square (or rectangular) building with a boarded up window and a flat roof. [On back of photograph] 'Acre 534 / Sultram Place, east side / March 17th 1960 / Right side of square building is 68 yards north of Sturt Street and frontage is 4 yards'

Sturt Street, Adelaide

Sturt Street, Adelaide

[General description] The premises of O.H. Dutton, Monumental Mason and the adjoining cottages are soon to be demolished and replaced by McNiven's ice-cream factory. Note the tram-tracks and wires. [On back of photograph] 'Acre 546 / Sturt Street, south side / 24 April 1928 / Dutton's iron building and the cottages with the metal verandah railing were demolished in 1928. Compare with B 5036 / On extreme left is O'Brien Street. / Near side of Dutton's verandah is 9.5 yards west of O'Brien Street. Frontage of nearest pair of cottages is 11 yards'.

Sturt Street, Adelaide

Sturt Street, Adelaide

[General description] The new McNiven Brothers factory is a two storey brick building with cement trimmings and lattice windows. The firm manufactures ice cream cones, cups, wafers and cake cones. [On back of photograph] 'Acre 546 / South west corner of Sturt Street and O'Brien Street / 7 January 1929 / McNiven's building was erected in 1928 / For view of the houses etc. formerly on the site see B 4777 / Sturt Street frontage of McNiven's is 20 yards / Frontage of O'Brien's is 30 yards'.

Sturt Street, Adelaide

Sturt Street, Adelaide

[General description] The whole school appears to have been assembled for this group photograph taken in front of the school building. [On back of photograph] 'Acre 547 / Sturt Street, south side / Sturt Street Public School / 1907 / left side of school is 46 yards west of Little Sturt Street. Frontage of school: 36 yards.'

Little Sturt Street, Adelaide

Little Sturt Street, Adelaide

[General description] A workman is busy with installation work on a new verandah for this row of cottages. [On back of photograph] 'Acres 548 and 619 / Little Sturt Street, east side / 26 May 1930 / Photographed during extension of verandah, these cottages were formerly without a verandah of any kind / The site of these cottages undergoing alterations is 63 1/2 yards north of Gilbert Street / Near side is 84 1/2 yards north of Gilbert Street'.

Sturt Street, Adelaide

Sturt Street, Adelaide

[General description] This two storey building with balcony is divided into two ground floor shops with living quarters upstairs. It is soon to undergo alterations to the ground floor. [On back of photograph] 'Acre 549 / Sturt Street, south side / 12 October 1960 / Right side of 2 storey building abuts the east side of Little Gilbert Street / Frontage of 2 storey building is 13 yards / For view of this building in process of ground floor alteration, see B14407'

Sturt Street, Adelaide

Sturt Street, Adelaide

[General description] The ground floor of this pair of attached two storey buildings is being remodelled. In the foreground two men, possibly building workers sit and watch a small boy who is having a ride on the top bar of an older boy's bicycle. (Called dinking or donkeying in South Australia). [On back of photograph] 'Acre 549 / Sturt Street, south side / November 1960 / Right side of two storey building abuts the east side of Little Gilbert Street / Frontage of two storey building is 13 yards / For earlier view of the building before work began, see B14362'

Sturt Street, Adelaide

Sturt Street, Adelaide

[General description] This modern brick iron-roofed cottage is very plain in style typical of the Second World War period and has a cyclone wire front fence and gate. It replaces a Victorian era stone cottage. Other older cottages are on either side. [On back of photograph] 'Acre 554 / Sturt Street, south side / April 8th 1939 / This building was erected in 1938 / Compare with B 7218 / The right side of centre house is 49.5 yards east of Whitmore Square and frontage is 9 yards'.

Sturt Street, Adelaide

Sturt Street, Adelaide

[General description] This modest cottage has a white picket fence and a convex verandah. It will soon undergo alterations. [On back of photograph] 'Acre 555 / Sturt Street, south side / May 2nd 1955 / Left side of the cottage is 65.5 yards west of Russell Street and frontage is 6.5 yards / A new front was subsequently added to this building / See B 13853 taken in March 1957'

Sturt Street

Sturt Street

[General description] Premises on the southern side of Sturt Street including four attached cottages and C.A. Smith Engineers. A sign on the side of the engineering company advertises Tangye's who are gas producers and deal with steam engines. [On back of photograph] Acre 558. Sturt Street, south side, February 17th 1926. On the extreme left is Myers Street. Right side of C.A. Smith's is 35 yards west of Myers Street.

Sturt Street, Adelaide

Sturt Street, Adelaide

[General description] Early Adelaide buildings are giving way to the fast-growing motor industry. C.A. Smith and Company's new premises have replaced an old cottage, two of which still survive on the left. Next door is Tangye's motor engineering firm. [On back of photograph] 'Acre 558 / Sturt Street, south side / June 8, 1927 / Shop on west side of cottage on extreme left was erected in 1926 on a site formerly occupied by a cottage demolished in 1925 before a photograph could be taken. / Site of new shop: Left side is 17.5 yards west of Myers Street. Frontage: 8 yards.'

Sturt Street, Adelaide

Sturt Street, Adelaide

[General description] C.A. Smith and Company: Mechanical and Electrical Engineers, Blacksmiths, Founders, Patternmakers Etc. is also the agent for Century and ASEA Motors. Their new premises abut a row of single storey cottages. [On back of photograph] 'Acre 558 / Sturt Street, south side / May 3rd 1928 / C.A. Smith's shop was erected in 1926 on a site formerly occupied by a cottage demolished in 1925 (No photograph of the cottage in Archives) / Site of shop: Left side is 17.5 yards west of Myers Street / Frontage: 8 yards'.

Sturt Street, Adelaide

Sturt Street, Adelaide

[General description] Malco Industries has a smart modern building with a facade of fancy stonework and glass and a cantilever verandah, cars are parked in front. The logo of J.R. Tregoning, Link-Belt South Australia appears on the side of the building. For another view and information see B 14081. See B 13731 for building previously on the site. [On back of photograph] 'Acre 558 / Sturt Street, south side / 21st June 1963 / Frontage of building is 24.5 yards'