Find • Smith, D. Darian • Results 61 to 90 of 2,600

Series 077: ANZAC Day Parade, 1936
Aerial photographs of the 1936 Anzac Day Parade from King William Road towards the Cross of Sacrifice in lower North Adelaide. Views include City Bridge, the River Torrens, Adelaide Oval, Jolley's Boathouse, St Peter's Cathedral, Pennington Terrace and the Torrens Parade Ground.

Series 080: Aerial views of Port Adelaide, Outer Harbor and Birkenhead
Aerial views around the Le Fevre Peninsula, including views of Port Adelaide, Birkenhead, Torrens Island, the Port River and Outer Harbor. Features include HMAS Australia at Outer Harbor, the Shell Company of Australia fuel storage facility, and the Birkenhead Bridge under construction.

Series 083: Aerial views of Adelaide
Aerial views of the city of Adelaide, largely showing the area around North Terrace and King William Street.

Series 086a: Aerial images of Mount Osmond and Glen Osmond
Aerial photographs of the Mount Osmond Golf Club, and houses at Glen Osmond. The photographer's house at 6 Brook Avenue can be seen clearly in the images of Glen Osmond.

Series 096: Aerial photographs of Port Adelaide
Aerial photographs of Port Adelaide and environs, including views of the Port River, parts of Birkenhead and Alberton. The Jervois Bridge, Fisher Bridge and Robinson Bridge can be seen in some of the images.

Series 109: Aerial views of Kelvinator factory at Ashford
Aerial photographs of the Kelvinator Australia Limited factory at Ashford, bounded by Anzac Highway, Everard Avenue and Day Avenue, and surrounding premises including parts of the Keswick Barracks and houses in Ashford and Keswick.

Series 006: Aerial views of the residence of Sir Herbert Angas Parsons, East Terrace
Aerial views, from various directions, of Sir Herbert Angas Parsons' home, located on the corner of East Terrace at the continuation of Angas Street. Also included is one image of houses on Gilles Street and East Terrace. Sir Herbert Angas Parsons was a barrister, judge and Member of Parliament.

Series 013a: People and places relating to the Catholic Church in Adelaide
Aerial images of Goodwood Orphanage and the Passionist Monastery, Glen Osmond. Photographic portraits af Roman Catholic Archbishop Robert William Spence (1860-1934).

Series 029b: Early aeroplanes
Photographs of aeroplanes, believed to be at Parafield Airport, over a number of years. Planes depicted include those flown by Bert Hinkler, Sir Alan Cobham, and Major de Havilland.

Series 073: Glenelg Sewage Treatment Works
Aerial photographs of the Glenelg Sewage Treatment Works (later the Glenelg Wastewater Treatment Plant), between Military Road and the beach at Glenelg North. The site comprises a main building, several smaller outbuildings, open treatment ponds, a water tower, and a house. The site is surrounded by sand dunes and low coastal shrubs, and on the dunes facing the sea are a large number of shacks.

Series 078: Seppeltsfield Winery, Chateau Dorrien and Chateau Tanunda
Aerial photographs of Seppeltsfield Winery, Chateau Dorrien and Chateau Tanunda, surrounding vineyards and countryside.

Series 099: Aerial views near St Peter's Cathedral
Aerial views of part of North Adelaide near St Peter's Cathedral and the Memorial Hospital. The images also show Sir Edwin Smith Avenue, Pennington Terrace, Kermode Street, King William Road and the Adelaide Children's Hospital (later the Women's and Children's Hospital).

Series 111: Aerial views of Mount Gambier Airport, Robe and Beachport
Aerial photographs taken in the South East of South Australia, comprising views of crowds gathered for an air race at Mt Gambier Airport, and views of coastal areas near Beachport and Robe.

Series 125: Aerial photographs of Port Adelaide and Outer Harbor
Aerial views of Port Adelaide and Outer Harbor, including views of the Port River and Torrens Island. The series also includes aerial views of a fishing boat at sea.

Series 127: Aerial views of Barossa Valley towns
Aerial views around the Barossa Valley, including views of wineries, vineyards and towns. Includes photographs of Chateau Tanunda, Lyndoch, and buildings at Nuriootpa.

Series 131: Aerial views of Outer Harbor and Gillman
Aerial views of industry near the Port River, including views of Port Adelaide, Gillman, Outer Harbor and Torrens Island.

Series 030b: Italian flying boat at Outer Harbor
Images of the brief visit to Adelaide of Francesco de Pinedo (chief of the Italian Air Staff) and his mechanic Chief-Captain Ernesto Campanelli in his SIAI S.16 Savoia flying boat, the 'Gennariello'. The stopover at Outer Harbor was part of their flight from Rome to Tokyo via Australia. The visit was recorded in the 'News', 9 June 1925. See also de Pinedo's account of the journey (in Italian), 'Un volo di 55.000 chilometri'.

Series 022: Aerial views around Adelaide
Various aerial views of Adelaide and surrounding suburbs.

Series 029a: Planes and ship
Photographs of people and planes at Parafield Airport, and one photograph of a ship at Port Adelaide.

Series 062: Aerial views around Adelaide
Aerial photographs of Adelaide city, and furniture manufacturers at Edwardstown and Mile End South.

Series 069: Don Bradman visit to Adelaide
Photographs of Don Bradman in Adelaide to present a car to the winner of the Lord Mary's Unemployment Relief Fund competition. The winner was presented with a Chevrolet Sports Roadster sponsored by General Motors, and several of the images show Bradman in a similar car on his travels around Adelaide.

Series 087a: Aerial photographs of General Motors at Birkenhead
Aerial photographs of the General Motors factory at Birkenhead, and views of the surrounding houses of Birkenhead and shipping in the Port River.

Series 090: Aerial photographs of the Port Adelaide Wastewater Treatment Plant and Finsbury Park
Aerial views of Port Adelaide Wastewater Treatment Plant and Finsbury Park (later part of Pennington), showing industrial buildings after World War II.

Series 136a: Aerial photographs of Outer Harbor and Port Adelaide
Aerial photographs of Outer Harbor, Port Adelaide, and Birkenhead and Osborne. Images feature ships at dock including Royal Australian Navy vessels, the Royal South Australian Yacht Squadron, the Outer Harbor Seamen's Mission, Lady Ruthven Drive, the Port River, Birkenhead, and the Osborne Power Station.

Series 141: Aerial views of Port Augusta and Pichi Richi Pass
Aerial views of Port Augusta and Pichi Richi Pass. Featured in some of the images are the Port Augusta to Alice Springs railway line, the bridge across Spencer Gulf, the Commonwealth Railways Roundhouse and Devil's Peak.

Series 144: Aerial views of breweries and other businesses
Aerial photographs of Walkerville Brewery at Thebarton, the Lion Brewery and Hotel at North Adelaide, the West End Brewery in Adelaide, and Coopers Brewery at Leabrook. Also includes images of Tolley, Scott & Tolley Ltd. winemakers and distillers at Stepney, and the premises of pharmaceutical firm F.H.Faulding and Co at Thebarton.

Series 114: Murray Mouth and Barrages
Aerial photographs of the Murray Mouth, Pelican Point, and construction works on Mundoo and Goolwa Barrages.

Series 010b: Train collision in Adelaide Railway Yards
Views of the aftermath of the collision between two trains that occurred on the morning of 29 January 1923 in the Adelaide Railway Yards. The Clapham suburban train and the Kapunda special collided, causing carriages to concertina and the deaths of one passenger and a fireman. See Adelaide 'Observer', 3 February 1923, page 34, for a full account of the crash, and similar photographs in Adelaide 'Critic', 31 January 1923, page 11.

Series 021: Aerial views of Hallett Brickworks
Aerial Photographs of Hallett Brickworks at Thebarton and Welland showing Grange Road, East Avenue, Thebarton Oval, Adam Street, industrial buildings at Hindmarsh, and market gardens. In BRG 397/2/21/2 and BRG 397/2/21/4 you can see, at the top of the photos, the gasometer that was at Maria Street, Thebarton.

Series 020: Aerial views of Adelaide Oval
Aerial photographs of Adelaide Oval showing cricket and Australian Rules football matches. Includes Day 1 of the Ashes Test in the 'Bodyline' series, the 1937 Ashes Test, and football matches.