Series 077: ANZAC Day Parade, 1936 [BRG 397/2/77] • Photograph

Item 1: Anzac Day Parade crossing City Bridge.
Aerial photograph of the Anzac Day Parade crossing City Bridge, looking north east across King William Road and the River Torrens. Rows of onlookers stand either side of the marchers.

Item 2: Anzac Day Parade on City Bridge.
Aerial view of the Anzac Day Parade, looking west north west along the River Torrens towards City Bridge, King William Road and Adelaide Oval in the background. Rows of onlookers watch the parade crossing the bridge. In the foregrounds, boats are moored in front of Jolley's Boathouse.

Item 3: Anzac Day Parade and St Peter's Cathedral.
Aerial photograph of the 1936 Anzac Day Parade, looking south along King William Road with St Peter's Cathedral in the foreground. The River Torrens and Adelaide Oval are in the background. Trams are visible near the head of the parade, and waiting near Adelaide Oval.

Item 4: Cross of Sacrifice and St Peter's Cathedral.
Aerial photograph of the end of the Anzac Day Parade, looking north west across the Cross of Sacrifice, King William Road and Pennington Terrace towards St Peter's Cathedral. A large crowd is amassed in the parklands near the Cross, and the roads are lined with parked cars.

Item 5: Anzac Day Parade, King William Road.
Aerial photograph of the Anzac Day Parade, looking north north east along King William Road which is lined with spectators. The Torrens Parade Ground is at the left of the image. Part of the wing of the plane can be seen at the bottom right of the image.

Item 6: Anzac Day Parade along King William Road.
Aerial photograph of the Anzac Day Parade, looking south west down King William Road. The Cross of Sacrifice, Pennington Terrace and St Peter's Cathedral are in the foreground. The River Torrens is in the background.

Item 7: Anzac Day Parade on City Bridge.
Aerial photograph of the Anzac Day Parade crossing City Bridge, looking west north west across King William Road and the River Torrens, with Adelaide Oval in the background. Jolley's Boathouse is in the foreground.

Item 8: Anzac Day Parade from North Adelaide.
Aerial view from a high altitude, looking south along King William Road with the Cross of Sacrifice and St Peter's Cathedral in the foreground. The River Torrens and the City of Adelaide form the background. The Anzac Day Parade is underway along King William Road.