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Unidentified young woman

Unidentified young woman

Unidentified young woman with pearl necklace. Photograph by Elliott & Fry, 55 & 56 Baker St, London.

Unidentified child

Unidentified child

Unidentified child. Photograph by A. Letalle, 58 & 59 New St, Birmingham.

Unidentified young woman

Unidentified young woman

Unidentified young woman in fashionable dress with rosebuds at the neck. Photograph by James Fisher, 59 White Ladies Road, Clifton.

Unidentified man

Unidentified man

Unidentified man. Photograph by Frederick Brown, The Bridge, Walsall.

Unidentified man with a long beard

Unidentified man with a long beard

Unidentified man with a long beard. Photograph by Mrs Williams, Talbot Place, Darlington Street, Wolverhampton.

Unidentified woman

Unidentified woman

Unidentified woman. Photograph by Brigham, Newport Road, Stafford.

Unidentified man

Unidentified man

Unidentified man with goatee beard. Photograph by John Watkins, 34 Parliament Street, London.

Unidentified man

Unidentified man

Unidentified man. Photograph by Frederick Brown, The Bridge, Walsall.

Unidentified young man

Unidentified young man

Unidentified young man. Photograph by Frederick Brown, The Bridge, Walsall.

The sleeping children

The sleeping children

Photograph of a memorial sculpture entitled 'the sleeping children. Litchfield Cathedral.'

Unidentified woman

Unidentified woman

Photograph of an unidentified woman. Photograph by C. H. Manning, late T. Duryea, 66 & 68 King William Street, Adelaide.

Unidentified young woman

Unidentified young woman

Unidentified young woman in dress of simple design with contrasting pleated sleeves and covered buttons down the front. Photograph by C. H. Manning, Late T. Duryea, 66 & 68 King William Street, Adelaide.

Studio portrait of a girl in fancy dress

Studio portrait of a girl in fancy dress

Handtinted photograph of a girl in Persian style fancy dress with a parasol, thought to be for the Lord Mayor's Children's Fancy Dress Ball in 1882. Photography by S. Solomon, Adelaide School of Photography, 51 Rundle Street, Adelaide. No. 2169.

The tired chums

The tired chums

Illustration of a child asleep with a pet dog.

Young unidentified boy

Young unidentified boy

Young unidentified boy dressed in velvet and brocade. Photograph by J. F. Naddermier, Walsall.

He has gone to a better land.

He has gone to a better land.

Photograph of a woman explaining to her daughter, with caption 'He has gone to a better land'.

Portrait of a mother and her baby.

Portrait of a mother and her baby.

Unidentified mother and baby. Photograph by R. V. Green, White St, Coventry.

Girl wearing a locket

Girl wearing a locket

Unidentified girl in dark wool dress with contrasting collar and cuffs, wearing a locket. Photograph by Mr John Hood, Miniature painter and Photographer, Glenelg, S. A.

Unidentified young woman

Unidentified young woman

Unidentified young woman, in two-toned dress, wearing locket and earrings. Photograph by Frederick Brown, The Bridge, Walsall and Market St, Lichfield.

Unidentified woman

Unidentified woman

Unidentified woman with braided hair, in Victorian dress of satin and lace. Photograph by Mrs Williams, Talbot Place, Darlington Street, Wolverhampton.

Unidentified young woman

Unidentified young woman

Unidentified young woman. Photograph by C. R. Baker, 116A The Parade, Royal Leamington.

Unidentified woman

Unidentified woman

Unidentified woman. Photograph by Robert W. Thrupp, 66 New Street, Birmingham.

Unidentified man and woman

Unidentified man and woman

Unidentified man and woman. Photograph by J. F. Naddermier, Walsall.

Unidentified woman

Unidentified woman

Unidentified woman in a light coloured dress of striped fabric, with a floral and lace bonnet.

Unidentified woman

Unidentified woman

Unidentified woman in dark dress and whie bonnet with trailing ties.

Unidentified man

Unidentified man

Unidentified man. Photograph by W. H. Kent, 147 Oxford Street, and 52 george's Place, Knightsbridge, London.

Walsall New Town Hall

Walsall New Town Hall

Walsall New Town Hall. G. b. Nichols, Architect. Photograph by J. P. Curtis.

Lichfield Cathedral -Chantrey's sleeping children.

Lichfield Cathedral -Chantrey's sleeping children.

Lichfield Cathedral- Chantrey's sleeping children. Photograph by G. W. Wilson, Aberdeen.

Jamie, 7, of Holden Hill performs shadow puppetry with 'Willie the ant'.

Jamie, 7, of Holden Hill performs shadow puppetry with 'Willie the ant'.

North East Community Assistance Project chairman Peter Panagaris and officer in charge of the Holden Hill police cells Sgt Joe Turnbull take time out for a spot of TV viewing. The set was donated by the project to help keep offenders in the cells occupied. 15th March 1989.

North East Community Assistance Project chairman Peter Panagaris and officer in charge of the Holden Hill police cells Sgt Joe Turnbull take time out for a spot of TV viewing. The set was donated by the project to help keep offenders in the cells occupied. 15th March 1989.