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A busy day at the Tea Tree Gully Community Day Centre for participants and staff. From left they are Lydia of Holden Hill, Leslie Rhodes of Paralowie, Christine of Highbury, Elizabeth Macklin of St Agnes and Maria of Modbury North. 25th January 1989.

A busy day at the Tea Tree Gully Community Day Centre for participants and staff. From left they are Lydia of Holden Hill, Leslie Rhodes of Paralowie, Christine of Highbury, Elizabeth Macklin of St Agnes and Maria of Modbury North. 25th January 1989.

Adelaide Clipsal 500

Adelaide Clipsal 500

A view of a city street that has been transformed into a racing track including the safety fencing, advertising etc. For Formula Holden racing cars, Adelaide Clipsal 500, 7 April 2001.

Adelaide Clipsal 500

Adelaide Clipsal 500

A group of c1950s cars belonging to the Rebel Club parked here in the surrounding parklands with the city street circuit in the background during Formula Holden racing cars, Adelaide Clipsal 500, 7 April 2001.

Adelaide Clipsal 500

Adelaide Clipsal 500

A collection of cars from various makers ready to race in the Nation Cup on the city street circuit during Formula Holden racing cars, Adelaide Clipsal 500, 7 April 2001.

Adelaide Clipsal 500

Adelaide Clipsal 500

A collection of cars from various makers ready to race in the Nation Cup on the city street circuit during Formula Holden racing cars, Adelaide Clipsal 500, 7 April 2001.

Renee, 12, and Angus, 11, with a replica of a Holden used in the Glenelg Primary School Bicentennial play. 17 August 1988.

Renee, 12, and Angus, 11, with a replica of a Holden used in the Glenelg Primary School Bicentennial play. 17 August 1988.

Image; Greg Cook, Fred Wieland, Mick Flinn, Mike Holden.

Image; Greg Cook, Fred Wieland, Mick Flinn, Mike Holden.

Holden Hill senior constable John Adam on air at 5PBA-FM radio station. John and colleague senior constable John Ellis co-host Northern Police Beat every Thursday from 2pm to 3pm, with music and interviews. The station can be found at 89.7 mhz on the dial. 8th February 1989.

Holden Hill senior constable John Adam on air at 5PBA-FM radio station. John and colleague senior constable John Ellis co-host Northern Police Beat every Thursday from 2pm to 3pm, with music and interviews. The station can be found at 89.7 mhz on the dial. 8th February 1989.

Across country rally cars at the Clipsal 500

Across country rally cars at the Clipsal 500

Across country rally cars at the Clipsal 500 event in Adelaide, with a Holden Commodore on the left and a Datsun Stanza on the right.

Nicole Holden.

Nicole Holden.

David Hamilton from Elders Holden gives the keys to a new van to Stuart Clark from the Homeless Youth Organisation. 12th September 1990.

David Hamilton from Elders Holden gives the keys to a new van to Stuart Clark from the Homeless Youth Organisation. 12th September 1990.

Views of Naracoorte

Views of Naracoorte

A collection of images of Naracoorte.

Movies, television, radio

Movies, television, radio

Mark Holden, Steve Curtis, Pam Tamblyn.

Snapshots of Renmark

Snapshots of Renmark

Ten views of Port Pirie, produced by the Rose Stereograph Co., Armadal, Victoria, for W.H. Holden & Co. Renmark See 'contents' for details of items.

Members of the Literary Staff of SA Register

Members of the Literary Staff of SA Register

Photograph of the 'Members of Literary Staff of SA Register, Adelaide', 10 September 1892. Names of the people in the photograph are written under the image: (standing, from left)) R. Burns, G. Sutherland, E.K. Thomas, R. Decke, A. Langler, T. Taylor, Moxon Cook, H.R. Bell, S.J. Skipper, Maddern, Bristow, A.H. Angell; (seated on chairs, from left) D.J. Gordon, W.A. Carr, R.K. Thomas, J.H. Finlayson, C.S. Stevens, Fred Johns, W. Holden, W.J. Sowden, C.A.E. Elliott; (seated on ground in front, from left) E.J. Stacy, F.J. Magona, C.B. O'Reilly, E. Whitington.

Messenger Press: Architects' views of Adelaide

Messenger Press: Architects' views of Adelaide

A collection of photographs and colour photocopies, primarily of plans and architects' impressions of developments in and around the City of Adelaide. Several larger format aerial photographs of the central business district are included. The album comprises a selection of photographs collected by Messenger Press, many of which have been published in the various suburban editions of the paper. Where artists or photographers are known they have been noted. The following brochures are interfiled at the end of the album: Fifty-Five Waymouth Street investment, Hassell Collaboration Adelaide 2002, Holden Factory becomes designer living. Hassell. Media release, December 1999; Halifax Adelaide, the living heart of the City; Adelaide Central Bus Terminal, Synergy investments Australia. Danvers Architects. June 1997; Adelaide Convention Centre, new additions, facilities, spaces and opportunities, 2001. (7 items) These can be seen by requesting the album.

Views around South Australia : Australia Day parade 2011

Views around South Australia : Australia Day parade 2011

Various images of the Australia Day parade along North Terrace and the Australia Day concert and party in the parklands. See 'contents' for details of items.

Adelaide views

Adelaide views

An album of photographs by SW Sweet, featuring scenes around Adelaide.

Old Bill, the airport dog

Old Bill, the airport dog

Photograph of Old Bill, the airport dog, taken outside the TAA entrance to the Adelaide Airport terminal in 1962. See story of Old Bill in Richard Lockheed's 'Reminiscing : Adelaide Airport the early years': 'Bill was a tall lanky Staghound. ...[He] had been the famous "Adelaide Airport Dog' since construction ... had started ... in 1947. ... I would see him in the most unlikely places, such as on the ramp overseeing the loading of the TAA Viscounts, in the terminal building greeting passengers, overseeing the passengers collecting their luggage from a trailer, in the left-hand seat of a bright yellow DCA Holden FJ panel van inspecting the airport or out on the airport grounds chasing hares, which were prolific at the time, but he never ventured on the runways or taxiways. He was an excellent ambassador for the airport and always came over for a pat if he was nearby'.

Saies' store with chemist and L. Saies ironmonger and furnisher

Saies' store with chemist and L. Saies ironmonger and furnisher

Saies' store, with W. H. Holden, Chemist, between and 'L. Saies, Ironmonger and furnisher' on right, with two horse-drawn carts outside loaded with passengers, perhaps for picnic.

RAH graduation class

RAH graduation class

Formal photograph of the graduating class of 1945 of the Royal Adelaide Hospital. Front row (left to right): Shillabeer, Wilkin, Wilkens, Bailey, Holden, Waddell, Bates, Charlton, Formby, Starrs, Stella Tamke, Blowes. Midle row (left to right): Travers, Lister, Kildea, Austin, Daley, (Matron), ST Scrym, Dalton, Badman, Durdin, Durdin, Godfrey. Back row (left to right): Warren, Hoffman, Fitzgerald, Pelgrave, Smith, Schaefer, Brougham.

Setting up camp

Setting up camp

Occupants of a Holden station wagon and a Range Rover setting up camp near the River Murray at Fromm's Landing.

Setting up camp

Setting up camp

Occupants of a Holden station wagon and a Range Rover setting up camp near the River Murray at Fromm's Landing.

Interior of a plant conservatory

Interior of a plant conservatory

The interior of a conservatory full of ferns, flowering and other plants belonging to Mr. H.J. Holden near Adelaide.

South Australian Metropolitan Abattoirs delivery van, no.1

South Australian Metropolitan Abattoirs delivery van, no.1

The first of twelve Metropolitan Abattoir, seven ton, 27 horse power, 1912 CommerCar trucks with a Holden wooden van body. They were used for meat delivery to butchers and remained in service to 1937.

War Savings Committee, Adelaide

War Savings Committee, Adelaide

Members of the War Savings Committee and some of the helpers photographed in front of the Treasury building, Victoria Square north, Adelaide, South Australia. Top row: Messrs. F.W. Porter, A. Millican, G.H. Gillman, A.E. Davey, G.E. Monfries, M.M. Maughan, W.B. Poole, W.E. Hay, A. Mann, H.B. Thompson, A.A. Check, A.L. Taylor. Middle row: Mr. H.O. Balfe, Mesdames A.M. Porter, H.J. Holden, Cecil Fisher, J.A. Riley, Miss Freebairn, Miss Dixon, Mrs. A.J. Freebairn, --, Messrs, Norman Jackson, C.G. Hack. Bottom row: Mr. M. Finkelstein, Mr. C.B.J. Glover, Mr. A.A.L. Rowley (Hon. Director), Mrs. J. Ernest Good (Hon. Organiser of Lady Helpers), Mr. George Brookman (Chairman of Committee), Mrs. Henshaw Jackson, Mr. E.W. Bramble, Mrs. B.S. Christopher, Messrs. John Black and Bert Sayers.

A new railway carriage being built at Islington Workshops, South Australian Railways

A new railway carriage being built at Islington Workshops, South Australian Railways

A new railway carriage being built at coachbuilder Duncan and Fraser's factory. A researcher has provided the following information: Duncan and Fraser was a well-known coach builder and built railway carriages, horse-drawn vehicles, horse trams, electric trams, and motor bodies, especially for model T Fords. Originally in Franklin Street, they later built a factory at Woodville, later taken over by Holden Body Builders. Another researcher has provided the following information: "According to the National Railway Museum Port Adelaide the photo was taken at Islington Workshops in 1908. The clerestory car on the right was one of 10 cars built for the SAR in 1908 for use on the Glenelg lines. These all had 10' 6" wide bodies and were all converted to Centenary Cars in the 1936 conversions. Two of the cars were baggage cars numbered 268 and 269, so my guess is that the car in the photo is one of these two cars. Car 268 was used as a buffet car on the Centenary Ltd for a short time. It is now preserved at the Broken Hill Railway Museum. The remaining cars in the photo are all narrow gauge "short tom" cars with two central windows for the toilet, six windows either side of the toilet on each side and one window each side of the door in each end. These cars were numbered in the series 157 to 170 and they all entered service around 1908. Flinders, Sturt etc [at Pichi Richi Railway] are examples of this type of car. According to the SAR records, none of the cars mentioned above were built by Duncan and Fraser. Duncan and Fraser did build some Glenelg cars, but nowhere near the timeline for the narrow gauge cars listed above".

Photographs of activities and events 1958-1973

Photographs of activities and events 1958-1973

Photographs of activities and events at the Holy Trinity Anglican Church in Adelaide between 1958-1973.

Photographs relating to Messenger Press : houses and miscellaneous

Photographs relating to Messenger Press : houses and miscellaneous

Photographs relating to 'houses and miscellaneous', created by Messenger Press.

Photographs relating to Messenger Press : schools, cemeteries and churches

Photographs relating to Messenger Press : schools, cemeteries and churches

Photographs relating to 'schools, cemeteries and churches', created by Messenger Press.