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Railway Station at Wolseley which is near the South Australian and Victorian border near Bordertown. The photograph was taken between 1889 and 1920. A few houses can be seen near the railway lines but the station is surrounded by mainly grazing land.

Sir Henry Ayers
[General description] Photograph of a bust of Sir Henry Ayers. Sir Henry became a prominent South Australian financier with lucrative mining interests at Burra Burra, later legislator and Premier of South Australia from 15th July 1863 - 4th August 1864. Knighted C.M.G, K.C.M.G and G.C.M.G. [On back of photograph] 'Bust of Sir Henry Ayers / Described by members of Sir Henry's family as a very poor likeness, the expression being quite at variance with his customary geniality'.

Miss Katherine Hill
A head and shoulders portrait of Miss Hill, dressed in her white uniform. She is wearing three medals, probably nursing awards for outstanding service. The round medal is her Adelaide Children's Hospital trained Nurses badge. A researcher suggests that the middle badge is the original badge worn by nurses that trained at the Private Hospital, Wakefield Street, and that she would have been entitled to wear this badge as she was once the matron there. Another researcher says that the medal Miss Hill is wearing furthest from the round badge is 'a gold medal presented to Miss Kate Hill for outstanding service 1883-1902'. This medal is located in the Women's and Children's Hospital as part of the heritage and history collection. [See: 'Our Common Bond - A history of nurse education at the Adelaide Children's Hospital 1876-1989 published 2009']. The photograph bears the signature 'Yours sincerely K. Hill'. [On back of photograph] 'Miss Katherine Hill / (Late Matron of the Children's Hospital) / (Probably in the eighteen nineties)'.

John Howell
[General description] Upper body portrait of a bearded John Howell in seven eighths view. [On back of photograph] 'John Howell / Keeper of the Adelaide Gaol'.

Mrs Janet Lawrie
Mrs. Janet Lawrie, born in Ayrshire 17 December 1811, arrived in South Australia in 1855, died 18 January 1902.

Lady Eliza Milne
Lady Eliza Milne (1818-1912) was married to Sir William Milne (1822-1895) Eliza and her family arrived in South Australia onboard the "Palmyra" and settled near Nairne. William Milne was a member of both Upper and Lower Houses as well as a wine and spirits dealer. He was President and member of several committees. Eliza and William had four sons and five daughters and lived at "Sunnyside" at Glen Osmond

Robert and Joanna Barr Smith
Robert and Joanna Barr Smith.

Baseball Team players
A Baseball team. Two of the players are wearing tops with SURVEY written on them. In 1888, two American teams ('Chicago Colts' and an 'All star' team) visited South Australia, and played three exhibition matches, 26-28 December, which attracted interest in the game. Subsequently a baseball league was formed at a meeting in Adelaide held on 19 March 1889, with Mr. T. Gepp (Mayor of Kensington & Norwood) being elected President. The Survey team was one of the first South Australian baseball teams to be established, named for the workers of the Surveyor-General's Department. A researcher has provided the following information: the player wearing a SURVEY top, standing on the right side and holding a baseball is Rue Ewers. The name of one of the other players is possibly A.C. Edwards.

H.M.S. Protector Officers
[General description] Group portrait of the Officers of the 'H.M.S. Protector' taken on the deck of the ship in front of one of the guns. [On back of photograph] 'Officers of 'H.M.S. Protector' / September 14, 1897 / Names of Officers (from left to right; Messrs. White, Argent, Vice-Admiral William Clarkson , Creswell, Weir, Lt. Smith, R.N.R.' (Another hand) 'Names of Officers should probably read; Messrs. White, Argent, Clarkson, Captain William Creswell (later Rear-Admiral), Weir, Lt. Smith R.N.R., R.D.O. 14 September 1978)'.

H.M.S. Protector Gun Crew
[General description] The Field gun crew pose in front of a gun which is mostly obscured. The Chief Gunner, Edwin Argent (who appears in the group portrait B 7565) stands in the middle. [On back of photograph] 'Field gun crew of 'H.M.S. Protector' / June 12, 1897' (Another hand) 'According to Mr. F.R.Adlam, the gun is a Gatling gun, not a field gun / Note the size of the gun's frame, the barrel and the crank held by a man on the left of the photograph / R.D.T. 11th August 1978'.

This is a photograph of an exhibition of various pieces of (probably steam driven) machinery. The large engine in the foreground has a placard in front of it which reads as follows; 'This old beam engine is one of the first six engines of its type built by the celebrated Watts / It was brought out to South Australia by the late Mr. John Ridley and put under steam by him / It was the first engine under steam and the first to grind meal in South Australia / It is the oldest engine now under steam in the world / Presented for preservation to the South Australian Chamber of Manufactures inc. by Mr. Thomas Magarey' [On back of photograph] 'Engine used by John Ridley in his flour mill at Hindmarsh in 1840'. According to a researcher, this photo was taken at the S.A. Chamber of Manufactures 'Century Exhibition of Arts and Industries', held 15 March to 16 April 1900. (see Express & Telegraph, 15 March 1900, p. 2) The engine was also exhibited at their 1905 'South Australian Exhibition of Arts, Products and Industries', but by then Henderson & Co, Confectioners, exhibiting to the right of the engine, were no longer trading. Some of the statements on the sign in the photo are false. See LJ Jones, 'The beam-engine of Ridley's "Hindmarsh Mill": the fate of an historic artefact', South Australiana vol 19 no 1, March 1980.

Imperial troops at Victoria Park
[General description] A large crowd has assembled at Victoria Park, braving wintry weather to watch the Imperial troops march past. [On back of photograph] 'Duke of York's visit / Imperial troops at Victoria Park / 1901'.

Fire Brigade Parade
[General description] The firemen, resplendant in uniform and brass helmets have formed a guard of honour for the Duke of York. [On back of photograph] 'Fire Brigade parade on the occasion of the visit of the Duke of York, 1901 / The Duke of York is about to enter the carriage'.

Imperial troops at Victoria Park
[General description] Scottish troops marching past a large crowd at Victoria Park are probably the 79th Cameron Highlanders (see B 7608). [On back of photograph] 'Duke of York's visit, 1901 / Imperial troops at Victoria Park'.

Hill & Co.'s Wedding Carriage
[General description] A veiled bride and top-hatted groom prepare to board the Hill's wedding carriage. [On back of photograph] 'Hill & Co.'s popular wedding carriage / 1904'.

Hill & Co. Coach
[General description] A man is adjusting the horses' harness as the coach, laden with passengers stands in the road against a background of open eucalypt country. [On back of photograph] 'Hill & Co. Coach / Changing horses / 1901'.

A 'Sundowner'
[General description] A bearded man stands on a country road, carrying his few possessions in a swag on his back and holding a billycan. [On back of photograph] 'A 'Sundowner''. [A 'sundowner' is a term used for a swagman.]

Montefiore Hill
[General description] View across the parade ground at the base of Montefiore Hill on Accession Day showing troops marching in the distance. These reviews were popular so there would have been many more spectators than the few shown here. [On back of photograph] 'Review of Volunteers / Montefiore Hill / June 20, 1888'.

Register Literary Staff
Register Literary staff. Standing: H.G. Garland, R. Syme, W.A. Sawden, B.W. Smith, C.J. Matthews, J. Bridgeman, H.C. Moody, J.G. Bridges, C.J. Stevens, W.J. Martin, E.W. Parish, R. Foster, A. Jacob, V.L. Stevens, H.B. Horton. Sitting: R. Cockburn, A.S. Diamond, W.C. Calder, E.W. Whitington ('Rups'), C.P. Moody, L. Burns, W.J. Snowden, E.K. Thomas, Rex Thomas, L.M. Chinner, E.J. Stacey, H. Johns, W.H. Briggs.

North Adelaide Baptist Church
The Congregation of the North Adelaide Baptist church on the occasion of the church Jubilee.

Scientific studies
Man and woman engaged in scientific study.

Luxmoore & Chapman
[General description] Premises of Luxmoore & Chapman on North Terrace West. The signage advertises Luxmoore and Chapman are wool brokers, and deal in skin, hide and tallow. Number 62 North Terrace is next door. Two men are sitting on the steps of Luxmoore and Chapman and a bicycle is parked outside. [On back of photograph] Acre 10. North Terrace West 1909-1914.Probably 1909. See B 7787/3. Right side of Luxmoore's premises is 100 yards east of Morphett Street. Frontage of Luxmoore's: 21 yards.

Mrs Murray's Mannum House and Martin's Coolgardie House, North Terrace
Mrs Murray's Mannum House at 66 North Terrace and Martin's Coolgardie House at 67 North Terrace. Right side is 79 yards east of Morphett Street, frontage: 14 and a half yards. For an earlier photo of this residence see B 2495. Holy Trinity Church stands on the eastern side of the boarding house. Mrs Murray's Mannum house is 'late of Hergott' is a two storey house which has deep verandahs upstairs and downstairs. Martin's Coolgardie House and Residence can be hired by the month, week or day.

Mrs Gleiber's Boarding House, North Terrace
Mrs Gleiber's New Zealand Boarding House operated at numbers 59, 61 and 62 North Terrace West from 1906 to 1914. Number 60, where a clothes line hangs on the balcony, was occupied by Mrs Parson's Boarding House at the time of the photograph. Residents of this two storey terrace pose for the camera in front of its doorways. A sign near one of the doors advertises 'First Class Hot Dinners'. [On back of photograph] ' Acre 10 / North Terrace West / 1909-12 / Right side of houses is 121 yards east of Morphett Street / Frontage of houses is 20 yards / *Probably 1909 / See B 7787/3.

North Terrace West
[General description] Buildings on the south side of North Terrace between Victoria Street and Morphett Street. Holy Trinity Church can be seen in the distance. Other buildings include a Foundry, W. Gilbert Grain and Forage Merchants, G.A. Prevost and Co., Hugh McKay Sunshine Harvesters, Luxmoure Chapman and Co. [On back of photograph] North Terrace West, looking west towards Morphett Street. 1909-12. Near side of McKay's is 63 and a half yards west of Victoria Street. All the buildings to the left of McKay's were demolished between 1912 and 1925.For view of building subsequently erected on the site, see B 4890.

North Terrace West
[General description] Buildings on North Terrace west, including W. Gilbert Grain Merchant, G.A. Prevost and Company, and Hugh V. McKay Sunshine Harvester Works. A sign in McKay's window advertises the Sun Twin Stump Jump Disc Cultivator. [On back of phoptograph] Acre 11. North Terrace West. 1909-18. Probably 1909. See B 7787/3. Frontage of McKay's: 31 yards. Left side of McKay's is 62 yards west of Victoria Street.

North Terrace West
[General description] W. Gilbert and Company Grain and Forage Merchants in North Terrace west. The signage advertises they sell seed wheat, pollard, baled hay, baled straw, manures, dry cut chaff, bran and oats, and are agents for implements and machinery. A sign above the entrance states W. Gilbert and Company Forage and Grain Merchants Mills- Gawler Railways and Wasleys. A woman pushing a pram and small child are talking to a dog in the entrance. [On back of photograph] Acres 11 & 12. North Terrace West 1909-12. Probably 1909. See B7787/3. Left side of Gilbert's is about 28 yards west of Victoria Street.

King William Street, Adelaide
King William Street, Adelaide, east side, from North Terrace. On the left a horse tram is passing by. The Town Hall Tower can be seen in the distance.

King William Street, Adelaide
King William Street, Adelaide, east side, showing the Savings Bank, illuminated [probably] in honour of the Duke of York's visit. The frontage of the bank is 13 yards and its left side is 58 yards south of North Terrace.

King William Street, Adelaide
King William Street, Adelaide, east side, on April 11th, 1893, showing the Equitable Life building. The north side of the building is 36 yards south of North Terrace and its frontage is 8 yards.