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King William Street, Adelaide
[General description] The premises of the pastoral company Bagot, Shakes and Lewis Limited, established in 1860 by Edward Meade Bagot and later aquired by Goldsborough Mort in 1924. This building was designed by James MacGeorge for the Savings Bank in the late 1850s. [On back of photograph] 'Acre 17 / King William Street, east side / 1906 / Left side of Bagot, Shakes' premises is 58 yards south of North Terrace. Right side is 71 yards south of North Terrace.'

North Terrace, Adelaide
[General description] The Bank of New South Wales building stands out in this photograph of the North Terrace- King William Street intersection. Traffic is all horse-drawn, mostly wagonettes in this view, often used as cabs which can be seen standing in the centre of the road. Note the horse standing at the trough. In the foreground part of a small park can be seen which will be the site of the future east wing of Parliament house. The statue of of Venus di Canova is seen in its original position near the Government house gates. [On back of photograph] 'North Terrace / Looking east across King William Street / About 1897.'

Soldiers Memorial, North Terrace and King William Street
Unveiling of the South African War Soldier's Memorial, 6 June 1904. The South African War Memorial (also known as the Boer War Memorial or, prior to 1931, the National War Memorial) is an equestrian memorial dedicated to the South Australians who served in the Second Boer War of 11 October 1899 to 31 May 1902. The statue was unveiled by the Governor of South Australia, George Le Hunte. the intersection is crowded and all available balconies are being used by the public. Various countries flags are flying from nearby buildings.

Stephens Place, Adelaide
[General description] Two men with a wheelbarrow load of boxes pose in front of James Marshall & Company's Furniture Warehouse [On back of photograph] 'Acre 18 / Stephens Place, west side / 1895 / Extreme left is 71 yards south of North Terrace. Extreme right is 49 yards south of North Terrace.'

Stephens Place, West Side
[General description] The Stephens Place warehouse of James Marshall & Company, drapers and importers. The firm was set up when James Marshall and William Taylor bought Hodgkiss' warehouse business in Rundle Street in 1881. Despite the setback of a fire in 1882, Marshall's recovered and expanded, eventually employing 800 people. [On back of photograph] Acre 18 / Stephens Place, west side / 1895 / Right side of two storey building in centre is 34 yards south of North Terrace. Left side of the same building is 49 yards south of North Terrace.'

Stephens Place
[General Description] Western side of Stephens Place between Rundle Street and North Terrace. Marshalls Stores are situated in the buildings along this side of the street. Ladies are shopping and chatting outside on the footpath. [On back of photograph] Acres 18 & 45. Stephens Place. West side. Probably about 1909. See B 7787/6. Extreme left is 30 yards north of Rundle Street. Extreme right is 92 and a half yards north of Rundle Street.

Stephens Place
[General description] West side of Stephens Place showing the premises of J. Marshall and Company Importers of General Furnishings, Drapers and Merchants. Two ladies are walking past the shop. [On back of photograph] Acre 18. Stephens Place, west side. Probably about 1911. Probably 1909. See B 7787/6. Left side of building is 49 yards south of North Terrace. Right side of building is 34 yards south of North Terrace.

Stephens Place, Adelaide
[General description] Three men are moving a large packing case through the door of James Marshall and Company's warehouse. It has probably just been delivered by a wagon, seen on the extreme right. [On back of photograph] 'Acre 19 / Stephens Place, east side / 1895 / Right side of Marshall's premises is 66 1/2 yards south of North Terrace.'

North Terrace East
[General description] Buildings on the southern side of North Terrace just west of Gawler Place. One of the buildings houses the Offices of the South Australian Company. A sign on the front states Guests Toilet Salon run by Mr. F.M. Berry. The offices appear to look like private homes. Tall buildings can be seen in the background. [On back of photograph] Acre 19. North Terrace east. Offices of the South Australian Company. West corner of Gawler Place 1909-11. Probably 1909. See B 7787/9. The high building on the left is on the west side of Gawler Place. Extreme right of photograph is about 35 yards west of Gawler Place. Erected 1839-40 for S.A. School Society.

Stephen's Place
[General description] Stephen's Place running between Rundle Street and North Terrace showing the premises of Robert Reid and Company. The three storey building has wooden shutters on the tall windows and grills to protect the basement windows. [On back of photograph] Robert Reid and Company's Premises. Acre 19. Stephens Place, east side. Probably taken in 1911. Probably 1909. See B 7787/10. Two additional storeys were added in 1913. The extreme right of the photo. is 67 yards south of North Terrace. The line of division between Robert Reids' and Matthew Goode's is 43 yards south of North Terrace.

Stephen's Place
[General description] Matthew Goode and Company Limited on the eastern side of Stephens Place between North Terrace and Rundle Street. Two ladies are walking past the building which is adjacent to Robert Reid and Company. [On back of photograph] Acre 19. Stephens Place, east side. Probably taken about 1911. Probably 1909. See B 7787/10. Near side of Matthew Goode's premises is 43 yards south of North Terrace. Frontage of Matthew Goode's: 19 yards. Shop fronts installed in 1927. See B 4705.

East corner of Stephens Place
[General description] Buildings on the corner of Stephens Place and North Terrace, possibly housing doctor and dentist's consulting rooms. The brick building on the corner has two storeys on North Terrace and three storeys in Stephens Place. Wooden balconies adorn the first storey. The South Australian Company is located in the stone building to the east. Matthew Goode and Company can be seen further up Stephens Place towards Rundle Street. [On back of photograph] Acre 19. North Terrace. East corner of Stephens Place. 1909-13. Probably 1909. See B 7787/9. Left side of building built with light coloured stone (second building east from Stephens Place), is 26 yards east of Stephens Place.

Stephens Place
[General description] Looking from Stephens Place towards North Terrace. Workers from Matthew Goode and Company are watching the phoptographer from the third storey window. Trees growing in Government House grounds can be seen across North Terrace. There is no traffic on North Terrace and two men are strolling in the middle of Stephens Place. [On back of photograph] Acre 19. Stephens Place, east side, corner of North Terrace. Probably about 1911. Probably 1909. See B 7787/10. Extreme right is 29 yards south of North Terrace.

Gawler Place near North Terrace
Gawler Place, west side, 29th March 1904.Near side of Standard Shoe Co. is 20 1/2 yards south of North Terrace. Far side of Matthew Goode's is 66 yards south of North Terrace. Near the corner stands the three storey red brick building housing Joseph Florey's warehouse for the Standard Shoe and Leather Company. Next to this stands Matthew Goode and Company softgoods wholesaler.

Gawler Place near North Terrace
Gawler Place, west side, 30th April 1909. Far side of the Standard Shoe Co, is 20 1/2 yards south of North Terrace; its frontage is 9 1/2 yards. Part of the building housing Matthew Goode and Company can be seen next to Joseph Florey's Standard Shoe and Leather Company.

Stephens Place near North Terrace
Stephens Place, east side, 29th March 1904. Near side of gateway on the extreme right is 67 yards south of North Terrace. Two three storey buildings are shown. One nearest to North Terrace houses Matthew Goode and Company Limited and the other houses Robert Reid and Company's Warehouse.

Gawler Place near North Terrace
Gawler Place, west side looking south from North Terrace. Near side of the Standard Shoe Co. is 20 1/2 yards south of North Terrace. See also B 7787 and B 7788. Matthew Goode and Company Building and the Standard Shoe Company both have three storeys.

North Terrace East near Stephens Place
North Terrace east, on the right is Stephens Place. Frontage of corner building; 13 yards; frontage of the building next door is 13 1/2 yards. The buildings shown in the photograph are the two storey building on the eastern corner of Stephens Place and North Terrace and next door stands a two and a half storey sandstone and brick building. The corner building has a balcony on the first level.

Fisher Place from Gawler Place near North Terrace
Looking east along Fisher Place from Gawler Place, 13 September 1904. Near side of the Wills premises is 38 1/2 yards east of Gawler Place. Fisher Place is near North Terrace. The red brick three storey Wills Building has bricked in windows and appears to be a warehouse.

North Terrace east of Gawler Place
North Terrace east, July 1903. Right side of the two storey house on the right is 38 1/2 yards east of Gawler Place. In the foreground of the photograph the gardens and driveway in front of the State Library of South Australia can be seen. The two and three storey buildings along the southern side of North Terrace form a pleasing streetscape. Pedestrians, horse and carriages are moving along the terrace.

Fisher Place off Gawler Place
Fisher Place, north side, looking east, 13 September 1904. Extreme right is 98 1/2 yards east of Gawler Place. The western front of Wills premises is 38 1/2 yards east of Gawler Place. The three storied red brick building plus basement housing G&R Wills and Company stands in Fisher Place.

North Terrace, Adelaide
North Terrace, east, showing the G & R Wills Building. A lady waits in her buggy at the kerb and pedestrians stroll past. Its frontage is 35 yards and the left side is 60 yards west of Charles Street. The boundary between Acres 20 and 21 lies between Wills' premises and the residence next door.

North Terrace, Adelaide
[General description] The premises of G. & R. Wills, warehousemen and general importers. This Renaissance style building was designed by Wright, Woods and Hamilton in 1865, and was greatly extended in the 1870s. [On back of photograph] 'Acre 21 / North Terrace / July 1, 1898 / Left side of Wills' premises is 60 yards west of Charles St. Frontage of Wills' premises: 35 yards.'

North Terrace, Adelaide
[General description] Ladies pose on the decorative iron lace balconies of a pair of two storey terrace houses. The front fences are of wrought iron and a large gas lamp stands near the garden gates. The words 'Adare House' appear on the archways over the entrances. [On back of photograph] 'Acre 21 / North Terrace east / 1907 / Lane on the right is 45.5 yards west of Charles Street'.

North Terrace near Charles Street
North Terrace looking east from a point a few yards west of Charles Street in 1901. Attractive residences line the terrace and the spire of Chalmers Free Church (later Scots Church) can be seen in the distance. The spire was added in 1856.

Residence of Dr J. C. Verco
Residence of Dr J. C. Verco on the west corner of Charles Street and North Terrace, frontage of house is 24 yards. This two storey bluestone house was built by HL Vosz and was the residence of Sir Joseph Cooke Verco.

Terrace houses, east side of Pulteney Street near North Terrace
A row of five two storey terrace houses on the east side of the northern end of Pulteney Street, Adelaide. The terrace houses are numbered 10, 12, 14, 16 and 18. According to the 1909 South Australian Sands and McDougall Directory, numbers 10-16 were boardinghouses. Three signs can be seen in front yards advertising furnished rooms. The Directory lists the householders as Mrs. J. Shannon, Mrs. J. Massey, Mrs. S. E. Glover and Frederick Kolosche. Number 18 has a sign on its balcony for the 'Employers & Servants Agency'. All the balconies have iron roofs painted in stripes. A continuous picket fence runs along the front of the terrace. There is a large illustrated advertising sign adjacent to number 10, 'Van Houten's Cocoa Best & Goes Farthest'. See B 2486 for a view of the terrace in 1866 and B 3960 for a view of the terrace prior to demolition in about 1927.

North Terrace, Adelaide
[On back of photograph] 'Acre 27 / North Terrace / Residence of John Bagot / Sep. 7, 1907 / Left side of house is 51 yards west of Tavistock Street. Right side of gate is 64 yards west of Tavistock Street.'[General description] Designed by William McMinn in 1881, this Italianate style two storey townhouse features a mansard roof with wrought iron cresting. The view was taken from the opposite side of North Terrace, with a wrought iron fence in the foreground.

Adelaide, South Australia, from the Adelaide Hospital
[General description] The hospital gardens are in the foreground of this view of Adelaide from the Adelaide Hospital looking south west across North Terrace toward Chalmers Church, later renamed Scots Church. The Adelaide Town Hall and Post Office clock towers are seen in the distance to the left and the Exhibition building is the domed building on the right. [On back of photograph] 'Looking south west from the eastern wing of the Adelaide Hospital / About 1900 / The two storey house on the left is on the east corner of Tavistock Street and North Terrace'.

East Terrace, Adelaide
East Terrace, looking south from a point about 30 yards north of Rundle Street, during the visit of the Duke of York. A decorative archway spans the street.