Find • Gall, Ernest • Results 61 to 90 of 791

Fishing, Goolwa
[General description] A man cleans his fish on the wharf with P.S. "Moira' and barge 'Emily' moored in the background [On back of photograph] 'Paddle steamer 'Moira' and barge 'Emily' at Goolwa / About 1899'.

Goolwa wharf
Goolwa wharf. The port was one of Australia's most important river ports. The wharf was built in 1852 and later extended and rebuilt several times.The paddle steamer "Moira" is moored at the wharf alongside a sailing boat and a river barge

Jetty, Milang
The jetty at Milang. In the foreground a man with a straw boater hat surveys the scene.

Regatta at Milang
Sliding down the greasy pole during a Regatta at Milang. A crowd of people, wearing their Sunday best, are looking on.

Farm Sheds, Milang
Sheds at Goldsworthy's Farm, Milang. The family, staff, and various horse drawn vehicles are all assembled for the photo. Well dressed ladies sit in a carriage. The sheds are constructed from unsawn timber and have thatched roofs.

Jetty, Milang
[General description] This peaceful scene shows paddlesteamers moored at the end of Milang jetty as still water and sky merge. [On back of photograph] 'Milang jetty / Before 1900 / Steamers, l-r: "Queen", "Wilcannia", "Bourke". On the left of the "Bourke" is the barge "Trumpeter"'.

The "Corowa" at Morgan
The "Corowa" at Morgan. Passengers and crew are standing on the decks for the photo.

Floods at Morgan
Police station surrounded by floods at Morgan.

Mile post, Morphett Vale
[On back of photograph] 'Mile post, Morphett Vale / 1907'.

Bullock team, Mount Gambier
[General description] Bullock team hauling logs. A plantation of eucalypts is seen in the background. [On back of photograph] 'Bullock team / Mt. Gambier / 1904'.

Convalescent Home, Mt.Lofty
[General description] The Queen Victoria Convalescent Home for Children, opened at Mount Lofty in 1898. It is a red brick federation style building featuring an arched window and entrance to the verandah. There is a large front gable and some wooden fretwork decoration. The inscription on the plaque near the front window reads: 'In grateful recognition of the generous help rendered by the Childrens' Sunbeam Society in the erection of this home. October 1898' [On back of photograph] 'Queen Victoria Convalescent Home / (near Mount Lofty Railway Station) / About 1900'.

Steamers at Murray Bridge
[General description] Crews pose for the photographer aboard these two triple decker paddle steamers which cast their reflections upon the still water. The railway bridge can be seen in the background. [On back of photograph] 'Paddle steamers 'Ellen' and' Nellie' at Murray Bridge / June 21 1894'.

Steamers at Murray Bridge
[General description] Paddle steamers' Ruby' and 'Corowa' moored at Murray Bridge with cranes and a warehouse in the background. The opposite riverbank can be seen on the left.

Paddle steamer Corowa Murray Bridge
[General description] The 'Corowa', moored at the Murray Bridge wharf. She was a composite hulled, stern wheeled paddle steamer built by James Anderson of Moama in 1868 using some materials from the Lady Darlng. She was to be one of the fastest and most manouevrable boats in its class. [On back of photograph] 'Paddle steamer' Corowa' at Murray Bridge / About 1899'.

Steamers at Murray Bridge
[General description] Three paddle steamers and a barge are moored at the Murray Bridge wharf which has a goods shed at the end of the railway lines. The opposite river bank appears on the left. Note firewood stacked on the deck of the 'Menindie' [On back of photograph] 'Wharf, Murray Bridge / About 1899 / Paddle steamers 'Menindie', 'Princess Royal', and 'Avoca' at wharf'.

Paddle steamer Waradgery
[General description] P.S. Waradgery, built in 1865 at Moama is moored at the Murray Bridge wharf. She has a large pile of firewood on her deck. [On back of photograph] 'Stern wheel paddle steamer 'Waradgery' at Murray Bridge / 1895'.

Shipping at Murray Bridge
[General description] River and sky are dominant in this view of shipping moored at Murray Bridge Pier. Tolarno was skippered by Captain Robert 'Bob' Grundy (B 7699) for many years. [On back of photograph] 'Steamers Murrumbidgee and Tolarno / Barges Telegraph and Uranus'.

Mud banks on the Murray
Steamer stuck on a mud bank opposite Hart's Island about 70 miles upstream from Morgan. A small crowd of onlookers has gathered. A researcher comments that Harts Island is still a tricky section of river to navigate, especially on a low river. Another researcher suggests that the steamer is the 'Corowa'.

Cliffs along the River Murray
View across the Murray, with cliffs in the foreground, taken about 70 miles upstream from Morgan.

Along the River Murray
Limestone formations along the River Murray, about 70 miles upstream from Morgan.

Tidemarkings along the River
Gum tree, showing flood water marks. Usual tide is where the man on the bank is holding his hat. The roots of the tree have been exposed by the water.

Paddle steamer 'Milang'
[General description] Bow and side view of 'P.S. Milang' on the lakes, probably around Meningie region, spray foaming from the side wheel paddles, and helmsman high on top of the vessel [On back of photograph] Paddle steamer 'Milang'.

Paddle steamer, Jupiter
[General description] Rear and side view of P.S. 'Jupiter', moored at the river bank with two dingies moored alongside. The opposite bank can be seen in the distance [On back of photograph] 'Paddle steamer, 'Jupiter' / About 1895'.

Hotel, Overland Corner
Horse and carriages standing outside the Overland Corner Hotel at Cobdogla. William Brand held the first publican's license for this hotel, from March 1860. H. Hale was the licensee at the time this photo was taken.

Young Street, Parkside
Boarding house attached to John L. Young's school, Parkside, north side of Young Street. House in Young Street Parkside, formerly owned by John Lorenzo Young and sold by him in 1880 to the Simpson family (AL Simpson and son, ironworkers). This property is on the south side of Young Street, about 38 yards east of Stamford Street. Through the lush garden a glimpse of the home shows a two storey bluestone house with an upper balcony and shutters at the windows. A curved drive leads to the front door.

Port Adelaide
Port Adelaide, looking west along North Parade. A sailing ship, probably a ketch, is moored at the wharf, and horse-drawn trolleys are lined up.

Port Adelaide
A distant view of shipping at Port Adelaide.

Port Adelaide
Three men sitting on railings at the Port Adelaide wharf. Shipping can be seen in the distance.

Gunboat, "The Protector"
Gunboat, "The Protector" at Port Adelaide. HMCS Protector had been commissioned by the South Australian government and arrived in Adelaide in September 1884. She remained in active service with the South Australian forces, including a role in subduing the Boxer Rebellion, until she was transferred to the Commonwealth in 1901. For her size she was an exceptionally heavily armed vessel. To conserve fuel (coal) she was originally rigged as a topsail schooner.

Port Adelaide
Looking from an elevated position up Commercial Road, Port Adelaide. J.T. Hood's Commercial Hotel is prominent on the left.