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Parliamentary tour of Eyre Peninsula, October 9-18, 1926
Small album comprising 49 black and white photographs showing the highlights of the Parliamentary Tour of Eyre Peninsula from the 9th to the 18th of October 1926. The tour of the West Coast of the Eyre Peninsula was to inspect railway, shipping, water, and other facilities. Photographs by E. Morris, The Register. For more details and list of members on the tour see article 'Parliamentary visit to Eyre Peninsula' in 'The Advertiser', Monday 11 October 1926, page 13. See below for details of images.

Views of South Australia
Album of views by Capt. Sweet of South Australia including Adelaide, North Adelaide, Glenelg, Port Adelaide, Norton Summit, Clarendon, Farina and the Botanic Gardens. See 'contents' for more details.

Postcard collection of Emily Sophia Groom
A collection of postcards and greeting cards collected by Emily Sophia Groom (nee Grovermann) during the early 1900s, with many cards depicting early SA. The inscription inside the album states "E S Grovermann, Blyth, 29-5-1906". Emily Groom was born in 1877 at Clare and married Harry Rowe (his mother's surname) Groom in 1931. Emily was aged 45 when she married and did not have children of her own. Locations in the postcards include Blyth and Clare, Tanunda, Gumeracha, Victor Harbor and Port Elliot, Adelaide, North Adelaide, and assorted interstate and international locations [See individual records for selected digitised postcards, which may be viewed online].

Thomas John King
Thomas John King, Mayor of Port Adelaide.

'Hans the Boatman' handbill
Handbill for the Mabel Hardinge Dramatic Company production of 'Hans the Boatman' at the Port Town Hall. 'The Mabel Hardinge Dramatic Company always draws a large house at Port Adelaide and when Hans the Boatman was staged on Wednesday evening in the local town hall it was no exception to the rule. Every part of the house was packed, and the musical three-act comedy was thoroughly appreciated by all. The play was carried out under the personal supervision of Miss M. Hardinge, who as an actreas is a distinct favorite at the chief seaport. She played the part of Thomas Jefferson Thursby (Jeffle) and acquitted herself admirably. She rendered several vocal items, and at the conclusion of each received unbounded, applause.' [Daily Herald 29 September 1910]

Muller travel photographs
Twelve black & white photos and two postcards belonging to the donor's late aunt and uncle, Rosina and Robert Muller, taken during their travels around Australia. The South Australian locations include: Victor Harbor, Glenelg, Torrens River, Marree, Quorn and Port Pirie.

Riverton Institute
Riverton Institute now used as the Town Hall. Riverton was settled in 1856 by South Australian pioneer James Masters. The settlement grow as a stopping point along the track from Adelaide to Burra. When the railway opened in 1869 the town prospered.

Decorations for the 'Prehistoric Cabaret'
This 14 foot high model of a Tyrannosaurus Rex was conceived and made by Doug Mackenzie, with the assistance of members of the Glenelg Apex Club, for the 'Prehistoric Cabaret' held in the Glenelg Town Hall on 27 March 1953. The dinosaur was brilliantly painted by Eric J. Field and photographed by Ross J. Rainsford. The sound effectes were by Bob Malin. In the background, beneath the 12 foot wing span of a hovering Pteranodon, can be seen part of the 200 feet of 5 foot high painted scenery depicting life in prehistoric times as portrayed by volunteer Adelaide artists. The scenery was illuminated by a continuous string of festoon lighting concealed beneath a cardboard pelmet. The hall above remained in darkness creating the illusion that the onlooker was actually surrounded by the pre-historic landscape. The awe-inspiring, towering image of Tyrannosaurus Rex, illuminated by an eerie green spotlight, dominated the scene. Part way through the evening, with dancing in full swing, a devastating, thunderous roar, comprised of a mixture of the roaring of lions and other jungle denizens, burst at full volume from a large speaker concealed in the throat of the monster. So shocked were a number of the dancers that they immediately fell flat on the floor and it was indeed fortunate that no one suffered a heart attack. During a following pause a desperate sounding announcer shouted "Quick, he's hungry. He won't stop roraring until you throw money into his mouth". We only dared to try this stunt once more during the evening which resulted in a considerable amount of money being ingested by the monster. Unfortunately it proved almost impossible to get it all out as most of it was caught between the wire mesh lining and the Papier-Mache skin. For a number of years following this event coins were often excreted every time the monster was disassembled. [Text by Doug Mackenzie].

Decorations for the 'Prehistoric Cabaret'
A 14 foot high model of a Tyrannosaurus Rex conceived and made by Doug Mackenzie, with assistance of members of the the Apex Club of Glenelg, for the 'Prehistoric Cabaret' held in the Glenelg Town Hall on 27 March 1953. The dinosaur was brilliantly painted by Eric J. Field and photographed by Ross J. Rainsford. The sound effects were by Bob Malin. In the background, beneath the 12 foot wing span of a hovering Pteranodon, can be seen part of the 200 feet of 5 foot high painted scenery depicting life in prehistoric times as portrayed by volunteer Adelaide artists. The scenery was illuminated by a continuous string of festoon lighting concealed beneath a cardboard pelmet. The hall above remained in darkness creating the illusion that the onlooker was actually surrounded by the pre-historic landscape. The awe-inspiring, towering image of Tyrannosaurus Rex, illuminated by an eerie green spotlight, dominated the scene. Part way through the evening, with dancing in full swing, a devastating, thunderous roar, comprised of a mixture of the roaring of lions and other jungle denizens, burst at full volume from a large speaker concealed in the throat of the monster. So shocked were a number of the dancers that they immediately fell flat on the floor and it was indeed fortunate that no one suffered a heart attack. During a following pause a desperate sounding announcer shouted "Quick, he's hungry. He won't stop roraring until you throw money into his mouth". We only dared to try this stunt once more during the evening which resulted in a considerable amount of money being ingested by the monster. Unfortunately it proved almost impossible to get it all out as most of it was caught between the wire mesh lining and the Papier-Mache skin. For a number of years following this event coins were often excreted every time the monster was disassembled. [Text by Doug Mackenzie.] A unsourced newspaper cutting is pasted to the back of the photograph - see PRG 1459/6/10V.

Woods Bagot Pty. Ltd : SUMMARY RECORD
Business records of Woods Bagot Architects comprising letter books, account books, partnership records, photographs, brochures, plans and drawings, and list of works executed. Earliest work is a plan and specification of work for re-instating the 'Travellers' Rest' hotel at Houghton by E.J. Woods, dating from 1874. (Specification in regular box sequence).

Photographs of company premises, staff and merchandise
Approximately 170 photographs and postcard images of Colton, Palmer & Preston Ltd. premises in Currie Street, Adelaide, on Port Road, Allenby Gardens and Gepps Cross; including scenes at Currie Street of the February 1907 fire, new building, leather goods factory, celebrations for Armistice Day 1918, Port Adelaide steel yard and bulk store, Adelaide warehouse interior scenes, Harrold Colton & Co. staff in 1909 and later, social functions, sporting functions, cricketing and football teams.

Album of portraits of the Lovelock, Meyer and other families
Album containing portraits of Meyer and Lovelock family members. Kelly, Genery, Herbert, Polhill, Sanders, Clayton, Ramsay, Gerrard and other families are included. Some families appear to be from the Yankalilla area. It is not known who compiled the album. To view images, take the Browse Album link. The album provides examples of carte-de visite and cabinet portraiture of many Adelaide photographers of the 1870s to 1890s, as well as good examples of the clothing and dress fashion of the day. The photographers are noted in brackets after the caption, where they are known. Photograph 26 shows a person in military uniform with a distinctive pill box cap, possibly the uniform of the Mounted Volunteer Corps of the Volunteer Militia. The album has a hand sewn cream suede cover, with rudimentary embroidery done in an acorn and leaf pattern. Additional research was carried out by Anthony Laube, who believes the album probably belonged to Mrs Lovelock. His additional information is shown in square brackets.

Robert Davenport family album
Photograph album of the Davenport family of Battunga, near Macclesfield. Photographs include views of the homestead, property and cottages, family members at Christmas celebrations, picnics and other family occasions at Beaumont House, Port Elliot and North Adelaide. The album includes several photographs of Sir Samuel Davenport. Captions have been noted from handwritten sheets included in the album. Photographs 1-128 which relate to South Australia, have been digitised. The remaining photographs in the album are of travels overseas to Chungking, Switzerland and the United Kingdom.

Portrait photographs of immediate Simpson Family members
Portrait photographs of the descendants of Alfred Simpson (1808-1891)

Photograph album of the Ive and Bagot families
Photograph album thought to have been compiled by Eileen Dubois Ive (later Mrs John Frederick Bagot) daughter of Charles William Ive and Agnes Dubois. The album contains photographs of many family members and friends, at 'Acton', Woodville and other places, showing fund raising and commemoration days during and after the first World War, such as Cheer Up Society work and marches, events such as Repatriation Day, French Red Cross Day and the opening of the Soldiers' War Memorial on North Terrace. Eileen married John Frederick Bagot in 1915 before his departure to France with the 13th Light Horse brigade and this album includes a number of photographs presumably taken by John Bagot, of fellow officers, places in Egypt, France and Palestine, and of the Camel Corps. The album contains five additional loose photographs, six postcards and one newspaper cutting regarding the sale of Stradbroke, the Magill home of Mr C. L. J. Dubois (maternal grandfather of Eileen Ive) and these have been placed at the end of the album. The postcards and newspaper clipping have not been digitised.

James Shakespeare and Mr Muirden
Studio photograph of James Shakespeare and Mr Muirden, in front of an alpine backdrop. The postcard, sent from France, was addressed to Mr. William Ponder, MP, with a message in short hand, referencing the death of the 24th Premier of South Australia, Thomas Price in 1909. The transcript reads, "Paris, 21.6.09 / We continue to have a very good time, and we have been to look back at the view we had at Scheideff of the Jungfrau and other scenes as the best of the we have ever seen. We stayed at Lucerne and Interlaken a week each. We have been here a week and find the place very interesting; so much to see and not time enough every day. / We are going to a grey London today and looking forward to a great time there. / So, the sad news about Mr Price; was afraid that was going thus in life, but still find it hard to believe that he has gone. / I see too the changing in the government, but nothing further as there is not much news as you know, in the papers from England that this far. / We have had a few wet days but not to trouble us. Most of the weather has been like an Adelaide spring day. / What do you think of us as Messengers? / Kind regards from both.

South Australian views
An album of South Australian views of Flinders Ranges, Kangaroo Island, Port Pirie, Port Augusta and one of Darwin. Photographers are not all known - although some are attributed elsewhere to Walter Howchin, and, according to a researcher, numbers 1-24 are by H.R. Perry. Many are duplicated elsewhere in the collection but these for the most part are better quality images. Captions are as they appear in the album.

South African War
South African War, departure of the South Australian Imperial Contingent leaving Adelaide. A large crowd of wellwishers fill King William Street. A researcher who is President of the South Australian Booer War Association disputes the 1902 date on the photograph. 'This photograph was taken after 3 pm on 30 April 1900, two days before the 4th South Australian Imperial Bushmen sailed for South Africa. The cart's canopy is clearly labelled 'Imperial Contingent.' Earlier contingents were financed by either the South Australian Government (1st South Australian Mounted Rifles -1SAMR - and 2SAMR) or the public (3rd South Australian Bushmen) but the fourth and subsequent contingents were financed by the Imperial Government in London. Hence the moniker 'Imperial Bushmen' was coined for this mounted infantry unit. 4SAIB was followed by 5SAIB and 6SAIB and, after Federation in 1901, by the Australian Commonwealth Horse. Press reports refer to gigantic crowds. Special trains were laid on from country districts, all mounted police within 20 miles were brought in for the occasion, and public service offices shut at 3 pm when the parade began. Reports also refer to the banner of the Australian Natives Association slung across King William Street from the Clarence Hotel to the balcony of the United Services Club (see photograph). The troops were converging on the Town Hall where a very popular Lord Tennyson, Governor, was about to take the salute from the balcony. The press was enormous and some horses reacted badly; Trooper Herbert Prosser found it difficult to control his steed which a few weeks later threw him on the Durban as the contingent disembarked. A passing trolley's iron wheels ran over Prosser and broke his neck. There is a memorial to him in St. John's Halifax Street, Adelaide.'

Photograph album of the Ive and Bagot families
Photograph album thought to have been compiled by Eileen Dubois Ive (later Mrs John Frederick Bagot) daughter of Charles William Ive and Agnes Dubois. The album contains photographs of many family members and friends, at 'Acton', Woodville and other places, showing fund raising and commemoration days during and after the first World War, such as Cheer Up Society work and marches, Repatriation Day, French Red Cross Day and the opening of the Soldiers' War Memorial on North Terrace. Eileen married John Frederick Bagot in 1915 before his departure to France with the 13th Light Horse brigade and this album includes a number of photographs presumably taken by John Bagot, of fellow officers, places in Egypt, France and Palestine, and of the Camel Corps. The album contains five additional loose photographs, six postcards and one newspaper cutting regarding the sale of Stradbroke, the Magill home of Mr C. L. J. Dubois (maternal grandfather of Eileen Ive) and these have been placed at the end of the album. The postcards and newspaper clipping have not been digitised.

The 'Heather Bell' docked in Newcastle
The wooden barque 'Heather Bell', 479 tons, docked in Newcastle, with the Coutts Sailor's Home in view to the furthest right. [wooden ship, later barque rigged, 472 tons, later 575 and then 479 tons (due to minor alterations and remeasurements) 155.0 x 28.5 x 17.5. Built 1855 Hall, Aberdeen. ON32005. Owners: built for Thomas Brown and Co., registered Hobart: sold to Samuel Tullock and registered Launceston: acquired in early 1870s by Anderson, Anderson and Co., and registered London (reversing a more common trend of Australian owners buying from English proprietors) returned to Australian owners at Melbourne in 1881. In October 1882 owned by George Bailey and registered Port Adelaide. In August 1888 sold to owners in Newcastle, NSW and believed to have been allowed to rot on the bank, however Lubbock states she was broken up in Sydney in 1894. Until her sale toward the end of the 1870s this vessel was regularly employed in the UK-Australian trade and initially was employed sailing to Tasmania, upon sale to Anderson she commenced to trade more frequently to Sydney and Melbourne. The ship was famous for an exceptionally fast run to England of 67 days in 1856 that was seldom bettered ('Vanished Fleets', by Villiers, page 220 gives full details and also 'Colonial Clippers' page 127 and 128. Australian owners available from AMHS on request).

Photograph of Elliott Johnston and Lowitje O'Donoghue
Photograph of Elliott Johnston and Lowitje O'Donoghue, in a folder with the inscription 'With best wishes from the Right Honourable the Lord Mayor and Councillors of the City of Adelaide'. Signed by Michael Harbison, Lord Mayor, Town Hall, Adelaide South Australia.

Shipping at Sydney, schooner 'Vale', barque 'Altcar' and barque 'Brunette'
Shipping at Sydney in the 1880's with the schooner 'Vale', and barques 'Altcar' and 'Brunette.' [Brunette iron 3 mast barque, 382 gross, ON? 141.0 x 25.3 x 15.6. Built 1859 Chas. Lungley, Deptford (London) sold foreign and renamed Pride of the West, returns to British owners at Glasgow in 1870 reverts to original name 1870 - GR Dibbs, reg. Sydney: June 1880 John Frazer: March 1881, JC Ellis: 1890 TH Holdship and hulked. Jan 1892 McIlwraith, MacEacharn Ltd. Towed to sea and scuttled, register closed in 1913. Always a collier whilst in Australian ownership] ['Vale' = wooden 2 mast topsail schooner, 65 tons. ON74888. 76.0 x 18.9 x 7.0. Built 1876 John Burrell and Josiah Quiggen, Crookhaven, NSW. J O'Dwyre and J Berril, rergistered Sydney; 1878/9 Robert Langley; April 1897 SM Nielson, registered Port Adelaide. Wrecked off Cape Borda, SA, Feb. 26, 1900]. Sydney Town Hall is on the horizon so this is somewhere on Darling Harbour West.

Arrival of the train from Adelaide, December 29th. The Glenelg Town Hall can be seen on the left and the Glenelg Jetty appears in the distance.

Glenelg from the jetty
[General description] Glenelg, from the jetty. Showing the tram line running from Jetty Road onto the jetty. The buildings around Moseley Square include the Town Hall, J. Martin Restaurant and Tea Rooms, Glenelg Bakery and the Pier Hotel. The sand level of the beach is almost as high as the foreshore. [On back of photograph] Glenelg viewed from the jetty 187? (Sweet Adelaide 252).

Norwood Parade
Norwood Parade, looking west. Coke Street is on the extreme left. Today this is the Norwood Mall that runs off the Parade. The photograph has been taken from the top of the Town Hall. The steeples from Adelaide churches can be seen in the distance

Municipal Offices Yankalilla
The Municipal offices and Town Hall of the township of Yankalilla viewed on the right of the photograph. A sign above the building states 'Yankalilla District Board Room AD 1864'. A nearby signpost has directions to Victor Harbor, Adelaide, Second Valley and Normanville.

Frederick Estcourt Bucknall
Frederick Estcourt Bucknall (from a painting in the Hindmarsh Town Hall). Builder of Estcourt House; Mayor of Hindmarsh; M.P.; Brewer; Publican; founder of S.A. Yacht Club (now Royal S.A. Yacht Squadron). His father was Commodore of the esteemed Royal Thames Yacht Club and shortly after arriving in South Australia his son, Frederick Estcourt Bucknall built a fleet of pleasure craft to be used on the newly created Torrens Dam. A flood ruined this enterprise so he built a boatshed on the Port River. Later he built the South Australian Club Hotel in Port Adelaide. Later still when he was a wealthy man he built Estcourt House on the seafront between Grange and Glanville. While in politics he was remembered for installing mandatory horse troughs outside licensed premises. He was also Mayor of Hindmarsh for three years

Alexander Russell
Alexander Russell, from 1860 incumbent of St Paul's, Pulteney Street and from 1869 Dean of Adelaide. He died suddenly from a fall down the Town Hall stairs on May 20, 1886.

King William Street near Pirie Street
Residence of the Town Hall manager Mr Gapp. Mr Gapp and his wife and family can be seen in the gateway to his house. The modest stone cottage stands on Acre 203 on the corner of King William Street and Pirie Street. The Prince Alfred Hotel abuts the cottage and this photograph was taken on June 7th, 1898 looking north east. The little building was at one time (1852) the Adelaide Corporation Chamber. See B 465 and B 81. Beyond the one storey building can be seen the back of the Pirie Street Wesleyan Church.

King William Street
King William Street, looking south from North Terrace. This photograph shows the view from the intersection of King William Street and North Terrace. The road appears to be very wide and the buildings on the eastern corner include Academy on the corner, Civil and Military Engineering Institute, Adelaide Gymasium, Hunt's Original and a large grocery store with several people waiting outside. The Town Hall clock tower can be seen in the distance minus it's clock. Apparently the intended clock was given to Trinity Church instead. Various shops and businesses line the western side of King William Street. Horses and carriages wait at the side of the street.