Find • A D Edwardes Collection. • Results 4,501 to 4,530 of 4,823

'Annie' wooden ketch

'Annie' wooden ketch

'Annie' wooden ketch 30 tons. [wooden 2 mast schooner (sometimes described as a ketch) 35 tons, later 30 tons, ON31938, 55.4 x 14.4 x 5.9. Built 1853 John Watson, Hobart Town. Register closed June 1921 'Broken up'.]

'Genevie M. Tucker' wooden barque

'Genevie M. Tucker' wooden barque

'Genevie M. Tucker' wooden barque 524 tons [wooden 3 mast barque, 519 tons, 1890 =524 gross , 499 net tons. ON69006. 136.4 x 29.8 xz 16.8. Built 1870 William A Curtis, Portland Maine and registered in that port. Sold Feb. 1879 to William Williams coal merchant and registered Wellington NZ 1885 Union SS Co. of NZ Ltd (who acquired Williams Black Diamond Line) 1889 Martin Kennedy (Brunner Coal Co) 1889 - Ferdinand Holm: 1901 HW Henderson, registered Sydney; 1902 Westport Coal Co. Ltd registered Dunedin, and converted into a coal hulk]

'Valmarie' wooden schooner

'Valmarie' wooden schooner

'Valmarie' wooden schooner 288 tons [wooden 3 mast schooner, 288 gross, 246 net tons. ON136445, 130.0 x 30.5 x 11.6. Built 1919 Purdon and Featherstone, Hobart. Owners: Rosenfeld and Co. Ltd, registered Sydney. Stranded Farewell Spit, NZ. Feb. 16, 1922 and abandoned as a total loss but later salvaged, repaired and re-registered as 'Mapu' in Wellington. converted to a hulk in 1929 and register closed]

'Southern Cross' wooden barquetine

'Southern Cross' wooden barquetine

'Southern Cross' wooden barquentine 257 tons [wooden barquentine (ex-auxiliary steamer) 291 gross, 257 net tons. ON98988, 131.0 x 26.6 x 14.2. Built 1891 (5) Forrest and son, Wyevenhoe. Originally a steam yacht built for missionary purposes by Missions to the South Pacific. Sold for commerical purposes and converted to a sailing ship in 1904. Owners 1909 = Ivan Nelson and GJ Robertson, registered Sydney; c.1913 RF Davidson, John Hay and E Taylor; c.1916 G Dunkley, registered Hobart who in 1918 transferred registration to Melbourne. Missing. Left Melbourne Sept. 11, 1920 for Hobart, with a cargo of case oil and is believed to have taken fire, exploded and lost with all hands]

'Empress of China' wooden barquentine

'Empress of China' wooden barquentine

'Empress of China' wooden barquentine 256 tons [wooden 3 mast brigantine (Lloyd's say 3 mast schooner) 267 gross, 256 net tons, ON68526. 120.7 x 26.1 x 12.8. Built 1874 (2) Stribley, Padstow. Owners: 1877 Peter Facy and others, registered Hobart Town. Wrecked Dec. 31, 1888 near Hunter Island, Bass Strait on a voyage Geelong-Hobart]

'Eucalyptus' wooden barque

'Eucalyptus' wooden barque

'Eucalyptus' wooden barque 200 tons [wooden 2 mast square rig (schooner) 1856 - re-rigged 3 mast barque. 194 tons originally, later 173 tons. 101.0 x 22.4 x 9.7. Built 1852 John Ross, Battery Point, Hobart. Owners: CM Maxwell and partners, registered Hobart. June 1864. Charles Dowdell and William Belbin: August 1868 William Belbin. Wrecked Nov. 28, 1870 on a voyage Hobart Town towards Port Adelaide on an uncharted rock near Black Reef, off Swan Island, Bass Strait]

'Lemael' wooden schooner

'Lemael' wooden schooner

'Lemael' wooden schooner 98 tons ashore at Semaphore South Australia [wooden 2 mast schooner, 98 tons. ON79300, 101.7 x 26.3 x 7.7. Built 1892 James Dyson, Duck River, Tasmania, as a 3 mast fore and aft schooner, altered in 1905. First owner, Joseph Lee, registered Launceston. By 1921 T Holyman. Wrecked at Cape Banks, South Australia, July 21, 1921]

'Waratah' wooden barque

'Waratah' wooden barque

'Waratah' wooden barque 202 tons [wooden 3 mast barque, 203 gross, 202 net tons. ON57525, 123.0 x 25.0 x 11.0. Built 1872 John Lucas, Battery Point, Hobart. Owners: Peter Facy (21) William Fisher (22) and John Fisher (21) registered Hobart. April 1877 Peter Facy and William Fisher; June 1882 River Don Trading Co. Ltd; Feb. 1884 AJ Soutar, registered Sydney and briefly reported as a 3 mast schooner; 1884 Anton Schlink, registered Port Adelaide. Wrecked Jan. 20, 1894 in heavy westerly gale was driven ashore Rocky Islet, Wellesley Islands, Gulf of Carpentaria]

'Duke of Edinburgh' wooden schooner

'Duke of Edinburgh' wooden schooner

'Duke of Edinburgh' wooden schooner 76 tons. 'Fairy Queen' on left [Duke of Edinburgh = wooden 3 mast schooner (ex Paddle Steamer) 76 tons, ON52446. 100.0 x 16.5 x 6.5. Built 1868 Alexander Duthie, Auckland as a paddle steamer sold in 1872 to WC Daldy, Auckland and converted into a sailing ship. August 27, 1873 stranded at Timaru NZ and badly damaged. Sold, she was salvaged, repaired and reregistered as Euphrosyne at Lyttelton. On March 14 1875 she sailed from Dunedin bound for Timaru and disappeared] [As Euphrosyne = wooden 3 mast schooner, 75 tons. ON54000, 100.0 x 16.7 x 6.6. Built in 1873 from the Duke of Edinburgh that had been wrecked at Oamaru in August 1873. The wreck was reloated and taken to Lyttelton and rebuilt. When owned by James Grave of Lyttelton and registered at that port she went missing, having sailed from Dunedin Sept. 14, 1875 for Oamaru]

'Senorita' steel schooner

'Senorita' steel schooner

'Senorita' steel schooner 324 tons [steel 3 mast schooner (insurance registered say brigantine) 350 gross, 324 net tons, ON112718, 144.2 x 27.15 x 11.25. Built 1893 Cumming and Ellis, Inverkeithing, for Norwegians who called her the same name. First registered British in 1900, to Auckland 1900 and sometime owned by the Northern Union Steam Boat Co. Ltd. Transferred to Sydney 1916 and owned by Sailing Ship Senorita Ltd. Register closed 1922 when vessel converted into a hulk]

'SMHT' wooden ketch

'SMHT' wooden ketch

'SMHT' wooden ketch 46 tons [wooden aux. 2 mast ketch 57 gross, 47 net tons. ON78366. 68.7 x 18.2 x 6.8. Built 1878 John Graydon, Freeman Bay Auckland, as a cutter and named 'Annie'. Altered into a ketch in June 1881 and in 1887 sold by New Zealand owners to A&J Johnson and registered Hobart. Wrecked at Swansea Tasmania. August 1877. Salvaged and rebuilt by Messrs Johnson at Kelvedon, near Hobart and enrolled in 1888 as a new ship with the ON57618 but later her original number, issued in Auckland was restored. In 1888 sold to JS Chapman . 1897 Rockwell and Easther; 1898 WJ Taylor who renamed her 'SMHT' Sept. 29, 1903 (allegedly for Sarah, Mary and Harriet Taylor) Later sold to FW Cook and registered Melbourne. Then LJ Pearsall, of Hobart]

'Senorita' steel barquentine

'Senorita' steel barquentine

'Senorita' steel barquentine 324 tons [steel 3 mast schooner (insurance registered say brigantine) 350 gross, 324 net tons, ON112718, 144.2 x 27.15 x 11.25. Built 1893 Cumming and Ellis, Inverkeithing, for Norwegians who called her the same name. First registered British in 1900, to Auckland 1900 and sometime owned by the Northern Union Steam Boat Co. Ltd. Transferred to Sydney 1916 and owned by Sailing Ship Senorita Ltd. Register closed 1922 when vessel converted into a hulk]

'Amelia J' wooden barquentine

'Amelia J' wooden barquentine

'Amelia J' wooden barquentine. [wood 3 mast top sail schooner (sometimes called a barkentine). 404g. 383n. ON133493. 153.0 x 36.0 x 14.3. Built 1919 H. Moore, Battery Point, Hobart. Owners: H. Jones & Co. Ltd., reg. Hobart. Missing, sailed from Newcastle, NSW Aug. 21 1920 with coal for Hobart but failed to arrive. 'Wrecks in Tasmanian Waters' by O'May has extensive coverage of the loss and subsequent search for this vessel, said to be the last square rigged vessel built in Tasmania.]

Shipping, Wallaroo in the 1870s

Shipping, Wallaroo in the 1870s

Wallaroo in the 1870s'. Barque 'Verulam' SS 'Kangaroo' ['Verulam' = wooden 3 mast barque rigged. ON19852, 510 gross tons. 141.2 x 28.9 x 19.2. Built 1958 Sunderland. Registered Wisbeach, England and engaged in UK-Australia trade until sold in 1870 to Henry Simpson, Port Adelaide. Sold 1896 and converted into a hulk. Broken up and register closed in 1931. See 'Black Diamond Line' by Parsons, 1972]

'Waterwitch' wooden barque

'Waterwitch' wooden barque

'Waterwitch' wooden barque 236 tons hulked [wooden hull, 3 mast barque, ON32270, 253 tons, later 236 tons. 95.6 x 22.6 x 17.4. 1860 -remeasured = 99.5 x 22.6 x 17.4. Built 1820 at the Royal Naval Dockyard, Pembroke (Milford Haven) and launched as a 10 gun brig-sloop, named HMS 'Falcon', renamed in 1838 when sold out of the service, and 'raised upon', i.e. her sides raised. Owners: formerly in London = Dec. 1853 - William Burgess and Alex. Learmouth (32) and George Sidney, registered Sydney; July 1855 - Charles Smith and SK Salting; March 1860 John McArthur, registered Hobart Town; July 1875 Alex McGregor and James Bayley; Aug. 1884 Alex McGregor. Register closed in 1917 with 'Broken up as in 1899'. See also 'Wrecks in Tasmanian Waters' by H O'May] [NB: Photograph is correctly pasted in, PRG 1373/40/7 is back to front]

'Leprena' wooden schooner at Port Adelaide

'Leprena' wooden schooner at Port Adelaide

'Leprena' wooden schooner at Port Adelaide [wooden 2 mast ketch 143 tons ON131506. 70 gross, 67 net tons. 75.0 x 22.5 x 6.8. Built 1912 Philip B Forbes, Lake Macquarie, NSW and registered at Port Adelaide in 1923, having formerly been owned in Melbourne. Lengthened and renamed 'Leprena' in May 1938 = 105 gross, 85 net tons. 92.8 x 22.8 x 6.6. Requisitioned by Commonwealth Government during WW2 but returned to commerical service in 1946. Ultimately became a fishing vessel and was destroyed by fire off Port Moorowie, SA Feb. 12, 1964. See 'Ketches of South Australia' Parsons, 1978] [wooden 3 mast fore and aft schooner, ON151549. 143 tons. 110.0 x 26.0 x 10.1. Built 1922 Purdon and Featherstone, Battery Point Hobart. Owners: Rooganah Ltd. registered Hobart. Wrecked in March 1925 on a voyage Hobart - Port Adelaide off Eddystone Point, Tasmania. See 'Wrecks in Tasmanian Waters' by H O'May]

Port Lincoln 1929

Port Lincoln 1929

Port Lincoln 1929. Sailers 'Mozart', 'Olivebank', 'Pamir'. According to a researcher, the motor vessel nearest to the camera, alongside the Kirton Point jetty, is the 'Minnipa'.

Port Augusta

Port Augusta

Port Augusta. Ship 'City of Adelaide', ship 'Romanoff'. [City of Adelaide composite ship (later barque) 791 tons. ON50036, 176.8 x 33.2 x 18.8. Built 1864 (5). W. Pile and Co. Sunderland. Owners: Devitt and Moore, registered London. Usually employed in the South Australian trades and often loaded wool at Port Augusta. Became a Royal Naval hospital hulk, later an accommodation ship and was renamed Carrick from at least 1925. Given by the Royal Navy for use as a club ship by RNR and berthed in Scotland. See Ships of the Royal Navy, Vol. 1 JJ Colledge, David and Charles, 1969.]

'Chanticleer' wooden brigantine

'Chanticleer' wooden brigantine

'Chanticleer' wooden brigantine 221 tons. [wooden 2 mast brig. (Caption says barque???) 186 tons (originally 194 tons) 101.0 x 24.6 x 12.2. Built 1859 La Have, Nova Scotia. Owners: formerly registered in Halifax NS. April 1868 JT Rolls, registered Melbourne August 1868 Charles Dowdell registered Hobart Town September 1868 C. Dowdell and William Belbin. Register closed with 'supposed to have been lost on the coast of New Zealand in 1875'. See New Zealand Shipwrecks, Ingram p. 169. NB. caption says barque - if the vessel shown is a barque it had nothing to do with the above, nor Tasmanian shipowners.]

Port Pirie about 1900

Port Pirie about 1900

Shipping, Port Pirie about 1905. Information from a researcher: "I believe the ship next the wharf and bow on is the Glasgow four-masted barque 'Earl of Dunmore' built on the Clyde 1891. The reason I believe this may be the Earl of Dunmore is she had a scroll, or fiddle bow, at the fore-stem rather than the more usual figure-head, this scroll was painted dark colour probably brown, whereas the usual figure heads were usually white, her rig was of double topsails and single t'gallants as the ship in the photo, and had the same arrangement of painted ports, and single hawse-pipe hole each side, (some ships had two each side). Earl of Dunmore was in Port Pirie at least twice, in 1894 and 1897. Another characteristic the Earl of Dunmore had was, she had no chart house on the poop aft, that detail is not visible in this photo.

Stenhouse Bay about 1932

Stenhouse Bay about 1932

Stenhouse Bay jetty 1932. Information from a researcher: 'Judging by the date, the scuttled sailing vessel on the right is the "Hougomont"'.

'Derwent Hunter' wooden barque

'Derwent Hunter' wooden barque

'Derwent Hunter' wooden barque 368 tons [wooden 3 mast barque, ON32094. 368 tons, 106.2 x 29.0 x 18.6. Built in 1810 and 1811 at Kensington, Philadelphia, Penn. and named North America. Renamed in 1861. Owners 1861 Alexander McGregor and Charles Bayley, registered Hobart. March 1886 Alex. McGregor. Register closed with 'Burnt at the Domain Slip. Hobart 1907'. There is some mention of this vessel in Wrecks in Tasmanian Waters by Harry O'May (not a particularly reliable source) that says she was hulked in 1884 and scuttled alongside the slip and used as a store]

'Yallaroi' iron ship

'Yallaroi' iron ship

'Yallaroi' iron ship 1565 tons [iron ship, 1565 tons, ON88866, 245.8 x 38.1 x 22.0. Built 1885 (1) A Hall and Co. Aberdeen. Owners: A Niccol and Co., Aberdeen. Sold Italian c.1906. Renamed 'Santa Caterina' c.1918]

'Fortunata Figari' iron ship

'Fortunata Figari' iron ship

'Fortunata Figari' iron ship 2204 tons. After collision with 'SS Coogie' in Bass Strait, 25th December 1903. [iron 4 mast ship rigged sailing vessel, 2204 gross, 2149 net tons. 289.6 x 40.5 x 24.5. Built 1883 (8) Oswald, Mordaunt and Co. Southampton as 'Kistna' for Liverpool owners ON87873. Owners GB and G Figaridi, registered Genoa. In collision with the steamer 'Coogee' from Launceston off the Port Phillip Heads, Dec. 25 1903. A famous incident]

'Hazel Craig' iron barque

'Hazel Craig' iron barque

'Hazel Craig' iron barque 467 tons [for details of this ship see 'Quathlamba' and or 'White Pine'] [iron barque, 495 tons, ON77453, 167.9 x 29.1 x 13.6. Built 1879 (2) A Hall and Co., Aberdeen. JT Rennie and Sons, registered Aberdeen. 1895 sold to Captain PL Francis, re-registered London. 1899 sold to Auckland owners, JJ Craig, and renamed 'Hazel Craig' in 1905. Sold in 1908 and renamed 'White Pine'. Sold in 1922 and became a hulk at Melbourne. The hulk scuttled in Bass Strait 14 Jan. 1947. In Australian trades, under all names, was usually employed in trans Tasman timber trades]

'Troop' iron ship

'Troop' iron ship

'Troop' iron ship 1583 tons [iron 3 mast ship rigged sailing vessel, 1583 gross, 1526 net tons. ON87977. 243.0 x 38.9 x 22.4. Built 1884 (5) A McMillan and Son, Dumbarton. Owners: Troop and Son, registered Liverpool]

'E J Spicer' wooden ship

'E J Spicer' wooden ship

'E J Spicer' wooden ship 1368 tons [wooden 3 mast ship, 1368 gross, 1268 net tons. ON80369. 203.5 x 39.5 x 23.8. Built 1880 A Loomer, Parrsboro, Nova Scotia. Owners GW Cochran, registered Parrsboro, Nova Scotia]

'Imerve' wooden barque, 'Slamat' composite barque

'Imerve' wooden barque, 'Slamat' composite barque

'Imerve' wooden barque 1277 tons, and 'Slamat' composite barque 916 tons [composite 3 mast barque, 916 net tons. 184.0 x 34.8 x 19.7. Built 1876 WH Meursing, Amsterdam. Owners: A Hendrichs and Co., registered Amsterdam]

Port Chalmers in about the 1880's

Port Chalmers in about the 1880's

Port Chalmers, New Zealand.

'Onyx' iron barque

'Onyx' iron barque

'Onyx' iron barque 396 tons [iron 3 mast barque, 420 gross tons. ON51153. 136.6 x 25.8 x 16.5. Built 1864 (11) J Laing, Sunderland. Owners: Robert Weatherley, registered Sunderland, then Robert Sharp: 1881 WR Williams, registered Wellington NZ: 1885 H Guthrie, registered Dunedin: 1908 sold to Union SS Co. of NZ Ltd. for use as a coal hulk at Auckland. Scuttled off Cuvier Island, Oct. 11, 1925]