Find • 1907 • Results 1,651 to 1,680 of 2,041

Surf breaking on the rocky coastline of the Althorpe Islands

Surf breaking on the rocky coastline of the Althorpe Islands

Surf breaking on the rocky coastline of the Althorpe Islands.

The lighthouse and cottages on Althorpe Island

The lighthouse and cottages on Althorpe Island

The lighthouse and cottages on Althorpe Island.

The beach at Harvey's Return', Cape Borda, Kangaroo Island

The beach at Harvey's Return', Cape Borda, Kangaroo Island

The beach at 'Harvey's Return', Cape Borda, Kangaroo Island showing the S.S. 'Governor Musgrave' waiting offshore.

A wooden memorial to G. Peterson

A wooden memorial to G. Peterson

A wooden memorial to G. Peterson at his grave where he was interred in 1838 on Althorpe Island.

Memorial to Julies Garbis

Memorial to Julies Garbis

A fenced grave on the cliff top at Althorpe Island with a memorial inscribed to Julies Garbis who died in 1890.

A group of people enjoying lunch on a launch

A group of people enjoying lunch on a launch

A group of people enjoying lunch on a launch during a visit to the new Outer Harbor facilities.

Mrs. Felix and Mrs. Arthur Searcy

Mrs. Felix and Mrs. Arthur Searcy

Mrs. Felix and Mrs. Arthur Searcy: a photograph taken in a small backyard.

Arthur Searcy's Irish terrier dog Pal

Arthur Searcy's Irish terrier dog Pal

Arthur Searcy's Irish terrier dog 'Pal' who was poisoned by an unknown person from the family home at Mills Terrace, North Adelaide.

A railway track inspection car

A railway track inspection car

A railway track inspection car.

A group of adults, including Miss Violet Searcy, and children on board the S.S. Governor Musgrave'

A group of adults, including Miss Violet Searcy, and children on board the S.S. Governor Musgrave'

A group of adults, including Miss Violet Searcy, and children on board the S.S. 'Governor Musgrave'.

Miss Ada E. May of Brighton

Miss Ada E. May of Brighton

Miss Ada E. May of Brighton, South Australia, daughter of Charles May of St. Peter's College, Adelaide.

Miss Agnes Cock, a nurse who served in the South African War

Miss Agnes Cock, a nurse who served in the South African War

Miss Agnes Cock, a nurse who served in the South African War and later in World War I: a studio view of her wearing evening dress.

A firewood train on the Goondah-Burrinjuck line

A firewood train on the Goondah-Burrinjuck line

The caption on the original photograph identifies this as 'A freight train pulling wagon loads of cut wood near Sydney'. This appears to be incorrect with several researchers identifying it as one of the Krauss-built locomotives hauling a firewood train on the narrow gauge railway (2 foot) to Burrinjuck Dam in NSW. The narrow gauge track was built from Goondah (a station on the Great Southern Railway, west of Yass) to Burrinjuck in 1907-1908 (the line was opened in June 1908),and was used to haul cement, firewood, construction materials, food supplies and passengers to Burrinjuck, where a power station, located near the dam site, was being constructed. Some 80,200 tons of firewood was consumed for this purpose, between 1909 and 1928. Length of the railway was 26 mile 26 chains (42.2 km); the rails were taken up in April 1929. The locomotive is one of the four German-built Krauss steam locomotives, purchased by the Department of Public Works, NSW, for the construction project. The date is probably bewteen 1908 and 1916 - after this time the locomotives' builders' plates (the oval shape on the side of the cab), which gave away their German origins, were removed as a result of the feverish anti-German feelings which built up during The Great War. Further information can be obtained forn the book 'The Goondah-Burrinjuck railway' by John R. Newland.

A winning race horse at Morphettville

A winning race horse at Morphettville

A winning race horse at Morphettville racetrack, South Australia. A researcher believes this may be 'Miss Bobby', owned by W. R. Morgan. Miss Bobby won 1907 and 1908 VRC Standish Handicap and 1908 ARC City Handicap.

The Marine Board motor launch "Anne E. Price"

The Marine Board motor launch "Anne E. Price"

The Marine Board motor launch "Anne E. Price".

Large bales of wool being loaded on to rail trucks

Large bales of wool being loaded on to rail trucks

Large bales of wool being loaded on to rail trucks.

Building railway tracks at Outer Harbor

Building railway tracks at Outer Harbor

The building of railway tracks at Outer Harbor in progress.

Landscape and cave views which include Cape du Couedic and Casuarina Island

Landscape and cave views which include Cape du Couedic and Casuarina Island

Landscape and cave views which include Cape du Couedic and Casuarina Island.

Arthur Searcy

Arthur Searcy

Portrait of Arthur Searcy, 1852-1935. [One of two views - see PRG 280/1/1/457 for the other portrait.]

Four small views of a residence

Four small views of a residence

Four small views of a residence and a horse drawn cart contained in one frame.

Four small views of a residence, horse drawn cart, and a man

Four small views of a residence, horse drawn cart, and a man

Four small views of a residence, horse drawn cart, and a man identified as Henry Salon contained in one frame.

Violet and Dora Searcy standing at the entrance gate to their home

Violet and Dora Searcy standing at the entrance gate to their home

Violet and Dora Searcy standing at the entrance gate to their home on Strangways Terrace, North Adelaide.

Henry Salom

Henry Salom

Informal portrait of Henry Salom in a garden.

Guests of the President of the Marine Board, Arthur Searcy, at Outer Harbor

Guests of the President of the Marine Board, Arthur Searcy, at Outer Harbor

Guests of the President of the Marine Board, Arthur Searcy, at Outer Harbor on board a steam launch.

The South Neptune Island lighthouse

The South Neptune Island lighthouse

This is a photo of the opening ceremony of South Neptune Island Lighthouse on Friday 1st November 1901. In the photo is C. Parker Head Keeper, L. Mcphee, Second Keeper, J. Boyes, Third Keeper, T. Hayter, assistant Keeper. Also present were Mr W. Barry, Senior Warden, Dennis Martin, Capt J. A. Gibbon, A. Campbell, W. E. Slade, Associated Engineer of Harbors (representing the Engineer in Chief), the Naval Commandant C. J. Clare, the Secretary of the Marine Board J. Darby,and Captain J - Master of the SS [?].

Visitors from the South Australian Marine Board standing at the base of Neptune Island lighthouse

Visitors from the South Australian Marine Board standing at the base of Neptune Island lighthouse

Visitors from the South Australian Marine Board standing at the base of South Neptune Island lighthouse.

A line of camels, two sitting, with handlers

A line of camels, two sitting, with handlers

A line of camels, two sitting, with handlers; they are free of saddles and burdens except for one who has two women riders.

Camels leaving Port Augusta with heavy loads of metal sheeting

Camels leaving Port Augusta with heavy loads of metal sheeting

Camels leaving Port Augusta with heavy loads of metal sheeting.

The premises of the South Australian Hotel, North Terrace, Adelaide

The premises of the South Australian Hotel, North Terrace, Adelaide

The premises of the South Australian Hotel, North Terrace, Adelaide.

Warehouses situated in a fenced paddock

Warehouses situated in a fenced paddock

Warehouses situated in a fenced paddock described by A. Searcy as the 'Produce Department'; location unknown.