Photographs [SRG 770/40] • Photograph

Red Cross Opportunity Shop

Red Cross Opportunity Shop

Red Cross Opportunity Shop.

Red Cross Opportunity Shop

Red Cross Opportunity Shop

Red Cross Opportunity Shop.

Red Cross Opportunity Shop

Red Cross Opportunity Shop

Red Cross Opportunity Shop.

Red Cross Opportunity Shop

Red Cross Opportunity Shop

Red Cross Opportunity Shop.

Red Cross Opportunity Shop

Red Cross Opportunity Shop

Red Cross Opportunity Shop.

Red Cross Opportunity Shop

Red Cross Opportunity Shop

Red Cross Opportunity Shop.

Red Cross Opportunity Shop

Red Cross Opportunity Shop

Red Cross Opportunity Shop.

Red Cross Opportunity Shop

Red Cross Opportunity Shop

Red Cross Opportunity Shop.

Red Cross Opportunity Shop

Red Cross Opportunity Shop

Red Cross Opportunity Shop.

Red Cross Opportunity Shop

Red Cross Opportunity Shop

Red Cross Opportunity Shop.

Red Cross Opportunity Shop

Red Cross Opportunity Shop

Red Cross Opportunity Shop.

Red Cross Opportunity Shop

Red Cross Opportunity Shop

Red Cross Opportunity Shop.

Red Cross Opportunity Shop

Red Cross Opportunity Shop

Red Cross Opportunity Shop.

Red Cross Opportunity Shop

Red Cross Opportunity Shop

Red Cross Opportunity Shop.

Red Cross Opportunity Shop

Red Cross Opportunity Shop

Red Cross Opportunity Shop.

Red Cross Opportunity Shop

Red Cross Opportunity Shop

Red Cross Opportunity Shop.

Red Cross Opportunity Shop

Red Cross Opportunity Shop

Red Cross Opportunity Shop.

Red Cross Opportunity Shop

Red Cross Opportunity Shop

Red Cross Opportunity Shop.

Red Cross Opportunity Shop

Red Cross Opportunity Shop

Red Cross Opportunity Shop.

Red Cross Opportunity Shop

Red Cross Opportunity Shop

Red Cross Opportunity Shop.

Red Cross Opportunity Shop

Red Cross Opportunity Shop

Red Cross Opportunity Shop.

Red Cross Opportunity Shop

Red Cross Opportunity Shop

Since it began as a one-day sale in 1949, the opportunity shop raised more than $200,000 for Red Cross. This scene of bustle and bargains was captured on opening day on March 28, 1960.

Red Cross Opportunity Shop

Red Cross Opportunity Shop

Opportunity shop.

Red Cross Opportunity Shop

Red Cross Opportunity Shop

Opportunity shop.

Red Cross Opportunity Shop

Red Cross Opportunity Shop

Opportunity shop.

Red Cross Home for Crippled Children, Singapore

Red Cross Home for Crippled Children, Singapore

The Victorian Division of the Australian REd Cross Society earlier this year provided a loom for occupational therapy at the home. Miss Margaret Hancock (pictured) from the Australian and New Zealand Red Cross Field Force visits the home weekly to teach the children weaving.

Red Cross Home for Crippled Children, Singapore

Red Cross Home for Crippled Children, Singapore

The recreation room where learning and fun are often synonymous. Marie Hunter, S.A. and Margaret Hancock, Vic.

Red Cross Home for Crippled Children, Singapore

Red Cross Home for Crippled Children, Singapore

Workers from three National Red Cross Societies - Singapore, New Zealand and Australia are depicted with one of the patients. Miss June Dawson (centre) is the physiotherapist at the home. Her services are provided by New Zealand Red Cross Society. Marie Hunter, S.A.

South East Asian Disaster Relief Store, Singapore

South East Asian Disaster Relief Store, Singapore

The storemen and packers are all women in this warehouse - the South East Asian Disaster Relief Store situated in Singapore and administered by the Singapore Red Cross Society.

South East Asian Disaster Relief Store, Singapore

South East Asian Disaster Relief Store, Singapore

The storemen and packers are all women in this warehouse - the South East Asian Disaster Relief Store situated in Singapore and administered by the Singapore Red Cross Society. Australia (S.A. Div.) supplied goods.