Photographs [SRG 770/40] • Photograph

Lyndoch Red Cross

Lyndoch Red Cross

Lyndoch Red Cross. Back row from left: 9th Mrs A Boehm. Middle row from left: 3rd Mrs F. Klauber, 4th Mrs C. Denholm, 6th Mrs E. Filsell, 8th Mrs Blanche Gordon, 9th Mrs E. Evans, 10th Mrs G. Randell. Bottom row: 2nd Mrs H. Kennedy, 3rd Miss S. Springbett, 4th Miss L. Springbett, 7th Mrs H. Burge.

Compton Red Cross - Lower South East

Compton Red Cross - Lower South East

Compton Red Cross - Lower South East. Seated front right: Mary Milton born 1899, young girl is Marjory Milton, absent is Alice Milton born 1906 - now Mrs Alice Savage member of Boandik group. 3rd: 4th from left Mrs A.J. Milton, mother of girls. 2nd from left, seated on chair is Mrs Thomas, the midwife.

Parade in Adelaide

Parade in Adelaide

World War 1 - returned army personnel and Red Cross nurses parade in city before the State Governor, Sir Henry Galway, Col. H.H.E. Russell, and Lady Galway, first President of Red Cross in S.A.

Packing of Soldier's comforts

Packing of Soldier's comforts

1917 - packing of soldier's comforts in the stables of Government House.

Torrens Park Military Hospital

Torrens Park Military Hospital

Torrens Park Military Hospital Theatre Ward, formerly the ball-room.

Red Cross Headquarters

Red Cross Headquarters

1917 - at work in the A.D.C.'s room, Red Cross Headquarters, Government House. K.K. Thomas, Miss F. Saunders (at typewriter), Lady Newland, Miss E. Waite, Miss A Symon, Miss E. Stokes.

Badge selling day

Badge selling day

1914-1918. A badge selling day. The Hindmarsh Red Cross Circle at the corner of King William Street and North Terrace.

The 'Pass it on' League of basket makers

The 'Pass it on' League of basket makers

The 'Pass it on' League of basket makers 'Sunninghill' Red Cross Hospital October 1916.



First World War Red Cross Ambulance.

Dining room

Dining room

Red Cross members and soldiers in a dining room.

Red Cross nurse

Red Cross nurse

An unidentified Red Cross nurse.

Packing Red Cross comforts

Packing Red Cross comforts

'Even the stables at Government house, South Australia were used for packing Red Cross comforts.'

Red Cross members marching

Red Cross members marching

Red Cross Members marching in a parade.

Miss Kathleen Kyffin Thomas

Miss Kathleen Kyffin Thomas

Miss Kathleen Kyffin Thomas.

Prospect Group

Prospect Group

Prospect Group 1939-1940.

Children's Hospital Creche

Children's Hospital Creche

Red Cross Aid helps in Children's Hospital Creche.

Children's Hospital Creche

Children's Hospital Creche

Red Cross Aid helps in Children's Hospital Red Cross Creche.

Children's Hospital Creche

Children's Hospital Creche

Red Cross service at Adelaide Children's Hospital. The Red cross canteen in a corner of the big Outpatients Department is a boon to waiting mothers and children. Tea, coffee, milk, ice cream and cakes etc. are available at a small charge.

Kapara Red Cross Home

Kapara Red Cross Home

Matron J.A. Oborn stokes the fire for some of the inmates of the Kapara Red Cross Home at Glenelg, Adelaide for ex-servicemen and women.

Kapara Red Cross Home

Kapara Red Cross Home

Kapara Red Cross Home.

Kapara Red Cross Home

Kapara Red Cross Home

A garden party in March, 1963, at Kapara was an occasion to wear medals. Still an active worker for the division, Mrs Mary Holmes of Lobethal 1963 was awarded a rosette for her 60 years service.

Kapara Red Cross Home

Kapara Red Cross Home

Party at Kapara Convalescent home, Glenelg.

Kapara Red Cross Home

Kapara Red Cross Home

The 'boys' at Kapara, the Red Cross Convalescent Home at Glenelg, enjoy a good game of cards - a photo taken some years ago.

Kapara Red Cross Home

Kapara Red Cross Home

Kapara Red Cross Nursing Home, Glenelg.

Kapara Red Cross Home

Kapara Red Cross Home

The visit of his excellency the Governor of South Australia, Sir Mark Oliphant, and Lady Oliphant, to Kapara Red Cross Nursing Home, Thursday, November 20, 1975.

Kapara Red Cross Home

Kapara Red Cross Home

the former matron of Kapara Red Cross Convalescent Home, Glenelg, Mrs Jean Oborn receiving her Distinguished Service Award from the President, Lady Oliphant. Mr Mervyn Smith, Chairman.

Kapara Red Cross Home

Kapara Red Cross Home

'Odyssey 71'. The Lads from Kapara who walked into our camp and our hearts. With Mrs Collins and Sister Natera.

Kapara Red Cross Home

Kapara Red Cross Home

Junior Red Cross members visit the elderly for birthdays taking small hand-made gifts and greeting cards.

Repatriation General Hospital

Repatriation General Hospital

The Red Cross library, Repatriation General Hospital showing staff and veterans.

Repatriation General Hospital

Repatriation General Hospital

The Red Cross buffett, Repatriation General Hospital showing staff and veterans.