Iron Knob mine and town [PRG 1664/16/1-21] • Photograph

Iron Knob mine.
View of large structure in the Iron Knob region.

Iron Knob mine.
View of a building and mound in the Iron Knob region.

Iron Knob mine.
Mining machinery at the Iron Knob mine.

Iron Knob mine.
View of the Iron Knob mine, where the ore is loaded onto train trucks.

Iron Knob mine.
Mining machinery at the Iron Knob mine.

Iron Knob mine.
View of the Iron Knob mine.

Iron Knob mine.
Train trucks at the Iron Knob mine.

Iron Knob mine.
View of the Iron Knob mine.

Iron Knob mine.
View of the Iron Knob mine.

Iron Knob mine.
View of the Iron Knob mine from above.

Iron Knob town.
View of the town of Iron Knob from above.

Iron Knob town.
View of the town of Iron Knob from above.

Iron Knob mine.
View of the Iron Knob mine.

Iron Knob mine.
Man at the Iron Knob mine.

Iron Knob mine.
Mining machinery at the Iron Knob mine.

Iron Knob mine.
View of the Iron Knob mine.

Three men on electricity poles.
View of three men on electricity poles, possibly near the Iron Knob mine. One of the three is hanging from the wire.

Men working on electricity poles.
Group of men in the back of a ute, by an electricity pole.

Iron Knob mine.
View of the Iron Knob mine.

Iron Knob mine.
Mining machinery at the Iron Knob mine.

Iron Knob mine.
Mining machinery at the Iron Knob mine.