McGhee, Robert Pendergast, 1914-1921, Photograph, PRG 1601/1/S040
Photograph album compiled by Robert McGhee containing photographs from his service in the first World War. Inside the front cover is a (partially covered) inscription '... Bob from Mother 12.6.13'. Many of the photographs have been pasted into the album so it isn't possible to see any identifying information on the back. Where postcards were sent with letters on the back, both sides have been copied. [Note: item 36 was loose inside this album, but is believed to date from the second World War, and bears a partial inscription 'lots of love .... Aussie & Jim / Mrs R. P. McGhee'; item 74 has been removed from another album and most of the inscription is covered with only 'To my ... Salisbury Plains 16-1-17' visible.] Album was lent for copying by the State Library of South Australia.