Photograph album of Ceduna [PRG 1527/1/1-127] • Photograph

Photograph album of Ceduna
An old mangrove tree

Photograph album of Ceduna
New library and science room, Ceduna Higher Primary School

Photograph album of Ceduna
Ceduna School

Photograph album of Ceduna
3 1/2 tons of edible shark delivered to Marine Foods Ltd. near Cape Jensen off shark fishing boat, Cape Torrens

Photograph album of Ceduna
Close up of sharks

Photograph album of Ceduna
High cliff, Port Westall near Streaky Bay where the whale was found

Photograph album of Ceduna
Smooth pode, Port Westall

Photograph album of Ceduna
View of horizon

Photograph album of Ceduna
Cat on step

Photograph album of Ceduna

Photograph album of Ceduna
Carey Haneder

Photograph album of Ceduna
1st Trevenard Troop selected to go to Pan Pacific Jamboree, Melbourne, Dec. 29th, 1948

Photograph album of Ceduna
Man beside motorbike

Photograph album of Ceduna
Children at beach

Photograph album of Ceduna
Two men beside motorbike

Photograph album of Ceduna
Vase and flowers

Photograph album of Ceduna
Vase and flowers

Photograph album of Ceduna
Vase and flowers

Photograph album of Ceduna
Vase and flowers

Photograph album of Ceduna
Three men looking into a cave hole

Photograph album of Ceduna
House at beach

Photograph album of Ceduna

Photograph album of Ceduna

Photograph album of Ceduna

Photograph album of Ceduna
Three men with shark pieces(?)

Photograph album of Ceduna
Cave interior

Photograph album of Ceduna
Man at cliff edge

Photograph album of Ceduna
Cliff face

Photograph album of Ceduna
Men sitting at campsite

Photograph album of Ceduna
Female dancers