Photograph album of Ceduna [PRG 1527/1/1-127] • Photograph

Photograph album of Ceduna
Bridal couple cutting wedding cake

Photograph album of Ceduna
Unidentified woman with glasses

Photograph album of Ceduna
The Laidler family

Photograph album of Ceduna
At our side gate

Photograph album of Ceduna
A group at W. Watson's

Photograph album of Ceduna
A group at W. Watson's

Photograph album of Ceduna
A cloud study

Photograph album of Ceduna
A meeting of Pioneer Residents of Ceduna District, Mrs. E. Watson, The Guest of Honour

Photograph album of Ceduna
Portion of Pornton Street

Photograph album of Ceduna
Bedford buses travelling to W.A.

Photograph album of Ceduna
A study in electric light

Photograph album of Ceduna
Koonibba and Ceduna teams at opening of new Ceduna Oval

Photograph album of Ceduna
Pines at Hotel Ceduna

Photograph album of Ceduna
Mrs. Watson bouncing the ball to open the new oval

Photograph album of Ceduna
The Chinta Road

Photograph album of Ceduna
Road between Ho. Bonython and Ho. Goode

Photograph album of Ceduna
Ceduna from Hospital Beach

Photograph album of Ceduna
Ceduna from Jetty Light

Photograph album of Ceduna
McKenzie Street looking east

Photograph album of Ceduna
Corner Poynton St. and McKenzie St. looking south

Photograph album of Ceduna
Looking into Poynton St. from showground

Photograph album of Ceduna
Ceduna Post Office

Photograph album of Ceduna
Ceduna Memorial Hall

Photograph album of Ceduna
McKenzie St. looking west from Irwin's Corner

Photograph album of Ceduna
Poynton St. from Ceduna Terrace

Photograph album of Ceduna
Poynton St. from Methodist Church

Photograph album of Ceduna
Poynton St. from Watson's Garage

Photograph album of Ceduna
McKenzie St. from Post Office

Photograph album of Ceduna
A beauty spot at Nurka

Photograph album of Ceduna
Pines at Nurka