Development of Inverness property at McLaren Vale [PRG 1508/14/1/1-32] • Photograph

Development of cottage site at 'Inverness', McLaren Vale.
Charlie Elliot with his bullock team removing soil from the excavation for cellar on site for cottage.

Development of cottage site at 'Inverness', McLaren Vale;
Close-up view of Charlie Elliot with his bullock team removing soil from the excavation for cellar on site for cottage.

Cottage at 'Inverness', McLaren Vale.
approximately 1912.

Cottage at 'Inverness', McLaren Vale.
The Cottage taken from the eastern side before the garden was planted, also showing the wash-house.

Cottage at 'Inverness', McLaren Vale.
The Cottage taken from Mr Steer's paddock on South.

Cottage at 'Inverness', McLaren Vale.
The Cottage taken from Mr Steer's paddock on South.

Cottage at 'Inverness', McLaren Vale.
The Cottage, showing surround road and gum trees.

Currant vines at 'Inverness', McLaren Vale.
Six acre block of currant vines after pruning. Winter scene.

Horse paddock at 'Inverness', McLaren Vale.
Part of the horse paddock before it was cleaned up.

Horse paddock at 'Inverness', McLaren Vale.
View of the horse paddock before it was cleaned up.

Horse paddock at 'Inverness', McLaren Vale.
View of the horse paddock before it was cleaned up.

Home block at 'Inverness', McLaren Vale.
The Home Block in its original state before the timber had been grabbed and cleared. The tall tree to the right was 4,8'6" to the first limb and was 12 ft in circumference.

Home block at 'Inverness', McLaren Vale.
The Home Block after the barn and stables had been built.

Orange block at 'Inverness', McLaren Vale.
A part of no.1 orange block, showing cottage, wash-house, cottage stable, and no.1 shed. These trees were planted during the last week in September 1912.

Orange block at 'Inverness', McLaren Vale.
View of no.1 orange block.

Barn and stables at 'Inverness', McLaren Vale.
Barn and stables, 6 stalls, chaff house, harness room, impliment shed with the cottage in the distance and Topsy in the foreground.

Barn and stables at 'Inverness', McLaren Vale.
Close up view of barn and stables, including stalls, chaff house, harness room and impliment shed.

Orange tree block at 'Inverness', McLaren Vale.
Block of ground grubbed, cleared, broken up and cultivated prior to planting out the Poorman's orange trees in October 1915.

Orange tree block at 'Inverness', McLaren Vale.
The same block on 6th November 1920. There are 25 Poorman orange trees and 14 lemon trees. Cut 60 cases of oranges off this block in July 1920.

Zante currants block at 'Inverness', McLaren Vale.
Western end of 8 acre block of Zante currants planted in September 1911. These rows are 30 chains long. There are 28 rows 12ft apart. The vines are 10ft apart. Cut 64 tons currants off this block March 1921. The vines in the foreground are Dorradilla.

Zante currants block and 'Inverness', McLaren Vale.
Portion of the eastern end of 8 acre block of Zante currants.

Pear tree orchard at 'Inverness', McLaren Vale.
Block of 200 Duchess pear trees planted in September 1911.

Prune trees at 'Inverness', McLaren Vale.
Block of 58 prune trees planted in 1913. Carrying a good crop this year.

'Inverness', McLaren Vale.
'Inverness', McLaren Vale. Taken from the Public Road opposite the store room in a south westerly direction from house showing main entrance gate, garden, house, garage and stables, with evaporator on north side of creek.

'Inverness', McLaren Vale.
'Inverness' taken from the Public Road in a south easterly direction from house, showing paddock gate, stables, garage and house.

'Inverness', McLaren Vale.
'Inverness' taken from small apple block looking south east.

'Inverness', McLaren Vale.
'Inverness' taken from northern bank of creek looking south, showing U.G. Tank, back of house, and garage.

'Inverness', McLaren Vale.
'Inverness' taken from Public Road in a south easterly direction from house showing Blacksmith's shop, barn and stables, garage, and house.

View from 'Inverness', McLaren Vale.
View from front of house looking south.

View from 'Inverness', McLaren Vale.
View from back of house looking northwest across the vineyard.