Photograph album of the Kay family [PRG 1415/35/2] • Photograph

Miss Sarah Kay.
Cabinet card portrait of Miss Sarah Kay.

Miss Sarah Kay.
Cabinet card portrait of Miss Sarah Kay.

Laura Gee and child.
Cabinet card portrait of Laura Gee (Annie Laura Vernon Gee nee Herford) and a young boy wearing a sailor suit.

Mr Beresford, Miss Beresford and Jock.
Cabinet card portrait of Mr Donald John de la Poer Beresford with his sister Miss Beresford (possibly his eldest sister May de la Poer Beresford), and his dog 'Jock'. Donald Beresford died suddenly in April 1886 at the age of 34. He was an officer in the House of Assembly.

Mrs Gee da la Poer Beresford.
Carte de visite portrait of Mrs Gee (nee Birley) de la Poer Beresford, with her hair styled in ringlets.

Miss Rose Moulden.
Carte de visite portrait of Miss Rose Moulden. Her hair is elaborately styled and she is wearing earrings and a necklace.

Unidentified child.
Cabinet card portrait of an unidentified child, sitting on grass, holding a small lawn bowls ball.

Dorrit Black and Geoffrey Black.
Cabinet card portrait of two children siblings Dorrit Black (Dorothea Foster Black, 1891-1951) on the right, with her younger brother Geoffrey Howard Barham Black (1893-1956). Dorrit Black became a painter and printmaker of the Modernist school, and Geoffrey became at doctor.

Mrs Paterson.
Cabinet card portrait of Mary Herford Paterson (born 1825), wife of doctor Alexander Henry Paterson, and mother of English watercolour artist and illustrator Helen Allingham.

Caroline Paterson and child.
Cabinet card portrait of Mrs Caroline Sharpe (nee Paterson, 1856-1911), wife of Sutton Sharpe and sister of English watercolour artist Helen Allingham. She is wearing a dress with a high lace collar, puffed sleeves, and a hat decorated with feathers. She is holding her second child, Frank Sharpe (1896-1981), aged 6 months.

Paterson family.
Cabinet card portrait of the Paterson family. Possibly Alexander Edgar Paterson (1852-1908), son of Dr Alexander Henry Paterson and Mary Chance Herford, with his wife Katharine Esther (nee Dixon), and their four children: Dorothy, Willis, Claude, and Alexander Henry.

Mrs Rankine.
Cabinet card portrait of Mrs Rankine, wife of Dr Rankine, of Glasgow and later Strathalbyn.

E.A. Noltenius, H, Noltenius and L.C.E. Gee.
Carte de visite portrait of Edward Arthur Noltenius (1853-1934), H. Noltenius, and Lionel Carley Egremont Gee (1854-1936).

Eleanor Brodie Wren.
Cabinet card portrait of Miss Eleanor Brodie Wren (1862-1948), niece of Miss Catherine Helen Spence.

Ruby Sowter.
Cabinet card portrait of Ruby Sowter as a child. Daughter of William Hickson Sowter and Jane Beattie Gemmell, born on 5 August 1884, died in Kadina, South Australia, on 19 May 1949.

Edith King.
Cabinet card portrait of Edith King.

Unidentified children.
Cabinet card portrait of two unidentified children, aged about 3 years, possibl twins.

Mrs William Kay.
Cabinet card portrait of Mrs William Kay, wearing a brooch on her collar, and a lace cap.

Mr Robert Kay.
Cabinet card portrait of Mr Robert Kay, wearing a formal suit and holding a scroll in his hand.

Mrs Robert Kay.
Cabinet card portrait of Mrs Robert Kay, sitting in a chair, with a book in her lap. Written on reverse: 'Mrs Herford, with Mrs Kay's Love - Christmas 1885'.