Photographs of river shipping and places [PRG 1258/59/1-180] • Photograph

Photographs of river shipping and places
Houseboat in flood, formerly 'Pelican': vessel at right is 'Pandora' (DD/38)

Photographs of river shipping and places
Building railway bridge, Murray Bridge. A reseracher believes the steamers from right to left, are the Marion, Tarella and Murrundi (DD/16)

Photographs of river shipping and places
Captain W. Drage comes aboard 'Marion' for trial run, 1963 (HH/3)

Photographs of river shipping and places
PS 'Marion' casting off at Berri for trial trip, 1963 (HH/5)

Photographs of river shipping and places
Mayor of Renmark Sharley presents Captain W. Drage with River Murray flag made by National Trust women's committee, to design of Harry Godson before last trip, Berri to Mannum, 1963 (FF/16)

Photographs of river shipping and places
Mayor of Renmark Sharley presents Captain W. Drage with River Murray flag made by National Trust women's committee, to design of Harry Godson before last trip, Berri to Mannum, 1963 (FF/16)

Photographs of river shipping and places
Captain W. Drage approaches wheelhouse for 'Marion's last journey to Mannum, 1963 (GG/16)

Photographs of river shipping and places
Crew preparing 'Marion' for departure from Berri, 1963 (HH Film 6/1)

Photographs of river shipping and places
Loading completed at Berri, school children visiting, 6 June 1963 (HH Film 6/3)

Photographs of river shipping and places
Engineer John Norris prepares fire for PS 'Marion's last trip, 1963 (HH/2)

Photographs of river shipping and places
PS 'Reynella' used as sand pump in Berri area, 1963 (HH Film 6/4)

Photographs of river shipping and places
PS 'Kookaburra' at Loxton, 1963 (HH Film 6/6)

Photographs of river shipping and places
Crowd farewells PS 'Marion' at lock 4, 1963 (FF/15)

Photographs of river shipping and places
PS 'Marion' departing from Lock 4, 1963 (FF/14)

Photographs of river shipping and places
PS 'Marion' near Lock 4, 1963 (FF/11 & /13)

Photographs of river shipping and places
PS 'Marion' rounding bend below lock 4, 1963 (FF/13)

Photographs of river shipping and places
PS 'Marion' in lock 3 chamber, 1963 (HH Film 2/2 & /3)

Photographs of river shipping and places
PS 'Marion' in lock 3 chamber, 1963 (HH Film 2/2 & /3)

Photographs of river shipping and places
Mrs Myrtle Drage, chef and Ray Grimshaw, assistant chef on board PS 'Marion' on last trip, 1963 (FF/9)

Photographs of river shipping and places
4:15 am at Waikerie, 1963 (HH Film 5/1)

Photographs of river shipping and places
Morgan wharf, PS 'Marion's arrival, 1963 (HH film 5/7 &/6)

Photographs of river shipping and places
Morgan wharf, PS 'Marion's arrival, 1963 (HH film 5/7 &/6)

Photographs of river shipping and places
Blanchetown's farewell, 1963 (HH Film 4/1)

Photographs of river shipping and places
PS 'Marion' arriving Swan Reach, 1963 (HH Film 4/3)

Photographs of river shipping and places
PS 'Marion' at Purnong Landing, 1963 (HH/13)

Photographs of river shipping and places
PS 'Marion' at Purnong Landing, 1963 (HH/13)

Photographs of river shipping and places
PS 'Marion' at Purnong Landing, 1963 (HH/13)

Photographs of river shipping and places
PS 'Marion' arrival at Bow Hill, 1963 (HH Film 4/4 &/6)

Photographs of river shipping and places
PS 'Marion' arrival at Bow Hill, 1963 (HH Film 4/4 &/6)

Photographs of river shipping and places
PS 'Marion' from last cliffs before Mannum, 1963 (HH/13)