Hubbe family coat of arms [PRG 1242/12/2] • Artwork

Hubbe family coat of arms
Coat of arms of the Hubbe family of Hamburg, made from stained glass. The design features a heron at the top, standing on a helmet in the centre, above a shield with a design of wheat, surrounded by leaf patterns in red and yellow. The family motto is written across the top: 'Spe melioris' [in hopes of improving].

Hubbe family coat of arms
Coat of arms of the Hubbe family of Hamburg, made from stained glass. The design features a heron at the top, standing on a helmet in the centre, above a shield with a design of wheat, surrounded by leaf patterns in red and yellow. The family motto is written across the top: 'Spe melioris' [in hopes of improving].

Hubbe family coat of arms
Coat of arms of the Hubbe family of Hamburg, made from stained glass. The design features a heron at the top, standing on a helmet in the centre, above a shield with a design of wheat, surrounded by leaf patterns in red and yellow. The family motto is written across the top: 'Spe melioris' [in hopes of improving].