Hubbe family history items [PRG 1242/12] • Mixed material

Hubbe family print
Print from a copper plate engraving depicting the Hubbe family of Hamburg, Germany, by German illustrator Otto Speckter. Accompanied by notes from A. Moxon Simpson and Antony A. Simpson describing the print. From diary of A. Moxon Simpson, Wednesday 20 June 1962: 'a print of a Cu engraving made about 1838, showing the head of the Hubbes of that date, with others, before Davoust, who had demanded the surrender of food stored in the city, and been refused; her ordered them to be shot, but was persuaded not to; the scenes 25 years after showed them all at peace, some in Mexico".

Hubbe family coat of arms
Coat of arms of the Hubbe family of Hamburg, made from stained glass. The design features a heron at the top, standing on a helmet in the centre, above a shield with a design of wheat, surrounded by leaf patterns in red and yellow. The family motto is written across the top: 'Spe melioris' [in hopes of improving].