Series 048: Aerial views of Adelaide [BRG 397/2/48] • Photograph

Item 31: Aerial view of Adelaide.
High altitude aerial photograph of the city, looking south west with North Terrace in the foreground and the south parklands at the top of the image. The trees of the five city squares are clearly visible among the buildings.

Item 32: Aerial view near the Torrens.
Low-angle aerial view of Adelaide, looking south west over buildings between the River and North Terrance, including the Torrens Parade Ground, University of Adelaide and Government House.

Item 33: Aerial view of Adelaide.
Aerial photograph of the city, looking south east with the Railway Station in the foreground. The view extends across the city and south-eastern suburbs towards the Adelaide Hills.

Item 34: Adelaide during 1937 Ashes test.
Aerial view across Adelaide, looking south east, with the 1937 Ashes test underway in the foreground at Adelaide Oval. For additional views of the Oval during the 1937 test, see BRG 397/2/20/3-4 and other photos in this series