Series 048: Aerial views of Adelaide [BRG 397/2/48] • Photograph

Item 01: Aerial view of Adelaide, looking south west.
Aerial view of Adelaide looking south west, with the University of Adelaide in the foreground. The western parklands and Anzac Highway can be seen in the middle distance, and the view extends as far as the sea.

Item 02: Aerial view of Adelaide, looking north.
Aerial view of Adelaide, looking north along the northern half of King William Street. Victoria Square appears at the bottom of the image. The view shows the extent of the northern suburbs at the time, including Prospect and other inner suburbs.

Item 03: High altitude aerial view of Adelaide.
Aerial view of Adelaide looking south from a high altitude. The whole city of Adelaide can be seen, as well as North Adelaide in the foreground and inner southern suburbs extending approximately to Cross Road, including Parkside, Unley and Goodwood.

Item 04: Aerial view of Adelaide, looking south.
Aerial photograph of Adelaide, looking south along King William Road and King William Street. The Torrens Parade Ground, Government House and the Railway Station are in the foreground. The low-angle view extends across the southern suburbs as far as the Adelaide Hills.

Item 05: Aerial view of Adelaide, looking south west.
Aerial view of Adelaide looking south west from a high altitude. The five city squares can be seen clearly among the rooftops.

Item 06: Aerial view of Adelaide, looking north west.
Aerial photograph of Adelaide, looking north west with Victoria Square in the foreground. The view extends across the northern suburbs as far as the Port River and Torrens Island.

Item 07: Aerial view of Adelaide and North Adelaide.
Aerial photograph of Adelaide, looking north along King William Street towards the River Torrens, Adelaide Oval and North Adelaide. The view extends across the northern suburbs as far as the Port River and Torrens Island.

Item 08: Aerial view of city and south-western suburbs.
Aerial photograph of Adelaide and suburbs, looking south west from a high altitude. All of the city of Adelaide can be seen. The Zoo, Botanic Park and the Botanic Gardens appear in the foreground. Routes including Anzac Highway, the train line and the tram line are clearly visible cutting through the suburbs towards the coast, which is visible at the top of the photograph.

Item 09: Aerial photo of Adelaide, looking south west.
Aerial photo of Adelaide, looking south west from a high altitude. All of the city of Adelaide can be seen. Botanic Park is evident in the foreground, and the image extends to the inner south-western suburbs.

Item 10: Aerial view of North Terrace precinct.
Aerial view of buildings between North Terrace and the River Torrens, looking south. Includes views of the University of Adelaide, Torrens Parade Ground, State Library and Museum, and Government House.

Item 11: Aerial view of Adelaide.
Aerial view of Adelaide, looking south east towards the Adelaide Hills. The Railway Station and newly-extended Parliament House are prominent in the foreground.

Item 12: Aerial view of near the Torrens.
Aerial view of the northern part of the Adelaide CBD and along the River, looking approximately west. The Benham Laboratories at the the University of Adelaide are under construction near the University Footbridge.

Item 13: Aerial view of Adelaide and hills.
Aerial photograph of Adelaide, looking south east with the Railway Station in the foreground. The view extends across the south eastern suburbs towards the Adelaide Hills.

Item 14: Aerial view of cricket at Adelaide Oval.
Aerial photograph of Adelaide Oval where a cricket match is in progress, attended by a large crowd. Believed to be the 1937 Ashes test between Australian and England; see also BRG 397/2/20/3-4 and other photos in this series.

Item 15: Ashes test, 1937.
Aerial view of Adelaide Oval during the 1937 Ashes Test between Australia and England. The scoreboard suggests that the image was taken early in England's first innings, with Charlie Barnett and Wally Hammond at the crease. See also BRG 397/2/20/3-4 and other photos in this series.

Item 16: Aerial view of Klemzig and Felixstow.
Aerial view of orchards at Klemzig and Felixstow, looking south east towards the Adelaide Hills.

Item 17: St Peter's Cathedral from the air.
Aerial view of St Peter's Cathedral and surrounding properties at North Adelaide, looking north east.

Item 18: Aerial view of cricket at Adelaide Oval.
Aerial photograph of Adelaide Oval where a cricket match is in progress, attended by a large crowd. Believed to be the 1937 Ashes test between Australian and England; see also BRG 397/2/20/3-4 and other photos in this series.

Item 19: Adelaide Oval and River Torrens.
Aerial photograph of Adelaide Oval where a cricket match is in progress, attended by a large crowd. Believed to be the 1937 Ashes test between Australian and England; see also BRG 397/2/20/3-4 and other photos in this series. The River and the Railway Station can be seen at the top of the image.

Item 20: Adelaide Oval and River Torrens.
Aerial photograph of Adelaide Oval where a cricket match is in progress, attended by a large crowd. Believed to be the 1937 Ashes test between Australian and England; see also BRG 397/2/20/3-4 and other photos in this series. The River and the Railway Station can be seen at the top of the image.

Item 21: Aerial view along King William Street.
Aerial photograph of Adelaide, looking south along King William Street towards Victoria Square. The view extends across the inner southern suburbs.

Item 22: Aerial view of Adelaide.
Aerial view of Adelaide CBD, looking south east with the Railway Station and Parliament House in the foreground.

Item 23: Adelaide from the air.
Aerial view of Adelaide city from a high altitude, looking south-south east. The Railway Station and Parliament House are in the foreground.

Item 24: Aerial view of Adelaide.
Aerial photograph of Adelaide city, looking south-south east. Government House and Parliament House are in the foreground.

Item 25: Adelaide, looking south east.
Aerial view of Adelaide, looking south east across the CBD and suburbs towards the Adelaide Hills. The Railway Station and Parliament House are in the foreground. The City Baths on King William Road can also be seen; they are being refurbished and the pool is empty.

Item 26: Aerial view of Adelaide, looking south east.
Aerial photograph of Adelaide, looking south east. The Railway Station is in the foreground and the Adelaide Hills provide a backdrop across the image.

Item 27: Aerial view along southern King William Street.
Aerial photograph looking north along King William Street from the south parklands.

Item 28: Aerial view of King William Street.
Aerial image of the northern part of the Adelaide CBD, looking approximately north along King William Street towards North Adelaide and the inner northern suburbs.

Item 29: King William Street from the air.
Aerial photograph, looking north west along King William Street towards the River Torrens, Adelaide Oval and North Adelaide. The twin towers of the GPO and Town Hall appear in the foreground.

Item 30: High altitude aerial view of Adelaide.
Aerial photograph of the city from a high altitude, looking approximately south, with North Adelaide in the foreground. The view extends across the inner southern suburbs to approximately Cross Road.