S. A. Centenary Labour Day Celebration: street parade [B 8334/132-138] • Photograph

S. A. Centenary Labour Day Celebration: street parade
'Main float, showing method of cable joining, aerial lines construction and switchboard operating'. The photograph includes a view of crowds gathered in Victoria Square near the statue of Colonel Light

S. A. Centenary Labour Day Celebration: street parade
'Carriage of mails by camel transport'

S. A. Centenary Labour Day Celebration: street parade
'Type of mail cart used until 1916. Uniform is that worn by post men before 1900 (use of mule probably not authentic)'

S. A. Centenary Labour Day Celebration: street parade
'Propaganda float', car decorated with streamers and advertising billboard

S. A. Centenary Labour Day Celebration: street parade
'Floats', cars decorated with streamers and billboards. One billboard reads 'Your communications in the age of speed, 1936'

S. A. Centenary Labour Day Celebration: street parade
'Float', a truck decorated with gum tree branches, with a billboard that reads '1836, our State's only post office was administered by British postal authorities, Cygnet River, Kangaroo Island'

S. A. Centenary Labour Day Celebration: street parade
'Float', group of postal workers assembled at the Amalgamated Postal Workers' Union float.