Children's Fancy Dress Ball 1887 [B 7723] • Photograph

Fairweather Bickford
Fairweather Bickford aged 13 years old, dressed as a Blue Coat Boy.

Harding Bickford
Harding Bickford aged 10 years old, dressed as a Infantry officer.

Harold Bickford
Harold Bickford aged 11 years old, dressed as an officer.

May Bickford
May Bickford aged 15 years old, dressed as a Russian fisherwife.

May Bickford
May Bickford aged 15 years old, dressed as a Russian fisherwife.

Sidney Bickford
Sidney Bickford aged 13 years old, dressed as an officer.

Antonia Bircher
Antonia Bircher aged 10 years old, dressed as a telephone.

C. and V. Bircher
Charles and Victoria Bircher aged 8 and 11 years, dressed as a Pierrett and Pierrot.

Nora Blackmore
Nora Blackmore aged 8 years old, dressed as Lady Teazle.

Edith A. Bonython
Edith A. Bonython aged 10 years old, dressed as Amy Robsart.

Elsie Bonython
Elsie Bonython aged 13 years old, dressed as a Norwegian fishgirl.

Hugh T. Bonython
Hugh T. Bonython aged 8 years old, dressed as Earl of Leicester.

John L. Bonython
John L. Bonython aged 12 years old, dressed as a Courtier of Charles I.

Constance Boothby
Constance Boothby, dressed as a Roman girl.

Minnie Boothby
Edith 'Minnie' Boothby, dressed as a Sweet girl graduate. Daughter of Susannah Hinds Boothby, nee Lawrence, and Josiah Boothby.

Gertrude Borthwick
Gertrude Borthwick, dressed as Myasotis.

Ernest Boucaut
Ernest Boucaut aged 10 years old, dressed as a Neapolitan fisherman.

Leonard Boucaut
Leonard Boucaut aged 14 years old, dressed as a Vierlander.

M. Boucaut
M. Boucaut aged 12 years old, dressed as knave of Hearts.

Ada Bowman
Ada Bowman aged 14 years old, dressed as America.

Ada and C. Bowman
Ada and C. Bowman, dressed as America and a butterfly.

Blanche Bray
Blanche Bray aged 6 years old, dressed as a fairy.

Cecil Bray
Cecil Bray aged 13 years old, dressed as a footballer.

Harry Bray
Harry Bray aged 8 years old, dressed as Knave of Hearts.

Denzel Brock
Denizel Brock aged 8 years old, dressed as a baker.

Edith Brock
Edith Brock aged 10 years old, dressed as a Sea nymph.

Maud Brooks
Maud Brooks aged 14 years old, dressed as a Greek slave.

Blanche Bruce
Blanche Bruce, dressed as a shepherdess.

Mabel and Vernon Bruer
Mabel and Vernon Bruer, dressed as Italian peasants. [Mabel was born in England and Vernon was born on a sailing ship off the coast of South Africa. A younger brother was born in 1892 in South Australia.]

Harold Bullock
Harold Bullock aged 11 years old, dressed as a midshipman.