Album of photos of the Prince of Wales' visit, St Peter's Cathedral and Adelaide [B 76506] • Photograph

Album of photos of the Prince of Wales' visit, St Peter's Cathedral and Adelaide
St Peter's Cathedral viewed from Pennington Gardens

Album of photos of the Prince of Wales' visit, St Peter's Cathedral and Adelaide
St Peter's Cathedral viewed from Pennington Gardens

Album of photos of the Prince of Wales' visit, St Peter's Cathedral and Adelaide
Northern view of St Peter's Cathedral during additions as viewed from across King William Road

Album of photos of the Prince of Wales' visit, St Peter's Cathedral and Adelaide
St Peter's Cathedral prior to the construction of the front spires

Album of photos of the Prince of Wales' visit, St Peter's Cathedral and Adelaide
St Peter's Cathedral viewed from Pennington Gardens

Album of photos of the Prince of Wales' visit, St Peter's Cathedral and Adelaide
St Peter's Cathedral viewed from Pennington Gardens

Album of photos of the Prince of Wales' visit, St Peter's Cathedral and Adelaide
St Peter's Cathedral viewed from Pennington Gardens

Album of photos of the Prince of Wales' visit, St Peter's Cathedral and Adelaide
St Peter's Cathedral viewed from King William Road, showing the two spires with scaffolding around them

Album of photos of the Prince of Wales' visit, St Peter's Cathedral and Adelaide
St Peter's Cathedral viewed from Pennington Gardens after the completion of the front spires

Album of photos of the Prince of Wales' visit, St Peter's Cathedral and Adelaide
St Peter's Cathedral viewed from Pennington Gardens

Album of photos of the Prince of Wales' visit, St Peter's Cathedral and Adelaide
St Peter's Cathedral viewed from Elder Park near Adelaide Bridge

Album of photos of the Prince of Wales' visit, St Peter's Cathedral and Adelaide
Horse drawn trams crossing Adelaide Bridge with St. Peter's Cathedral in the background

Album of photos of the Prince of Wales' visit, St Peter's Cathedral and Adelaide
1911 view S.E. from the roof of the Supreme Court to King William Street. The Glenelg train is in the foreground with Harry Lyons Wall Paper Depot, the Acme Boot Shop, Balfour & Co, Hoffman's Federal cigar divan and Hairdressing saloon, Fricker's Crown & Sceptre Hotel, Melville's fish & Oyster saloon, and the newly constructed King's Theatre on the opposite side.

Album of photos of the Prince of Wales' visit, St Peter's Cathedral and Adelaide
Adelaide GPO and Victoria Square, looking north

Album of photos of the Prince of Wales' visit, St Peter's Cathedral and Adelaide
Moore's Store on Victoria Square

Album of photos of the Prince of Wales' visit, St Peter's Cathedral and Adelaide
Three boys, each in a small cart drawn by a goat

Album of photos of the Prince of Wales' visit, St Peter's Cathedral and Adelaide
Buildings along the western side of Victoria Square

Album of photos of the Prince of Wales' visit, St Peter's Cathedral and Adelaide
Institute Building and Public Library floodlit for the Prince of Wales visit

Album of photos of the Prince of Wales' visit, St Peter's Cathedral and Adelaide
GPO and Town Hall floodlit for the Prince of Wales visit

Album of photos of the Prince of Wales' visit, St Peter's Cathedral and Adelaide
GPO and Town Hall floodlit for the Prince of Wales visit

Album of photos of the Prince of Wales' visit, St Peter's Cathedral and Adelaide
Town Hall and Treasury Buildings floodlit for the Prince of Wales visit

Album of photos of the Prince of Wales' visit, St Peter's Cathedral and Adelaide
Town Hall floodlit for the Prince of Wales visit

Album of photos of the Prince of Wales' visit, St Peter's Cathedral and Adelaide
Exhibition Building floodlit for the Prince of Wales visit

Album of photos of the Prince of Wales' visit, St Peter's Cathedral and Adelaide
East End Markets floodlit for the Prince of Wales visit

Album of photos of the Prince of Wales' visit, St Peter's Cathedral and Adelaide
Looking along Hindley Street from King William Street, with the banner 'We honour our King's son' strung across it

Album of photos of the Prince of Wales' visit, St Peter's Cathedral and Adelaide
The Prince of Wales and dignitaries at the Jubilee Oval

Album of photos of the Prince of Wales' visit, St Peter's Cathedral and Adelaide
The Prince of Wales and dignitaries outside a vine covered building

Album of photos of the Prince of Wales' visit, St Peter's Cathedral and Adelaide
Decorations along King William Street (looking south)

Album of photos of the Prince of Wales' visit, St Peter's Cathedral and Adelaide
Crowd in King William Street with the royal procession in the distance

Album of photos of the Prince of Wales' visit, St Peter's Cathedral and Adelaide
Crowd in King William Street