Flax production and aerial spraying [B 73748/1-15] • Mixed material

Flax crop.

Flax crop.

Slightly expanded but smaller view of photograph B 73748/3, which shows of a man standing amongst a crop of partly harvested flax. Caption reads 'Flax crop grown 1943 averaged 2 1/2 ton "Gumleigh"'. 'Dean Bond'.

Flax stooks.

Flax stooks.

Photograph of harvested flax stooks standing in a paddock. 'View of 87 acres of flax on property of Mr Wes Johnson of Hynam which was sold for £9.15.0 per ton. Crop on adjoining 13 acres returned £9.7.6 per ton. Total harvest was 245 tons'.

Flax stooks.

Flax stooks.

Mounted copy of photograph B 73748/5 showing harvested flax stooks standing in a paddock. Caption reads 'View of 87 acres of flax on property of Mr Wes Johnson of Hynam which was sold for £9.15.0 per ton. Crop on adjoining 13 acres returned £9.7.6 per ton. Total harvest was 245 tons'.

Men with tractor and reaper-binder.

Men with tractor and reaper-binder.

Mounted copy of a photograph of two men harvesting a crop of flax with a tractor and reaper-binder. Caption reads 'Binder showing divider which was necessary to divide a 6 foot row to be cut. Particularly in a dense crop.

Tractor with reaper-binder.

Tractor with reaper-binder.

Mounted copy of a photograph showing a tractor and reaper-binder parked in a paddock of flax.

Load of flax.

Load of flax.

Mounted copy of a photograph showing a truck with a trailer, both piled high with flax. Caption reads 'Last load of flax from 1946 crop being transported to rail siding at Goroke.'

Men with load of flax.

Men with load of flax.

Copy of a photograph showing a truck piled high with flax, with a man standing at the top and three others standing alongside.

Flax stack.

Flax stack.

Mounted copy of a photograph showing a large flax stack, with a loader extended to the top. Caption reads 'At the request of the flax production committee 90 tons of flax was stacked and retained on the property for approximately 4-6 weeks. For this the committee was paid 10 shillings per ton.

Aerial spraying.

Aerial spraying.

Mounted copy of a photograph showing three men standing beside a biplane in a paddock, one holding a hose. The aeroplane has a sign reading 'Robby's Aircraft' written on the tail; the pilot sits inside the cockpit. The caption reads 'Aerial spraying commenced on linseed crops'.

Biplane in a paddock.

Biplane in a paddock.

Mounted copy of a photograph showing a front view of a biplane resting in a paddock, with a vehicle parked alongside. A man stands on a wing, talking to another standing nearby. Assumed to be the biplane featuring in B 73748/12, used for spraying.

People posing beside cars.

People posing beside cars.

Copy of a photograph of men, women and children standing beside three cars parked in a row at the side of a dirt road, with two building in view behind.

Flax photographs, page in album.

Flax photographs, page in album.

Page with six photographs of flax harvesting. See B 73748/15A-F for individual photographs.

Reaper-binder in flax harvest.

Reaper-binder in flax harvest.

Photograph of a reaper-binder parked in a partly harvested paddock, with sheafs of flax lying on the ground.

Reaper-binder and traction engine.

Reaper-binder and traction engine.

Photograph of a reaper-binder pulled by a traction engine, parked in a partly harvested paddock, with sheafs of flax lying on the ground.

Stooks of flax.

Stooks of flax.

Photograph of a paddock with sheafs of harvested flax standing in large stooks.

Loading harvested flax.

Loading harvested flax.

Photograph of a truck, piled high with flax, parked in a paddock.

Man standing on a load of flax.

Man standing on a load of flax.

Photograph of a truck, piled high with flax, parked in a paddock with a man standing at the top.

Men standing beside a load of flax.

Men standing beside a load of flax.

Photograph of a truck, piled high with flax, parked in a paddock with four men posing alongside.