Scenes of Renmark [B 73069] • Photograph

Rural scene

Rural scene

View of a heavily wooded area with a large cloud of dust, possibly the result of blasting.

Cattle in paddock

Cattle in paddock

View of a number of cattles grazing in a lightly wooded area.

House at 'Riverside'

House at 'Riverside'

View of a house identified as 'Riverside'.

View from house

View from house

View from the house identified as 'Riverside', showing a very full Murray River.

Small girl

Small girl

A young girl pictured in a garden, wearing a dress and sunbonnet.

View across the Murray River

View across the Murray River

View of a settlement on the Murray River, viewed from the opposite bank.

No. 3 Pumping Station

No. 3 Pumping Station

View of No. 3 Pumping Station on the Murray River, with men and horses in the banks of what appears to be a holding pond.

No. 3 Pumping Station

No. 3 Pumping Station

View of No. 3 Pumping Station on the Murray River, showing the main building with a large wood pile beside it, together with a smaller hut and a holding pond.

Renmark wharf and packing sheds

Renmark wharf and packing sheds

View across a body of water looking towards the Renmark wharf and packing sheds.

Steam tractor at Renmark

Steam tractor at Renmark

A steam powered tractor being used the clear land at Renmark. The engine is a McLaren single cylinder ploughing engine, manufactured in Leeds, England, by J & H McLaren & Co. [information provided by a researcher].