Photographs of buildings, building sites, reserves etc. [B 72747/1-93] • Photograph

Photographs of buildings, building sites, reserves etc.
Edinburgh Hotel, Mitcham

Photographs of buildings, building sites, reserves etc.
Centennial Hall, Wayville Showgrounds, 27/5/1998

Photographs of buildings, building sites, reserves etc.
Centennial Hall, Wayville Showgrounds, 27/5/1998

Photographs of buildings, building sites, reserves etc.
Old Toll House

Photographs of buildings, building sites, reserves etc.
Old Toll House

Photographs of buildings, building sites, reserves etc.
Russian Community Centre, corner of Portrush Road and Norwood Parade, 30/9/1998

Photographs of buildings, building sites, reserves etc.
Russian Community Centre, corner of Portrush Road and Norwood Parade, 30/9/1998

Photographs of buildings, building sites, reserves etc.
Russian Community Centre, corner of Portrush Road and Norwood Parade, 30/9/1998

Photographs of buildings, building sites, reserves etc.
Greek Women's Centre, Florence Street, Goodwood, 3/6/1997

Photographs of buildings, building sites, reserves etc.
Former Goodwood Orphanage, 24/2/1999

Photographs of buildings, building sites, reserves etc.
Former Goodwood Orphanage, 3/12/1997

Photographs of buildings, building sites, reserves etc.
Allan Hall inside the Oxford Theatre, Unley, 13/5/1996

Photographs of buildings, building sites, reserves etc.
Former toilet block on Henry Codd Reserve, corner of Maud and Windsor Streets, Parkside, 7/10/1998

Photographs of buildings, building sites, reserves etc.
Forestville Reserve

Photographs of buildings, building sites, reserves etc.
Exterior of City of Mitcham Memorial Library, 25/3/1998

Photographs of buildings, building sites, reserves etc.
Mitcham Library bookshelves bunched together, 2/9/1998

Photographs of buildings, building sites, reserves etc.
Edwardstown Primary School students crowded together in school education area at Mitcham Library, 2/9/1998

Photographs of buildings, building sites, reserves etc.
Unley Police Station, Edmund Avenue, Unley, 2/6/1997

Photographs of buildings, building sites, reserves etc.
Unley Community Club

Photographs of buildings, building sites, reserves etc.
Unley Council Chambers, 15/4/1997

Photographs of buildings, building sites, reserves etc.
Unley Council Chambers/Library, 15/4/1997

Photographs of buildings, building sites, reserves etc.
Unley Swimming Pool, Forestville, 13/6/1997

Photographs of buildings, building sites, reserves etc.
Unley Swimming Centre, 8/7/1998

Photographs of buildings, building sites, reserves etc.
Unley Swimming Centre, 8/7/1998

Photographs of buildings, building sites, reserves etc.
Unley Swimming Centre, 8/7/1998

Photographs of buildings, building sites, reserves etc.
Storm water drain wall which appears to have pipe outlets coming from Unley Swimming Centre which is located behind the adjacent fence

Photographs of buildings, building sites, reserves etc.
Unley Swimming Centre, located directly behind the wire and metal fence, 8/7/1998

Photographs of buildings, building sites, reserves etc.
Murray House, Magill Campus, University of South Australia, 8/7/1998

Photographs of buildings, building sites, reserves etc.
Magill Campus, University of South Australia

Photographs of buildings, building sites, reserves etc.
Magill Campus Auditorium