Messenger Press, 1988-1999, Photograph, B 72641/55
Esme Dobson, calisthenics administrator, 1990 SA Great award winner
Messenger Press, 1988-1999, Photograph, B 72641/56
John Doherty, president AIM-SA, 13/6/1990
Messenger Press, 1988-1999, Photograph, B 72641/57
Dr Terry Donald on child abuse, 1998
Messenger Press, 1988-1999, Photograph, B 72641/58
George Donikian and Jane Doyle for the Better Hearing Australia clear speech awards 1994
Messenger Press, 1988-1999, Photograph, B 72641/59
Alderman Chris Douglas, 3/5/1995
Messenger Press, 1988-1999, Photograph, B 72641/60
Alderman Chris Douglas, 14/7/1993
Messenger Press, 1988-1999, Photograph, B 72641/61
Councillor Chris Douglas 9/9/1998
Messenger Press, 1988-1999, Photograph, B 72641/62
John Dowie 15/10/1997
Messenger Press, 1988-1999, Photograph, B 72641/63
Nicki and Alexander Downer, 1994 Grand Prix ball, 11/11/1994
Messenger Press, 1988-1999, Photograph, B 72641/64
Catherine Downey, publicity and media liaison, Royal Adelaide Hospital, 22/8/1990
Messenger Press, 1988-1999, Photograph, B 72641/65
Mr Randolph Alwis presents Ms Maeve Downes of the Women's and Children's Hospital with the DRSC-SA certificate of appreciation
Messenger Press, 1988-1999, Photograph, B 72641/66
Urban ecology Australia project architect Paul Downton. Photo by Richard Walker. 7/2/1995
Messenger Press, 1988-1999, Photograph, B 72641/67
Paul Downton, director of EcoPolis with a model of Halifax ecocity. Photo by Richard Walker. 7/9/1993
Messenger Press, 1988-1999, Photograph, B 72641/68
Jayne Doyle, Seven nightly news presenter with her west highland white puppy Toby
Messenger Press, 1988-1999, Photograph, B 72641/69
Messenger Press, 1988-1999, Photograph, B 72641/70
Mick Doyle, secretary United Fire Fighters Union. 17/2/1999
Messenger Press, 1988-1999, Photograph, B 72641/71
Messenger Press, 1988-1999, Photograph, B 72641/72
Margaret Dreyer newly arrived from South Africa. 7/7/1998.