Views of the Bastyan Wing [B 72589/1-13] • Photograph

Views of the Bastyan Wing

Views of the Bastyan Wing

Customers walking into the Library

Views of the Bastyan Wing

Views of the Bastyan Wing

Roland Eime, librarian in charge of Youth Lending, in the foyer's exhibition area featuring the works of John Gould

Views of the Bastyan Wing

Views of the Bastyan Wing

Roland Eime, librarian in charge of Youth Lending, assisting a customer

Views of the Bastyan Wing

Views of the Bastyan Wing

Visitors viewing the exhibition in the foyer

Views of the Bastyan Wing

Views of the Bastyan Wing

Part of the Reference Library reading area, showing the study carrels

Views of the Bastyan Wing

Views of the Bastyan Wing

Woman at the card catalogue in the Reference Library

Views of the Bastyan Wing

Views of the Bastyan Wing

In the Children's Library

Views of the Bastyan Wing

Views of the Bastyan Wing

Part of the work area in the Bindery

Views of the Bastyan Wing

Views of the Bastyan Wing

Staff at work in the Country Lending Service

Views of the Bastyan Wing

Views of the Bastyan Wing

Staff at work in the Country Lending Service

Views of the Bastyan Wing

Views of the Bastyan Wing

Brian Barrett, officer in charge of the Bindery (left) with apprentice Ian Vaughan

Views of the Bastyan Wing

Views of the Bastyan Wing

Book sewing machine being operated in the Bindery

Views of the Bastyan Wing

Views of the Bastyan Wing

State Librarian, Hedley Brideson, in the Symon Library.