Visit of Sir Edric Bastyan to the Library [B 72588/1-3] • Photograph

Visit of Sir Edric Bastyan to the Library

Visit of Sir Edric Bastyan to the Library

From left: Sir Edric Bastyan, Miss Joyce Tucker (booksewer), Mr D.G. McFarling (Chairman, Libraries Board of S.A.), Captain Bovill (Aide)

Visit of Sir Edric Bastyan to the Library

Visit of Sir Edric Bastyan to the Library

From left: Captain Bovill (Aide), Mr G.L. Fischer (Archivist) and Sir Edric Bastyan

Visit of Sir Edric Bastyan to the Library

Visit of Sir Edric Bastyan to the Library

From left: Mr R.D. Stokes (foreman bookbinder), Sir Edric Bastyan, Mr H.C. Brideson (State Librarian), Lady Bastyan, Ian Vaughan (apprentice).