Photographs of 1927 tour from Wilpena to Yadlamalka [B 72119/1-39] • Photograph

Photographs of 1927 tour from Wilpena to Yadlamalka

Photographs of 1927 tour from Wilpena to Yadlamalka

Pelican Waterhole, south of Birdsville

Photographs of 1927 tour from Wilpena to Yadlamalka

Photographs of 1927 tour from Wilpena to Yadlamalka

28/5/27. Cattle watering on bore drain near Mount Gason

Photographs of 1927 tour from Wilpena to Yadlamalka

Photographs of 1927 tour from Wilpena to Yadlamalka

28/5/27 Mount Gason Bore

Photographs of 1927 tour from Wilpena to Yadlamalka

Photographs of 1927 tour from Wilpena to Yadlamalka

29/5/27 Camp at Coroowilanie (Scobies)

Photographs of 1927 tour from Wilpena to Yadlamalka

Photographs of 1927 tour from Wilpena to Yadlamalka

29/5/27 Stuck in Dulkininna Bore drain

Photographs of 1927 tour from Wilpena to Yadlamalka

Photographs of 1927 tour from Wilpena to Yadlamalka

29/5/27. Matting Natterannie

Photographs of 1927 tour from Wilpena to Yadlamalka

Photographs of 1927 tour from Wilpena to Yadlamalka

2/6/27 Icicles at Yadlamalka at 9 a.m.

Photographs of 1927 tour from Wilpena to Yadlamalka

Photographs of 1927 tour from Wilpena to Yadlamalka

29/5/27 Date Grove at Lake Murray Bore

Photographs of 1927 tour from Wilpena to Yadlamalka

Photographs of 1927 tour from Wilpena to Yadlamalka

Headworks of Yadlamalka pipe scheme, in Marachowie Creek.